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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Judy, I miss them all. Happy Birthday at the Bridge sweeties. Celebrate with Phoenix, Loca and Treasure.
  2. It's so difficult when people "advise" you. You know your dog better than anybody else, as well as your personal circumstances. Only you can make the "right" decision. As Ellen stated, whatever you decide will be out of love. No matter what you decide, you may have second thoughts, just like I did. It's normal. It's a no win situation.
  3. One thing to keep in mind is that unless you manage to eliminate all of the cancer by amputation or treatment, he will not get better. It's been my experience that they let you know. Between the eyes, limping, etc, you'll know. I think I waited a day or two too long with Loca, and have always regretted it. My dogs were all between 11.5 - 13.5 years old when osteo hit, so it might have made the decision a bit easier. It's a very, very tough decision. For me, I had to keep reminding myself to look after the dog's interest, not mine.
  4. I'm so sorry about the diagnosis. It sucks. I lost all three of my greyhounds to osteo. I went the pain management route and all were sent to the bridge within a few weeks of diagnosis. There are people who have had great results with amputation, though. Please keep in mind that these are very stoic dogs and that even if they seem ok, chances they are in a great deal of pain.
  5. Sorry about the infection, but that's good news! Keep us posted, ok?
  6. I'm so sorry. I remember when you adopted her.
  7. Listen to Silverfish. She's giving you very good insight and advice.
  8. Erika, I gasped when I saw Morty's name. I was so hoping for a different outcome. I'm so very, very sorry
  9. Maybe he needs a bit more adjustment time before going to obedience.
  10. Welcome from Canada! Your dogs are beautiful
  11. Welcome from Kitchener!
  12. Cuddly Magic; one of my very favourites. Give him lots of hugs and kisses for me.
  13. robinw

    Poco Zinny

    Somehow I missed this. I'm so very sorry
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