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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Welcome home CC. Your aunt Rachael has slipped me a few pics of you while you were settling in. You hit the jackpot of greyhound homes! Hope to meet you in Dewey this year!
  2. Agree that he needs a vet to administer fluids at a minimum. Getting him re-hydrated will help alleviate some of the stress so some Pedialyte would also help. Depending where you are, you might be able to get a probiotic delivered same day or next day via Amazon if a local store doesn't have what you want. Rocket had stress colitis, and the only thing that really worked was Tylan which now requires a prescription - you can no longer buy it at a farm supply like you could in the past. It tastes terrible so you will need to put it in capsules to give it. I always just put a capsule in cheese or a pill pocket. The vet will need to calculate the dosing anyway. We always just filled the capsules by hand based on the dose prescribed by the vet. In the short term, you could also try some Olewo Dehydrated carrots mixed into any bland diet you are feeding. I usually made them using 1 TBSP of carrots to about 5 ounces of boiling water so that they were a little thicker, and no oil.
  3. There's nothing in her tummy from fasting. What you're describing sounds like bile which is pretty typical when a hound has an empty tummy. The next stool should be somewhat formed since you put her on food this morning, but may still be runny. I'd say stick with the bland diet until you see the stool form up some more.
  4. I've been wanting to go to Old Pueblo. I doubt we will make that Petunia's first restaurant outing as we will need to work up to that, but will start her off easy with the Starbucks down the street. It has a shaded patio that faces north.and every time the dogs meet there it turns into an unofficial Meet and Greet. It's our only shaded place for summer mornings.
  5. Not yet. We are still working on some training things - like when you get to your destination, you actually have to get out of the car. She is all about walking the neighborhood and meeting people who might have treats though.
  6. Updated with new places from an older article several years old. https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/restaurants/17-dog-friendly-restaurants-wine-bars-and-breweries-in-metro-phoenix-8559945
  7. She has been on metronidazole for about 10 days from the time of the first bloody output. She has had lots of gas and the runs off and on since then, with some good stools thrown in as well. She was staying with a friend for 10 days while we were gone, but they are a very experienced greyhound person. She only had a mix of runs and good stools during that time until the blood showed back up yesterday. That's what makes me think it's a hookworm egg cycle. I restarted her bland diet this morning. She had gone back to kibble for a few days before the bloody stools showed back up yesterday. Friday - evening Editing to clarify - she had one or 2 small bloody bowel movements after the Advantage multi was administered in mid-March. The rest of the time since she has had a combination of regular diarrhea and good stools, has been on metronidazole the whole time, and was on a bland diet for about a week in there. I went back to a bland diet this morning. She does not appear to be sick or suffering any effects, but so far today we have had 3 large puddles of bloody diarrhea along with one yesterday, bright red, and looks similar to other images I've found online that show bloody output from hookworms. Unfortunately, my vet is at a conference so I have very limited access to her for a few days.
  8. For those using Dr Ng's modified protocol - have you given the Drontal Plus even when there is a bloody stool? Petunia had the first application of Advantage Multi in mid-March and has been due for the Drontal Plus for a few days, but she has bloody diarrhea. I have been reluctant to add Drontal Plus into mix due to the bloody stool. I currently have her on a bland diet as well. Currently waiting to hear back from my vet for a decision on whether to give it or not, but wondering what others have experienced. I'm pretty sure that the bloody diarrhea is just another cycle of eggs being eradicated, but was curious what others have experienced using the modified protocol. We went with the modified protocol due to Petunia's age.
  9. Springtime announced a price increase across their entire product line a few months ago. We plan to use the Fresh Factors and Joint Health for Petunia once we get the hookworms out of her. Right now she has too many tummy issues from the hookworms to start her on supplements, but we always saw great results with Rocket using those products, so will stick with them even at the higher price.
  10. Happy Birfday, Miss M. From Petoonia, who wants to know why da hoomans are holding out on da pancakes here.
  11. How many are you getting, Miss Jan? (Ducks and runs for cover....)
  12. Thanks - we happen to have the carrots because we used them for Rocket's stomach issues for years. He did much better if the carrots were added to his food daily. Forgot I had them until you mentioned them.
  13. Thanks. I have Olewo carrots here. I will add them to her meals for a couple days. Can't hurt. Due to Petunia's age, the vet and I decided to try Dr. Ng's modification of the protocol first. I was a little worried about throwing so much into her system in a short time. She came off the farm in November and tested Hook Positive at the adoption group vet in December. The group was just using the standard dewormers. I also did a round of Panacur when she arrived because it was what I had on-hand. I can tell that she is feeling much better, but we definitely needed to step up the game to the 2 different meds to get rid of these hooks.
  14. We started Petunia on Dr. Ng's version of the hookworm protocol on Tuesday of this week. We applied the Advantage Multi that day. Yesterday and today she has had pretty bad liquid diarrhea, and most of the output since Tuesday are what I have always referred to as "worm poops" with a distinctive odor. I'm assuming that the Advantage is just doing it;s thing and killing parasites. I'm curious if anyone else has had the liquid diarrhea issue after giving the first Advantage Multi application and how long it lasted. She is doing fine but has lots of tummy gurgles today, even after eating. We do have her on a probiotic as well,
  15. https://urbalactiv.com/ This is a company that is local to us in AZ and several owners here did a fair amount of research before using them. They have products that are specifically formulated to pets. Our neighbor uses their CBD for two storm-phobic dogs and it works well. We have also seen a couple of greyhounds who are storm phobic chill right out after using it. We used it for Rocket when he was having some additional pain in the weeks before we had to let him go to the bridge. It did seem to help but how much, I'm not sure.
  16. Many if not most of the greyhounds coming off tracks are testing positive for hookworm. If your vet or the group's vet has tested and ruled it out, I would test again just to be sure he is clear. 5 cups is a lot of food for a 77lb dog. Also check the bag to see what their feeding recommendation is for his weight. Over feeding will also cause soft mushy poop and diarrhea. Most kibble will call for a total of 3-4 cups a day. Worms could explain the hunger and soft stools, but the excess food could also cause the mushy stools. If he is clear of hookworms you might try a food with a different protein source such as chicken and see if it satisfies him more. Be sure to make one change at a time and only about 7-10 days between changes to see if each change makes a difference. Also, not all dogs tolerate pumpkin. It works for some and gives others even worse diarrhea. Others will probably suggest some other supplements, possibly a bland diet for a bit, etc, but you need to find the root cause first. Definitely rule out the hookworms first before jumping though the hoops a food change and go from there, one step at a time. Good luck.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run-free, Q.
  18. Rocket was on the Purina NF, both kibble and canned. Not only did he scarf it down at every meal, but the other dogs who visit here always tried to get it too. So, it must have tasted okay. His kidney values stayed stable on it. It was pricey, but I was just happy that he would eat it since it was Rx food. I think I found the best pricing from Chewy.com at the time, and once they have your Rx on file, it was easy to re-order without having to submit the Rx every time.
  19. I just had that wording added to Petunia's Boomerang Tag. There was plenty of room in the 2 lines under her name and then room for 2 phone numbers. I think the provider of those tags you are referring to is no longer in business if they are the ones like Tricia and Burke had on their dogs. They were great tags and I tried to find them for Rocket back then. I had this one made for Rocket from a vendor on ETSY - https://www.etsy.com/listing/109434418/pet-id-tag-if-im-out-im-lost-blue-and?ref=shop_home_active_76 and here is the same tag in a color combo for girls - https://www.etsy.com/listing/166133324/pet-id-tag-if-im-out-im-lost-pink-and?ref=shop_home_active_78
  20. Keep a listen for stomach gurgles just in case he is having an issue, but if this is brand new grass chutes sprouting up, Rocket always thought those were like a salad. It's the only time he would nibble on grass, when the new spring chutes came up.
  21. Lila, Petunia ob Alabama, who is now Petunia ob da Dezzert wants to know what that white stuff in the picture is. You are looking fantastic, Lila!
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