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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I just saw this, Shannon. I'm so, so sorry.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Being dogless is an awful feeling, isn't it? : grouphug
  3. I'm so sorry. Karma was one of my favourite dogs here on GT.
  4. Beautiful Bonny. Our hearts are breaking along with yours
  5. I just came across this picture and thought I would share it here. This is for all of us who have been puzzled, confused, hurt, disappointed or nervous about our newly adopted dog's behaviour.
  6. I live a with a dog like yours. His recall is pretty good but not great. While he always comes when I call him, sometimes he takes a few seconds to think about it. It's been much easier for me once I accepted the fact that he will never be a confident, outgoing, easy to walk dog. I love him for who he is, just like you love your dog.
  7. I wonder if it would be worth rechecking for q UTI. Sometimes they don't show up on testing. There are people here who can tell you exactly what to ask for.
  8. What a gorgeous girl she was
  9. I think of Charlie often. I miss him, too.
  10. I wonder if this is over simplified. It can take a long time, a lot of work, and lots of persistence, and I still wouldn't say that any dog could be made cat safe.
  11. Don't be too discouraged. Many dogs completely recover. Feel better, Ace.
  12. Once I woke up from sleeping and I swear, I could smell and feel Phoenix's soft fur. It was so real.
  13. My heart sank when I saw Magic's name. I'm so very, very sorry. I'll miss him.
  14. Oh no! Yes he's a wonderful man but I'm very sad for you.
  15. I'm so very sorry. Doc has always been one of my very favourite hounds. I'll miss his adventures.
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