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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. So sorry to see Bandita's name here. We always loved seeing pics from The Full House and seeing Bandita with her brothers and sisters. Mary Pat, we are so sorry for your loss of Hopper. We have several hounds who stay with us and losing them is just like losing one of our own.
  2. Thanks! Actually, she's just black and has gone very gray. One of the first things we asked was if she was blue because she looked like it. You are about the 4th one of us who thought that she is blue. Either way, she is adorable!
  3. Petunia would like to announce that she has a new sister, and introduce her to our GT friends. Please welcome Starz (Under Da Starz) to Camp Broodie. (She's not a broodie but we will make her an honorary one.) Some of you in the Phoenix area may already know Starz from numerous Meet and Greets over the years. Due to a death in her family recently, Starz needed to find a new home where she could spend her remaining days being spoiled and napping in slumber balls. She arrived a little over a week ago and decided to stay when she found out that french fries are occasionally served here. She looks a little thin in some of the pics as she had been picky about her food, and her siblings had probably been eating some of her food if she waked away from it before finishing. She is 12 1/2 and has that senior picky eating thing at times. Since her arrival she has already put on a little weight and has been eating like a champ. She is also a champion roacher. She and Petunia are getting along well and their priorities are the same: food, treats and beds. She loves people, and has already charmed the neighbors and her aunts. She is also a snuggle bug. Welcome home Starz. We love you. The day she arrived - she had apparently been doing some digging. Sampling the House Special Starz and Petunia doing what they do best Another pic from her first day All tucked in for bedtime (Not that we spoil her) And finally, our usual view since she arrived
  4. If the shivering started after the Kennel Cough vaccine I would call the vet and run the symptoms by them to rule out a reaction to the vaccine or confirm if he needs to be seen sooner.
  5. I'm just catching up now and seeing your update. I'm sorry you lost her so quickly but it sounds like she had a great day, and that's what you promised her when she came to you, great days. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Run-free Ellie.
  6. I won't leave a dog alone with a chew of any kind since accidents can happen and a chew can splinter or a piece can break off and get caught in the throat etc. We only give any kind of chewing item when we are here and the dogs are attended. The Kong with peanut butter is definitely the better choice. As MerseyGrey said, freezing it will help it last longer.
  7. Looks like there was some debate about this practice even back in 2007 on the Greyhound Data forum. Not much of a thread but gives the perspective of a couple trainers or owners. Primarily coat maintenance or keeping them cooler in summer if they had a thick coat from the few responses on the forum. https://www.greyhound-data.com/knowledge.php?b=4&note=80913 (Scroll down to see the forum after clicking)
  8. He's going to need sunscreen and an umbrella here.
  9. I think we always have those moments when we second guess whether or not we made the decision at the right time. After several in a row in a short period, we've learned that we can't keep second guessing. I'd much rather be able to be there with the dog to say goodbye in a calm manner and not have it be after a panicked drive to the vet when we waited a little too long and something happens. Sometimes we just need that reassurance that we are interpreting what we are seeing correctly before making the decision. Again, our best to you and your hound.
  10. It's truly a judgement call and the most difficult decision we have to make as pet owners. We promise our dogs that we will not let them live in pain. If pain can no longer be treated or is too intense that it interferes with the hound having a normal life, we make the decision to free them from pain. Additionally, if the hound is not able to live a fairly normal life doing the things they enjoy due to illness, we tend to evaluate pretty carefully to make sure that we aren't keeping them here for us instead of for their own enjoyment of life. Slowing down is expected as they age, but being unable to enjoy the things they always did is one of those things that makes me take a hard look at things. I try to figure out if the potential fix is worse than what they are already going through, or if it has a good chance of giving them a good life for more time. Many of us here believe that a day too soon is better than a day too late when it comes to making that decision. It looks like you have been there too, so just know that whatever you decide, we know you are doing so in your dog's best interest. It never gets easier, but we make them a promise when they come to us that we will always do the right thing for them. I can't help with the blood results as I'm not that well-versed in them, but wish you and your dog the best in getting through this.
  11. We all dread spending the $$$$ at the emergency vet but we are so glad they are there when we need them. Get well soon, Grace,
  12. Happy Birthday Odin! Petunia says she's pretty sure that the appropriate gift for the 9th birthday is French Fries!
  13. The girls of Camp Broodie have been big fans of the Rachael Ray Nutrish Meatballs. They are soft but can also be broken in half if needed. They were one of the only treats that Kate would get up out of her bed to get from the person dispensing them. She normally preferred you to deliver all treats to her bed. I miss that girl. Amazon Link
  14. If the group you adopted her from is still active, contact them. Usually there is a clause in the adoption contract that requires the dog to go back to them if a problem like this arises. If they are no longer around or she was adopted off the track directly, definitely reach out to a local group. If you post your location (city and state if in the US) someone here may be able to suggest a contact person who can help. There is no shame in rehoming, and as much as it hurts us, the dog will definitely be okay. You are doing the right thing for your dog. The dog simply has space issues and there are many of us who have dealt with that with our own hounds. If the household is stressful for you due to the situation, it is just as stressful for your hound. I hope all goes well for you and your hound.
  15. I'm so sorry to see this. He was way too young. Rune pain-free Phog.
  16. Petunia would have been waiting for me, in a bed back at the house.
  17. Keep doing what you are doing. Routine is everything with ex-racers. They've had a routine since the day they were born, and now that's been disrupted. Your girl is still figuring out what's expected of her and learning the new routine. Sounds like you are already on your way with the walks, but it can can take months for some dogs to adjust. The dog you see today will much, much different a year from now.
  18. Zee was absolutely gorgeous! I'm so sorry she had to leave.
  19. Send her over. I love that girl and her shoe-stealing ways. I have a pile of old tennis shoes set aside that she will have full access to.
  20. The GSI (Greyhound Slipper Investigations) Team says that those slippers are in the same spot and exact places where their owner took them off. Annie doesn't know right from left so it could KNOT have been her. Annie...
  21. If you used Drontal Plus for the tapeworm you are probably good as far as the tapeworm issue is concerned. It's good stuff.
  22. Our boy Rocket had sleep startle. It wasn't anything intentional and if he was awakened suddenly/startled, the growl was a defense mechanism. If I needed to get by him and he was sleeping, I just announced myself by saying something like "Hey Buddy" or "Coming through, Rocket." Most of the time he'd open his eyes then go right back to sleep. I got in the habit of doing this fairly quick because I had to walk fairly close by his bed if I got up in the middle of the night. Like you hound, Rocket liked to sprawl so I never knew when I might have to step over him.
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