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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. We played a game using high value treats (liver, I think). We kept throwing treats for the dog to retrieve all around the car, eventually throwing a treat or two into the back seat. Worked like a charm. As @Onyfalk said above, make it a game with very low pressure. This needs to be done way ahead of time before you actually need them to get in the car for an appointment. It all takes time, but most dogs usually will jump right in once they realize that they may be going someplace fun. You may want to start with a few short rides to a local park once the dog gets in the car so that they assocaite the fun things with the ride.
  2. One other thing you may want to try if the diarrhea continues is Olewo Carrots. They are dehydrated carrots that you mix with water and they have worked extremely well for several of our hounds over the years to firm up stools. Regular carrots do not have the same effect. For whatever reason, the Olewo carrots seem to work within a day or so. When I make them, I do not use oil in them like the directions call for. I simply mix them as a thick slurry with hot water and use them as a food topper. Just something to keep in mind if you have more issues getting the diarrhea under control.
  3. Did you find food delivery containers in the trash when you got home?
  4. Some groups will have a "straw draw" at their picnics where the straw pulled corresponds to a particular type or value of prize. We always tried to save that stuff to donate to the picnics or as raffle prizes at greyhound events/group picnics.
  5. Those are nice. Guess I could have made something like that to custom fit the opening as well. We needed something quick when we bought the other cushions and when I priced out ordering blocks of foam vs the Orvis product there wasn't much difference in price to do a DIY due to the foam prices. Maybe there should be a holder in the top for the fry containers.
  6. We bought these floor well fillers for the Camry. They should also work for most other vehicles to extend the back seat and keep the dogs from falling into the floor opening. A little pricey, but ended up being worth every penny. There are different models for the front and back floor openings, so make sure to getthe ones that will fit the back seat if you order them. They are rock solid foam and give the dogs a solid walking surface to move around and get settled on. . I also placed a small memory foam pillow between them to fill the small gap over the drivetrain hump. The back seat will require 2 of these. https://www.orvis.com/solid-foam-backseat-extender/90XR.html
  7. I'm very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. Run-free, Solstice.
  8. Merry Christmas to Annie Oooh M, Punkin and Miss Jan!
  9. Update - This is Mark's first real rain since he's been here. I have been at the door with a towel to dry him off each of the times he went out in the heavy rain. I just walked outside after it stopped raining to check the rain gauge (we've had 1 1/2 inches of rain since about midnight) and Mark followed me outside. When we came back in, he walked over and put his nose on the towel, and waited for his rub down. The rain had stopped - he was already dry.
  10. He did a U-Turn at 2AM when I opened the door and he saw the rain. He held it until after breakfast.
  11. "Starting the day by taking a poo in a cold torrential rain is not my idea of retiring in the dezzert. I will be on one of my beds for the rest of the day if you need me."
  12. I just started laughing when I unrolled it. Chris ordered it and didn't tell me what she had bought. In case there was any doubt, Martha Stewart doesn't live here....
  13. When we lost Rocket, we decided that we weren't going to straight out adopt again, but if there was "an old dog who needed a home" we would take them in. Apparently the electronics in our house were listening and transmitted the message.
  14. Must be a theme.... We just got a 26 foot runner that goes from the utility room where the dog food is kept all the way to the food bowl where Diva ate. Mark's bowl is at the halfway point. Here is a portion of the runner. We've since added several custom sizes of the same runner to connect the living room and the main area of the kitchen to the runner. Not that the dogs here are spoiled.
  15. With the recent loss of Diva, we have been making sure that Mark gets lots of attention and activities to keep him from being anxious or bored without her. So far he is doing great, enjoying walks and starting to get vocal when he wants or needs something. He always let Diva take the lead, and he was content to lay in a bed most of the time relaxing. Chris is out of town this week, so I figured it''s a good time to leave him alone in the house off and on to see how he does on his own. He and Diva were together every day since 2015, so being alone in the house is something new for him. I have been leaving for short periods of time, gradually increasing the time, and watching or checking in on him on the Broodie Cam in the living room. So far, he has been perfectly content when alone. Yesterday I left the house a number of times to get him used being alone and everything went great. Last night I was walking through the living room when I noticed this. Someone has been trying out the furniture! I don't know when he did that or what he was trying to do, but there are two distinct paw prints pressed into the seat cushion. My sweet, quiet boy who has never shown any interest in the furniture, might be a little sneaky...
  16. Crying for a dog I never met caught me completely off guard. It happens more often than I'm willing to admit.
  17. Yesterday, December 21 was an anniversary for us. 12/21/2008 was the day that Rocket arrived in our home in Mahomet, IL. It was a day with a wind chill of minus 25F. What a day to get your first dog. So first, Happy Gotcha Day to my buddy Rocket at The Bridge. I miss you every day. 13 years and many hounds later, the only thing I would change is to have them all never leave. I miss every single one of them. The funny thing is that Rocket is the only hound we specifically adopted. The rest of the hounds all found us or came to us as dogs who needed a new home. Allie's owner had passed away and she was in danger from the other hounds in her foster home as she was attacked by the pack. Petunia and Kate came from a racing farm that was closing down and needed to place senior broodies. Sadie Rose was only here for a short time because she didn't work out, but was another of those farm broodies. She was also deaf which no one had realized. She is living in California with an owner who is teaching her sign language and she is doing great. Starz was another where her owner passed away suddenly and life changed drastically for her Mom. Starz and her siblings had a wonderful home, but Covid caused them to need a new home. Diva and Mark's owner passed away unexpectedly leaving them in immediate need of a home. 2 weeks into Diva being here, she started limping and a few weeks later, Osteo took her from us. Mark is doing well and I know he is still feeling those 2 big losses of his owner and Diva. He is slowly coming out of his shell and meeting neighbors, going for daily walks now, and generally becoming my new best buddy. Dogs belonging to our GreyTalk friends became instant family and we felt like every one of them was our own dog. We still miss all of the ones who are no longer with us including Trolley, Bella and many others including many on GT that we never met in person. Each one was like our own dog. We never got to meet Lexie in-person, but she was Rocket's "wife." We've added lots of "family members" over the years in the form of other greyhound owners. We've also lost a few of our greyhound family over the years - other owners who became fast friends when greyhounds were the thing that brought us together. It's still strange to not be able to call or text them now. It's been a fast 13 years. I sort of blinked and the time has passed. Here's to at least another 13 years The boy who started it all. We had 10 fantastic years together and were inseparable.
  18. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free Dood and Sky.
  19. You might check with the company that makes the food to see if they've made a recent change. Given all of the supply chain issues around the world, it's possible that they've changed an ingredient, or sourced an ingedient from a different place, causing a change to the food. That assumes that everything else is good and you have not seen any bloody stools or diarrhea to indicate that something else is going on. Good luck!
  20. Thanks everyone. We fell in love with Diva and Mark the minute they walked in here. She had a great time here, even when limping she was the happiest dog I've ever seen. We promised her that we would take care of Mark, and he definitely learned a few of Diva's tricks over the years. He is demanding more pets than he ever did when she was here. Mark has been okay since Diva left, but last night he was a little unsettled and did a lot of back and forth between the living room and bedroom. I finally got him to settle in a bed at about 2:30 AM. He is much better today. We went for a walk today and he is eager to explore the neighborhood further than we have gone in the past. I can tell that he will be a much different dog in the coming months. He always took a back seat to Diva, but is already starting to come out of his shell a little more. Thanks to everyone for their kind words.
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