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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. You were right Miss Jan. The flies are biggerer in Maine.
  2. Only if it is absolutely essential. He is really into energy conservation. He is just a big loveable lump of mush.
  3. I'm so sorry. We loved Sweep like she was one of our own even though we never got to meet her. Run-free Sweep. When you see Rocket, tell him I said that the first round is on him. Petunia will be your enforcer if he gives you any trouble. We will all miss you very much here.
  4. Thanks. We have had excellent reults from the carrots and Rocket ate them for years. He had stress colitis and the carrots really did help to keep his output consistent. Like you, we didn't find that the beets did much. I currently use some raw toppers to add some variety, so might rotate these in just to change things up for the hounds once in a while.
  5. This boy operates in his own little world. I absolutely love him and love the fact that he doesn't give a crap about anything except food. He has also found his voice and talks all the time. He is a fierce protector of his people and his sister. He is ready to take on anything and everything outside at night when he hears a noise or doesn't like the loud cars street racing in the distance.
  6. Just saw them when I went to order more carrots. Amazon Smile link to Olewo Toppers
  7. Mark thought it would be a good idea to lay in the hot Phoenix sun after dinner last night. He listens so well...
  8. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time when the need was there. 4 in a year was rough, but each one was extremely special to us. I will take a senior over a young dog any day of the week after this experience. Miss Jan at Camp Greyhound (FiveRoooers above) is a huge help with all of our seniors. We couldn't do this without leaning on her and a few other really great GreyTalk folks for lots of answers related to dealing with seniors. Good luck to you both. You will meet another hound or other breed of dog at some point and just know that the dog is the right one for you. We now have a running joke that we don't allow dogs to visit because they will end up staying.
  9. Rocket was our first greyhound. He was my sidekick, my heart dog, and was by my side noght and day for 10 years. When we lost him, it was brutal. We both decided that there would be no more dogs. Fast forward a few months and this house without a hound was unbearable. We had Trolley and Snickers visiting but that wasn't the same. Then Petunia walked in the door one day so we "could watch her for a few hours." Within about 20 minutes, we wrote the check to the adoption group. Then Kate showed up to keep Petunia company. ... We've had a succession of various seniors through here since Rocket passed, We decided that the best way to honor Rocket was to make sure that any seniors who needed a place to land had one. Last year we lost a total of 4 dogs. All seniors. Some frail, some not. It never gets easier. We miss each one of them every day. Currently we have two 10 year olds and are hoping that they each have several years left with us. In both cases, these two lost their owners when they passed away suddenly. They needed a place to land. The other dogs left way too soon too, but we will take in a senior even if we know they only have a few weeks left. We need to make those weeks the best they ever had, and we need to be ready to make a very dreaded decision quickly when necesssary. Every time I think that I can't lose another dog, another one shows up who just steals your heart. It doesn't get easier, but you do realize eventually that you are keeping your promise to keep them safe and pain-free. iI return, we get some awesome memories from each one.
  10. Happy Birthday, Jagger! We love what you've done with the place. Mark and LaVida
  11. If Lucky was more limp than thrashing during the event, it could be a vestibular incident. Typically seen in older dogs, but affects balance and ability to walk and is an inner ear/ middle ear disturbance. Our Petunia had an incident of this when she was 11. She got up out of her bed and crashed into a chair, walking like a drunken sailor and was unable to maintain her balance for about 15 minutes. It can mimic a seizure because they are so off balance and confused that they can't respond to you while it's happening. We went to the emergency vet. Within a few hours of arriving there, the vet called us to come and get her because she was complaining about the service there. She never had one of these events again. Given your description with the legs, I'm thinking this is a possibility, but your vet will recognize those symptoms if that's what it is. These are sometimes called an old dog vestibular event or something similar. Usually within a day or two it clears up. If in fact it is determined to be a seizure, the seizure can be controlled with medication. There have been lots of people here over the years with greyhounds who had seizures and were under control with medicaiton. I hope Lucky is home soon and feeling better. Keep us posted here.
  12. At the other end of the spectrum: Meet Mark. This is his top speed.
  13. Happy Gotcha Day, Logan. Rocket always said that his gray face made him look "stinguished." You are one handsome dude.
  14. So apparently DW had LaVida's borthday mixed up with Kate's. Kate's would have been later this month. I just happened to look at Greyhound Data last night, and realized that LaVida turned 10 LAST SUNDAY! We missed it. Totally blew it. So, Miss LaVida will have a birthday party sometime next week as Snickers will be staying with us, so she can have a real party. In the meantime, here are a few LaVida pics. Today - telling me how much we suck as parents. Some other recent pics
  15. Rocket loved spring grass chutes. I used to call him Salad Boy when he did that. We are just about at the point where you have to finish your walk by about 6:30 AM to be comfortable. Any later and the sun is high enough to make the walk way too hot.
  16. I'm very sorry for your loss. We've lost a few who were best buddies with Rocket and the others over the years, and it's just like losing one of your own. Run-free Voyage.
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