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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. http://www.news-gazette.com/living/2017-10-16/pet-talk-put-the-brakes-ex-racers.html Posted as an FYI. Found in a local paper.
  2. I'm so sorry that Bosco had to leave so soon, Jan. Run-free, Bosco. The other campers will show you around up there.
  3. I'm so sorry to see Sammie's name here. Run-free, Sammie.
  4. Beautiful boy. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run-free, Colin.
  5. I use 1 TBSP carrots and 3/4 cup boiling water from the microwave. Put both in a bowl and cover it. I don't bother with the oil. Rocket eats 3 smaller meals each day, so he gets 1/3 of the carrots on each meal.
  6. I was shocked to see his name here. I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. Run free, Gilly and keep sending your Mom those signs.
  7. I would be more inclined to think that there is something going on that needs to be checked. Maybe just arthritis or a strain, and it could be that the way the dog sleeps (positions) exacerbates whatever is going on. I can't see any reason to think that a bed is the actual cause though. A thorough vet check or visit to a vet orthopedist might be appropriate if it is ongoing.
  8. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, Beau.
  9. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, Jake.
  10. Gotta love those big brindle boys! Welcome home, Saint. Can't wait to see your mischief adventures posted here.
  11. I'm very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. Run-free, Fanny.
  12. That is one handsome dude! (Don't look, Lexie) Congratulations!
  13. Not at all unusual. We see this same question come up all the time in this circumstance. It's mostly stress and getting used to being someplace new. Sooner or later, she will go. Keep taking her out and giving the opportunity so she gets used to the idea of going out. If you are taking her out on a leash and not in a fenced area, then try to give her a little privacy if you can like letting her go behind something as she may not be used to going while on a leash. Some people have had success by tying 2 leashes together to give them a longer lead to get away from the human, but this is also risky with a new dog. If you do that, be sure that the leashes cannot come apart, and as always, keep the "death grip" on the leash and give it a couple of wraps around your hand and wrist so the dog can't bolt it something startles her. Congratulations on your new girl. She will be fine.
  14. I think Daddyman has a buddy! Beautiful pup!
  15. What a gorgeous girl. I am so sorry for your sudden loss. Run-free, Katie.
  16. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run free, Riley.
  17. Cheezeburger plane pleez! Welcome Home Tessie!
  18. We'll miss seeing you Mary Pat. Safe travels.
  19. DW and I usually wear our Rocket buttons. that look like this. That's Rocket wearing his Pimp Hat.
  20. Party at Irene's house.... Will be good to see you again. Where will you be vending?
  21. Okay - I can't wait any longer - It's time for the annual "whosgoingtodeweywhereareyoustayingandwhereareweeating?" meetup thread. (Thats all one word, right? DW and I will be there. Rocket will be there in spirit since we will be flying in from Phoenix. Post your plans, questions, restaurant suggestions, and potential meetups on the beach or anywhere in the towns. Just remember not to reveal too much personal info about your plans here or on social media that can lead to your house getting robbed while gone, etc. While we have a great group of greyhound folks here, it is the internet and revealing too much just shouldn't be done. I'm not worried about my house as we have an 81 year old neighbor across the street who carries her gun and isn't shy about using it if necessary. She doesn't miss too much that goes on here.. Hope to catch up with many of you that we haven't seen recently or haven't met yet. We'll be staying in downtown Rehoboth but can meet up on the beach or any of the usual local places. Camp Cocktail, here we come!
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