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Everything posted by robinw

  1. thanks all for your suggestions. We started with baby steps and are now taking short, separate walks. I am so proud of them, especially Xavi, who was my main concern.
  2. I'm really sorry. I've been through this three times. It's a nasty disease without a cure, especially if it's reached his lungs.
  3. I'm so sorry. I remember when he was adopted.
  4. Holy cow! The blood in urine could be a very treatable infection. Also, she will feel so good without those teeth! I know what it's like to freak out over unexpected stuff and to watch the bill go up and up. It Will all work out, and if there's something going on, it's good that they'll find it now.
  5. I live in Canada, too. Until very recently (last week), I fed my dogs Go Notural chicken. It's called Go! Now. They've always done great with it but it's very expensive. I recently changed to Precise Natural Chicken and they love it! It costs less than Go! And the bag is bigger.
  6. Yes, I do live alone. Just this past week Iker has been sleeping alone downstairs while Xavi continues to sleep upstairs. This seems like a big step to me. I like the idea of taking separate walks in tiny steps, like across the street to start, etc.
  7. robinw

    Xavi and Iker

    From the album: My Dogs

    Christmas, 2014
  8. I live with a very frightened dog. I find that he does much better with informal training at home than he did with obedience school, which just scared him. He does great on recall, but as others have said, he needed to have his confidence enhanced first.
  9. I feel your pain. Xavi and I ended up at the evet a few weeks ago after he decided to help himself to dark chocolate covered figs. Of course I can find more locally; I bought them at Wegman's. Check out this really great interactive chocolate and dogs chart clicky here
  10. Actually, I tried taking Iker to series of classes once but he was really scared. I think it's too soon and he may never be able to go. I took Xavi separately; it was great socialization for him but he was also scared. When I mentioned that I might try it, that would be only if I could find somebody else to come so they could be in the same class. The trainer that Xavi had was great and Iker loves her (they met over the weekend). Early in the year she is going to start drop in fun sessions, with and without owners. Maybe in the future I could try something like that, but probably not yet, if ever.
  11. Thanks for the webcam advice Jen. That is a good idea. I signed up for ustream last night. Linda, obedience is a good idea, too.
  12. Let's try something new. Rather than thinking of my dogs as perpetual victims, why don't we try thinking of them as the tough survivors that they've proven themselves to be? If I didn't look at them that way, I would never have them leave the safety of my bed. For what it's worth, it's not Iker that I'm worried about. He survived fine for the year between Treasure's death and Xavi's adoption. I'm more concerned about Xavi. On the surface it may appear that Iker is the more fearful one, but in some ways it's Xavi.
  13. THANK YOU MEREDITH!!!!!!!!!!! That is EXACTLY what I was thinking!!! I don't want to separate them, I just want to try to make things less stressful for them in case something happens. With Iker's increased confidence, I thought this might be the right time to start. A long time ago we had two cats that were inseparable. When one passed away, the other almost died of liver failure, which my vet explained was often associated with grief. I want to avoid that kind of scenario.
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