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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Post your hounds in their Easter Bonnets. Happy Easter from Mark and LaVida.
  2. Happy Gotcha Day, Face! i need to check and see if my hounds have a plug in that same foot. Maybe he's downloading updates.
  3. No one could possibly understand just how retired he is. We have never had a dog who was this retired....
  4. Those are something called a "Snuffle Mat." You hide treats in them and they have to work to find the treats. Mark says "If I have to work for it then it's not a $#$%#$%#$%#$% treat."
  5. "I'd like to speak to the manager about these new beds..."
  6. Vets we've encontered here in the past few years have repeatedly said that Tramadol has little to no effect in pain control for dogs and that the current direction is to not prescribe it. We've had one or 2 of our previous hounds use it and I think one of them was a little whacked out or hyper while taking it. It didn't do much for the pain they were having at the time so we ended up using higher doses of Gabapentin and/or anti-inflammatories.
  7. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free, Thorpe.
  8. Heppy Birthday Logan! You are one handsome dude!
  9. Around here, "foster" is just code for "this dog's not leaving. We always have a crate setup when we get a foster. We leave it open and they can go in and have their own space if they want. We also crate fosters if we have to leave the dogs alone together. I will not leave a foster dog unattended with our own dogs unless the foster is crated. There are too many unknowns with a new dog in the house. We had one foster that didn't work out here. She turned out to be deaf which no one knew or picked up on while she was in transit to the group. We figured it out in a day or two, but she was very good at following cues and it appeared that she was responding to commands. What she was actually doing was watching Petunia and following her if we were going outside or called the dogs to eat, etc. After a week or so here, she attacked Petunia in an unprovoked attack when I was in the next room. It took quite a bit of effort, but I got her in the crate and away from Petunia. I was really glad that we had setup the crate. She ended up being the only foster that didn't stay here permanently. That experience was the exception to how things normally go, but you need to take those precautions in case there is some reason that the foster just doesn't get along with your dog. 99% of the time, they wag tails and get along fine. All of the other dogs we fostered got along well and ended up living out their days with us. Good luck!
  10. Mark likes to make a right turn in front of me occasionally when we are walking a stright path. I've had several similar close calls and my first thought is always "I am going to break him." Glad you both are okay and that Buddy had his "hedgehog victory."
  11. A while back I posted about Mark doing some mystery bleeding one night. We eventually found some bleeding on one of his gums. He has since had a vet check and no issues were found. Whatever happened was minimal and there's no permanent issue. In that post, @macoduck recommended a product called My Pet Peed to get the blood out of the carpets. We had numerous bloodstains in multiple rooms, basically everywhere that Mark laid his head that night. I ordered the product and it took several weeks to arrive. It ships from the manufacturer and they are apparently a small operation. I sprayed the stains today and walked away as directed on the bottle. Every blood stain is gone. No trace of it anywhere! I'm sold. So, if you are on the fence about this product due to the cost, just buy it. I think it was $27 for a quart. We tried numerous other cleaners, stain removers and our carpet machine. Nothing worked except this stuff. Thanks Ducky!
  12. Those are AWESOME! Copper has that stinkeye down! I think we have or had a Miss Donna pirate hat as well. I remember pirates being a thing here at some point and we had lots of pirates and pimps running around..... Miss Donna would love the fact that her work lives on and new hounds are still wearing her fashions.
  13. We've used this with a couple of our dogs to soften the corns and every one of them licked it. No problem.
  14. Definitely sounds like it would be worth having Dr Cuoto give you a second (third) opinion. He is the expert on these cases. https://www.coutovetconsultants.com/ Good luck!
  15. Dude! Love that boy! I had that pcture of Rocket made into a mug with the name "Pimpmaster R" under the picture. I still laugh when I reach for a mug and that;s the next one in the rotation. Also - who can forget our original Pimpmaster - Gustopher P Jones! Hopefully someone can post the picture of him wearing his hat too.
  16. Rocket Mark LaVida For those who remember - that's a Miss Donna Original. We really miss her.
  17. Sounds like LaVida trained him. We have to guard Mark and his bowl because LaVida's head will be in his bowl as soon as she finishes her food. Mark is such a gentleman that he just rolls with it and gives me that "help me" look.
  18. I'm so sorry. You know she was super special when the cats miss her. Run-free, Su.
  19. Time4ANap


    We miss that boy! Yesterday was 4 years since Allie left us and today is one year since Kate left. Both still seem like they just happened.
  20. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run pain-free, Buffy.
  21. Congratulations! I see you went with different color collars so you know who to yell at. We always had to look at the collars to tell them apart at a quick glance when Rocket had his brindle friends over.
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