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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Xavi is even worse! He likes to use my head as a pilllow.
  2. I just saw this. You are all in my thoughts. Hoping for a positive update today.
  3. Oh, Pongo I am good friends with Nancy, his foster mom, and knew Pongo well. We were so thrilled when you adopted him! I'm so sorry that he is gone. I'm sure he has been met by his friends Max, Maizy, Phoenix and Loca. to you, Susan
  4. Do you know of anyplace between Hamilton and Kitchener, like a dog park, where we can meet?
  5. Oh no, Judy, Mike and Kevin. I am so very sorry. We will all miss Dammit Arrow. Wishing you peace in the coming days.
  6. He was a bit off for a day or so before this happened, and is a bit off today, but he is eating again. To be honest, I never paid much attention when this happened before as I just assumed that something was scaring him.
  7. I live with a galgo who was badly abused in Spain; he was hanged and survived. Sometimes he will start to shake for no apparent reason, like when relaxing on my bed. It doesn't seem to be fear based, as his shaking is is "different" when he is scared. It isn't a little bit of shaking, rather very pronounced. It seems to be strongest in his upper and mid areas. Could it be possible that he suffered some kind of neurological damage caused by the hanging? If so, does anybody know what it might be? Should I take him to a specialist? Thanks
  8. Happy Birthday Honey
  9. Beautiful Jack. It's so nice to see his pictures again. He is missed.
  10. Yes, it can. Do you know Kim, who lived with Sebbie in Kitchener? He had osteo in his ribcage. I hope this isn't the case with sweet, sweet Pongo. Treasure had clean x-rays and I was told she had a soft tissue injury. Her limp worsened so I took her in for laser treatments. We repeated the x-rays and it turned out she had osteo. I think it is very possible to the symptoms to appear before the lesion shows up on x-rays. Good luck
  11. Lufthansa will no longer transport. KLM will transport, but there is nothing non-stop from Madrid to Toronto, and their flights from Madrid to JFK are 767s, which will not transport dogs.. You can change planes with dogs in Amsterdam, but you need at least two hours connection time, and anything more than 1 minute more will cost an extra 150 euros per dog. I know; I just spend over two weeks fighting with Delta because they kept screwing everything up. Finally I asked for a refund and booked on American, which unfortunately only allowed transport of two dogs at a time. Petra had mentioned something about Air Europa, but I'm not sure I trust them. A friend of mine transported dogs from Madrid to JFK on Jet Airways last year, but I had forgotten about them when I booked my flights.
  12. And just to complicate things a little more, very few airlines will transport dogs as pets nowadays. For example, Air Canada will no longer transport any pet over 70 lbs, including crate (I brought Iker home via Air Canada two years ago), and most airlines will no longer let you change planes with dogs. American Airlines will only let somebody transport two animals at a time. It is easier to fly straight from Madrid to JFK and have a Canadian adoption group pick up the dogs there and drive them to Canada, then fly myself home to Toronto, then it is to fly dogs into Toronto, unless you get lucky with Air Transat.
  13. Nope, often you can choose your own hound. I know of people who have chosen a hound, then contact adoption groups looking for transport and support.
  14. I'm so very sorry. He seems like the perfect dog
  15. Hello from Kitchener. I live with two galgos. One I brought home from FBM myself and the other I adopted through SHUG in the US. He originally came from BaasGalgo. If you were at the GRA picnic, I was the person with the galgos On October 12 I will be transporting two galgos from Spain (BaasGalgo) to After the Track Adoption group, located in the Toronto area. Here is their contact info. I think it's very important to adopt through a group, even if you were to bring home a dog yourself, like I did with Iker. A group can advise you of rules and regulations, provide help and advice and just make life much easier. When I adopted Iker I sent an application to GRIN, just as a formality so I would have a group to fall back on, but did everything myself, including choosing the dog when I was at FBM, returning for him six months later, transporting, etc. I don't recommend going that route to somebody that doesn't have a lot of dog and sighthound experience. I believe Greyhound Pets of Atlantic Canada adopts out dogs from Scooby and US groups like SHUG and SAGE will adopt to Canada. Where do you live? If you would like, maybe we can meet someplace and you can meet my galgos.
  16. Give him time. Some dogs never roach or lean. My first greyhound never roached and my second greyhound wasn't much of a leaner.
  17. I don't know a lot about it, but it might be a good idea to continue taking xrays. i had something similar happen last year, and what the vet thought was a soft tissue injury with normal xrays ended up being something not very good with abnormal xrays a few months later. please check your messages, ok?
  18. Not to mention completely irrelvent to the OP's original post.
  19. Magic I think the best way to answer that question is to ask yourself if he is still going for you or for him. I've been there so many times, and it is always so difficult. As others have said, I've never regretted letting an animal go a day too early, but have always regretted letting them go a day too late.
  20. Sharon, you're right. Xavi would be absolutely perfect for the OP's lifestyle. However, if one should be fortunate enough to end up with a dog like Iker, they would end up with a dog who doesn't really fit anybody's lifestyle There are many groups around, and since we all care about helping galgos and other dogs in Spain, it doesn't really seem right to me to push one over the other. Having said that, I think it is wrong for people to come out and imply that a greyhound isn't the right sort of dog for this, that, etc. I have lived with three greyhounds, each of which have been different as night and day and would have fit into your described lifestyle one way or another. Greyhounds are dog, not porcelain sculptures. They don't break.
  21. Looks like he was very sick. You did your very best for him, especially towards the end
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