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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Mark got some just to keep him out of Lavida's bowl. Diva never knew that she was sick. Other than the limp, she was acting normal and still wanted to do everything and go everywhere. We had to opt for "a day too early" to avoid a catastrophic injury after the x-ray confirmed what we suspected and the limp started getting worse. He stayed by Diva's side that day, so I think he knew. They were very bonded.
  2. Miss Lavida had quite the day yesterday. She says that in retrospect (her word, not mine) she should have known that something was up when Mom snuck up behind her in the morning with the Binford Peemaster 9000 and stole some of her morning pee. Then she took some poo too, but since she seems to put that in bags and save it she didn't think much of it. Then Mom took her for a walk. As she was walking, a gray van pulled up, the hatch opened up and Lavida was dognapped like a bad action movie. (It was the GPA lady.) Lavida protested and said "Wait, I haven't had my @(%$#((%# breakfast." The GPA lady took her to the bettermarian. IT WAS KNOT A FUN DAY! Miss Lavida had 3 teeth removed and had her overall vet check so that she can stay here forebber forever. Her breath is much, much better and that nasty broken tooth that looked kind of painful is now gone. DW picker her up at the vet, and when she got home Miss Lavida was so out of it that she couldn't figure out how to make her legs work to get out of the car. Eventually, Daddyman lifted her out of the car and helped her into the house. Mark was extremely happy to see her, as he spect the day pacing and talking because she was not here. He was definitely worried. Lavida spent most of the evening with Mark being her Doctor, right next to her, and eventually, after many hours of snooze she worked her way slowly to the water bowl and drank a little, went outisde, and came back in to find the magical canned chicken food in her bowl. She snarfed it down. She then slept through the night, and we went outside at about 530 this AM. When she came back in, that magical chicken was in the bowl again. She snarfed it down again. Lavida is doing great today and we just went for a walk. I promised her that I would protect her from gray vans if she would go. She also kind of likes this canned food thing. When my signature changes you will know that she is "officially" here. Some pics: Doctor Mark in attendance. Lavida has been giving me the "I'm watching you'' look all day. I think Petunia passed that one on to her. This was taken a few days ago. Mark and Lavida have been bonding. In this picture, his paw was on her ear for about half an hour. They are definitely looking out for each other, but she is really bossy. (Seems familair somehow)
  3. It's the darndest thing - just like the time that the trash from Whataburger jumped out of the bin at Petunia and Kate. Happy Gotcha Day, handsome Sid!
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Run-free sweet Poppy. (I love the name)
  5. I can't say that we've been through anyhting like this with our seniors. Although many of the symptoms are familiar, there was usually a reason that was found through testing. My suggestion if you continue to get no answers would be to do a consultaiton with Dr. Cuoto. There is a fee for his consultation, but it is usually well worth it to get his eyes on the test results and get his input. He will consult with your vet as well https://www.coutovetconsultants.com/ Many of us on this forum have used him when we weren't getting answers. He is extremely responsive and responds to emails rapidly. Hope your boy is feeling better soon, and please keep us posted here.
  6. Not sure what PT they are doing, but if there is a practice with a water treadmill in your area I would check into that if you aren't already using one. Most veterinary orthopedic practices will either have one or have access to one. Good luck!
  7. I don't add them until we get the paperwork completed now. Just want things to be completely official before I add them to the signature. (But she isn't going anywhere. What dog that you dropped off here in January? )
  8. She's doing well and has settled in just like she's always been here. I would swear that she must be a broodie because she does "broodie things" all day long. There is no record of her being a broodie, so I think she must have spent a lot of time hanging out with the broodies at the farm before she went to her previous human. She learned those things somewhere. She is happy and bossy. Mark, being the gentleman that he always has been lets her get away with everything she tries. He just just kind of looks at her and shrugs off when she steals a treat from him or when she tries to finish his bowl of food. He was that way with Diva also, but he and Diva were together for 7 years. I'm really surprised that he let Lavida come in and kind of take over. They even walk perfectly together.
  9. He is just starting to get a little bit of white on his face. When he first arrived there was virtually none which really surprised us. He did have a rough month with losing his owner and his sister Diva all within a month, as well as coming into a strange home. He's allowed to age a little after all of that, but you would never know that he is 9 when he goes for walks or plays. Irene, We have had a few very cold nights here this week. He wore the camflauge flannel coat that you made for Rocket most of the day today. I will get a picture of him in it this weekend.
  10. Today is Mark's 9th birthday. He is being a party animal! We absolutely adore this boy. Happy Birthday, buddy!!! Whippy cream sundaes will be had. He celebrated early last night when I realized that there was a tongue sliding across my dinner plate to steal my french fries.
  11. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, handsome Nando.
  12. Sweep, you are awesome! Sweet dreams, pretty girl!
  13. We currently have a "foster." We received a call a little over a week ago about a 9 year old girl in need of a home after her owner passed away and asked if we could foster her for a few days. Lavida arrived the next morning, decked out in her finest bling and a pretty collar. She and Mark are getting along well. Although there is no record of her being a broodie, she has a lot of broodie tendencies and is kind of bossy. Mark was used to this from his sister, Diva, and has just kind of rolled with it. Lavida is a very happy girl and loves walks. And yes - we have both accidentally called her "Petunia" a few times. There is quite a resemblance. "Foster"
  14. I used to make them daily to add to Rocket's food. I used one TBSP of carrots and 3/4 cup of boiling water. I then split the carrots as add-ins to 2 meals. I did not use oil that was called for in the directions. The above amount just made enough to stir into the food without overwhelming the kibble with the carrots. Rocket did well on the carrots for years, as he had colitis and some other stomach issues. It's okay to play with the amount a little bit until you get some consistent results.
  15. This is one of those things that's there's just no way to know. Some dogs bond well, and others are totally indifferent about other dogs. The only thing you can do is give it some time to see how they interact (if they do) and to make sure they get along. We've had a lot of greyhounds through here and sometimes they pay no attention to each other, and other times they wag their tails at each other and call it good. Others may become best buddies, but it all takes time. It;s definitely too soon to know in this case, but if you have a gut feeling that the dog is not the right match for your home, you need to pay attention to that as well. Only you can know that for sure. Good luck!
  16. It does sound like it's an attention or anxiety thing, but since you are going to the vet, make sure he gets a urine sample and rule out a urinary issue. Call ahead to see how they want to collect the sample, as they may want you to bring the sample with you and will have specific instructions as to collection time, refrigeration etc, or they may want to catch a sample while he is there.
  17. Kibble prices for all brands seem to be increasing steadily. Your best bet for accurate information will be to contact the manufacturer directly. Here in the states when those products become available through third party sellers only, they are often either discontinued or sometimes undergoing a formula or packaging change. Given the state of supply chains worldwide, I would only rely on information direct from the manufacturer's customer service department to make a decision.
  18. That's good news. Fingers crossed here for a quick recovery and a benign test result. She'll be back to making demands in no time at all.
  19. Just now seeing this. Paws crossed for your sweet girl. Please update us when you can.
  20. With a quick search I found a dog/pet aspirin on PetMeds.com I have not used this and do not know the differences that make it specific to pets - just posting this so you can check it out. https://www.1800petmeds.com/comparison?compId=compare10237 Also - have you considered trying carprofen or a similar NSAID that is specifically for dogs? Just another thought because we've had so many seniors here that ended up on Carprofen or Truprofen for aches and pains.
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