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Everything posted by robinw

  1. This is great! When my dog had a stroke (pre greyhounds) she was treated with acupuncture. She made a full recovery at age 14.
  2. Sometimes it takes quite a while for a dog to take treats or show much emotion besides confusion. Patience
  3. Relax, relax, relax, and relax . Take it slow and let him take his time, as he's also getting used to you and his new home.
  4. That's what I do; I take them almost everyplace together. Walking is a real problem as Iker panics and Xavi does the same even though he is great being walked alone.
  5. Geez, I'm talking about being able to take one to the vet or a walk (Xavi loves going for walks, Iker hates them) without worrying about my neighbour complaining about the other howling, not keeping them in separate houses
  6. Update: Thanks everybody for your suggestions. I started with baby steps and it's gone great! We are now doing short, separate walks without any issues. I am so proud of both of them, especially Xavi, who was my biggest concern. I live with two galgos. I adopted the first one just over 2.5 years ago. He was extremely traumatized and terrified of everybody and everything. Treasure the greyhound lived with us, also, but she passed away a year later. This past April I adopted Xavi, galgo number two. Iker chose him and they have been inseparable. Iker has gained so much confidence that sometimes it's hard to believe that he is the same dog. That's not to say that he doesn't have his moments, especially when Xavi isn't around. Xavi doesn't like being away from Iker, either. Should I start separating for short periods of time, such as separate walks? Would that help to build confidentce when arlone, or might it result in Iker regressing to old, traumatized behaviours? Thanks.
  7. That seems fairly positive. I had a dog who had a strike at age 14 and made a complete recovery. Hoping for the same for Doodles.
  8. You are both in my thoughts. Hoping for better news.
  9. I think a greyhound is a great first dog. It wasn't mine, but they are easy compared to other breeds. I think many people have a tendancy to complicate the reality of living with a greyhound. They are dogs. Use your common sense, don't let then run loose and fix you're fence. You'll be fine.
  10. Seems like she is similar to Xavi. I have to be very consistant with Xavi about setting boundaries, etc, and I make it clear that I mean it. Luckily I am the only person here, so that is easy to do. I think it will be more difficult with more people.
  11. I'm so sorry. I was hoping for a better outcome
  12. I'm so sorry about Matawan. I've been through this three times and have never opted for surgery. On the bright side, go Twiggy!
  13. Mine don't. If they have to go out and I ignore them, they just step it up until I let them out, including jumping on top of me. Maybe you can try changing the evening feeding time to around 8pm. I do know what you're going through. The same thing was happening with Xavi. It's stopped since I start to let them out later in the evening before I go to bed. I agree that it might be worth a UTI check. It also might be a lot of food, depending on what kind.
  14. I'm so very sorry, Jey and Grammy. Gidget was a beautiful and special girl.
  15. Think you're well covered. Relax and enjoy your new family member, and take it slow.
  16. Nancy, have you posted this on the GT FB page? There are a bunch of pages, including one about greyhound health care.
  17. I'm sorry, I no longer have any of the x-rays. All three were managed with palliative care.
  18. Shermanator, this is too much to have to deal with in such a short period of time. I hope this can be easily managed and that she feels better soon. You, too.
  19. Do you think she could be in mourning?
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