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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Brought to you by the same idiots who hand paint rocks and leave them on the trails because they are pretty. SMH...
  2. I haven't seen the treatment you mentioned. I would be reluctant to try anything like that without a ton of data to back it up and my vet's blessing. Broodies...
  3. I'm betting that water is still very cold! I think CG2 whould have multiple names. On one gate, Camp Greyhound. On the other gate, Mayhem Manor....
  4. With Kate and Petunia it took just about a year to get multiple negative fecals. I can tell you that Petunia was so loaded with them that she pooped massive amounts of blood for the first month. We went outside with her every time in case we needed to scoop her up and go to the E-Vet. Then one day the stools were magically normal. We modified the Prison Protocol due to their age (each was 11 when they arrived from the farm) and stuck to the schedule. Drontal Plus on the first of each month and Advocate (Advantage Multi) on the 15th. There were a few courses of Metronidazole for their tummies as well. Gradually each one went from Loaded With Hooks, to Positive With Eggs, to Positive Antigen and finally Negative. Each of them had a point where they were obviously feeling better because they started playing. Kate had never played and at about 6 months in, she would come in and get me out of bed every night at midnight, make me go to the living room, and she would do spins and fling toys. Did Wiki come from a farm or off the track? Just curious. Kate and Petunia came from the same farm and were absolutely loaded with hooks. EDIT - I neglected to mention that Mark and LaVida are both currently being treated with the same protocol. Even though they each had different owners prior to arriving here, they were both positive on arrival at their first vet visit. Neither has a bad case of them. Mark had been in his prior home since 2015 or so when his owner passed away, and LaVida had been in her home for a year or so when her owner passed away. They were both well cared for, so it just shows that the hooks can crop up anywhere or anytime. Mark has had one clean fecal after two months of our modified protocol. LaVida is still positive for the antigen but had no eggs. We are doing another month before we retest.
  5. The hounds are KNOT morning people (neither is their Daddyman). We've been lucky enough to be able to walk right at sunset most evenings as the sidewalks are still cooling off enough to be able to walk. We probably only have a few more nights of evening walks before the sidewalks will retain the daytime heat and temps will still be too high to walk after sunset. Once the continuous heat starts, we use a laser thermometer to check the sidewalk temps before deciding if we can walk. Most of the time we can't.
  6. Happy Birthday, Odin! You are one handsome dude. LaVida and Mark say 10 is just a number.
  7. That's a yellow tennis ball. After it's been in the desert sun too long. Miss LaVida stalks it after dinner.
  8. Mark and LaVida decided to get the sunbathing in early this morning before the temperature got too hot. This afternoon they are both sacked out in air conditioned comfort.
  9. Mark thinks pillows and rug can be over rated, especially in the right sunbeam.
  10. Looking good, Wiki! LaVida wants to know if Lamb Chop's butt counts as a pillow?
  11. I missed the original thread somehow. I will second Springtime Fresh Factors and Joint Health. None of our dogs would chew the Advanced Hip and Joint Chews which are a different product than the Joint Health. I like the Fresh Factors and Joint Health tablets because they are scored. They can be broken into 4 pieces and miced in the bowl witht he kibble. No one knows that they are getting something healthy. We usually saw every dog become more energetic and playful after a week or two on the Springtime Products. When Rocket started having issues with his back legs and spine, we did Adequan injections. They bought us several extra months with him that we wouldn't have had otherwise. They worked well until they just kind of stopped working and it became evident that we needed to make the decision that none of us want to make. For Rocket, they were a "last fix," but based on the way Adequan worked, I wouldn't hesitate to try it for an arthritic dog who needed a little something to help them get around more comfortably. Hope this helps.
  12. The dogs clean each other's bowls after every meal. They are usually pretty spotless, but I rinse and wipe them out with hot water before I put the next meal in them. All of the bowls get rotated through the dishawasher about twice a week on a space-available basis.
  13. Just an FYI for all - The Easter Bonnet belonged to Lexie. Petunia and Kate both got to wear it and it is now up to LaVida to channel our girl Lexie.
  14. It appears that Mark and LaVida may have had them in their previous homes. They both scarfed them down and seemed to know what they were. LaVida ate hers so fast that there was no way to get a picture.
  15. If Mark has to lift his head or get off of a bed for anything he considers it to be a rough day at work.
  16. Looking awesome, Sweep! (Not sure how I missed this earlier in the week.)
  17. Marshmallow chicks covered in colored sugar. https://www.peepsbrand.com/
  18. Miss Jan and the Campers do not have a good internet connection in their present location, so I am posting this for them. Punkin and Annie are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Easter Bunny and having a little snack.
  19. KNOT - what you were thinking - get your mind out of the gutter. Hey - I'm empty here....
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