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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I think it's pretty cool, also. Doesn't seem to bother the dog at all. She also sent a picture of her mom's cat with a leech, and the cat is just hanging out. I'd heard of leeches for scarring, etc, but never for arthritis or infections. She sent me this link, also. http://www.blutegel.de
  2. I have a friend in Germany who is treating her galgo's arthritis with live leeches. Thy live in the cupboard in between treatments. She says that it has been very helpful and has even cured ear infections for her mom's cat. I've read about using leeches for treatment, but am a bit skeptical about using them for ear infections. Has anybody tried this? If so, did it work? Any comments? Thanks in advance. The bleeding is supposed to be good.
  3. iker had a bladder infection. He was "off" (even for him) and peed on my bed several times. I took him to the vet and they found blood in his urine. Through the process of elimination, which included X-rays, an ultrasound, and more urine tests, he was treated for a bladder infection. Since treatment he has been fine and hasn't had any more accidents.
  4. Definitely. Bridge angel Loca ate a bottle of vitamins. She spent the night at the event. Not only did they induce vomiting and give her charcoal, they had to check the mineral levels in her system every hour or so.
  5. Oh no! Shirley, I'm so very, very sorry. This has been a tough few weeks for you
  6. It also looses effectiveness if the bottle has been opened.
  7. I'm sorry, Jen. I have no idea. How is she now?
  8. Take him back to the vet. I had the same thing happen with my Treasure a few years ago. After being told that it was a soft tissue injury, somebody suggested that I take her in for another set of X-rays, as sometimes the pain appears before the tumour could be detected. Sure enough, it was osteo. There was about a month between visits. If for no other reason, it will put your mind at ease. Keep us posted, ok?
  9. I'm so very sorry. He was a super beautiful guy. My first dog was a lab and he was so patient, special and so much fun; much like your description of Bailey.
  10. robinw

    Xavi and Allen

    From the album: Xavi

  11. robinw

    Xavi and Allen

    From the album: Xavi

  12. Congratulations! I saw where you had mentioned in a previous post that you had adopted a dog, and was hoping for an announcement. Can't wait to see pictures!
  13. When I adopted my first greyhound, I was convinced that he hated me. I was used to living with active mixed breeds, not couch potatoes.
  14. I'm sorry, Quinton1, that puts you under even more pressure. I didn't mean to suggest that you were doing anything wrong. It's hard when there are complaints to management. I worked with a really good dog behaviourist named named Debbie Jacobs via Skype. She is very reasonably priced and specializes in this kind of situation. Here is her email address, if you'd like to contact her. exploretravel@gmail.com
  15. You're going way too fast. Alone training takes time and and patience. you can't expect results in one day, or even three weeks. He's been with you a very short period of time and everything is so new and different. I wonder if he is picking up on your anxiety, too. Try to be very matter of fact when you come and go; don't make a big deal about it. Have you tried leaving the TV or radio on for him? That seems to work in my house. I know what it's like to have complaining neighbours. It adds a lot of stress and pressure. Have you tried explaining to them that you are working very hard with your dog?
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