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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Oh no, Cynthia, I'm so very, very sorry. What an awful shock.
  2. I remember your beautiful Holly. I'm so sorry. Can you post some pictures of her?
  3. I sing to them when they become fixated on a squirrel or rabbit. My singing is so bad that they forget about the animal long enough for me to easily walk them away. Yes, this is true.
  4. robinw


    I'm so very sorry.
  5. Also, sometimes stuff doesn't show up on the xrays until some time after the limping has started.
  6. I guess it doesn't hurt to talk to your vet. It might be good to know what to look for, etc. Magic has always been very special. I hope he is with you for a good while, yet.
  7. None of mine have cared enough about training to do much of anything. When I took Treasure to obedience school, she passed for being beautiful. She never did a single thing that I tried to get her to do, but it didn't really matter because she was so much better behaved than the rest of the dogs. Phoenix did ok and Loca got kicked out for trying to eat small dogs.
  8. This is how a beviourist advised me to deal with this: 1. Have your parents throw lots of little treats on the ground near Biggie. 2. Slowly work the treats and Biggie towards the door over a few days or weeks; whatever you think is necessary. 3. Then have your parents do the same outside your door, throwing the treats on the ground. Just noticed that this is a lot like Sambuca's suggestions. Food!
  9. Oh no, I love Shelby. You are all in my thoughts
  10. I'm sorry this happened to you. It must've been very scary and shocking. I think this is not uncommon, especially during the first few months that a dog joins a new home. Especially for a greyhound, who has spent much of his life in a crate without having to worry about people getting close when he is trying to sleep. It's happened to me, without the bite. It can take a while for a dog, or any kind of pet, to adjust to new surroundings and a new way of life. I think you have to decide if you can trust him again and not be afraid and show that you are afraid. It also might be a good idea to read everything you can about adopting a greyhound. Good luck
  11. Happy Birthday Sabrina. We miss you.
  12. Yep. Tramadol can cause some really strange reactions. I also agree with NeylasMom about repeating the x-ray to look for fine fractures. Don't beat yourself up. You only did what was recommendation to get to a diagnosis.
  13. Don't be sick over it. All you did was follow the vet's recommendation and did what you felt you needed to do to confirm osteo. I have never had a needle biopsy done on any of my greyhounds, all of whom had osteo, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't have. She will feel better.
  14. I have shared my home with three greyhounds. All three were lost to osteo. Loca Phoenix Treasure
  15. I think about Pinky often.
  16. robinw


    I'm so very sorry. You had a great life together.
  17. I also use a Vittles Vault. Even Loca couldn't open it.
  18. Oh no! I'm so very sorry. We'll miss him. Argos influenced my decision to go to Spain and adopt Iker. I will always be grateful.
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