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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Nothing wrong with trying to feed four times a day. It certainly can't hurt. It might not stop the feeding antics, as some of it might be habit.
  2. I kept my cat - safe - dog - who - really - wasn't - cat - safe tethered to my waist with a long leash. That allowed me to keep my eyes on her, praise her when she ignored said cat and avoid cat being eaten. It took 1.5 months, but it eventually irked and they became friends.
  3. Ducky, can you add Che the golden retriever? After a week long search, yesterday he was found frozen in the ice covering a local river. His owner found him; it was her birthday. This guy was very near and dear to my heart. Thank you.
  4. Xavi does the same thing, and all I do is walk the two feet from my driveway to the front door. I ignore him. Hope for some good suggestions here.
  5. I'm so very sorry. I always enjoyed your photos of Betty Joan. She was a special girl
  6. The most I've had to spend in one shot was over $2000 after Loca found and ate a jar of vitamins. That was about 10 years ago, so I think it would cost much more now. I've lost all three greyhounds to osteo but chose palliative care so it didn't cost that much. Insurance prices really go up with you have more than one pet to insure, especially is one isn't young. I used to have it, but I don't any more.
  7. To quote myself, have you contacted this organization yet?
  8. Greyhounds are nasty when they play. I will only let my galgos play with a couple at a time. Once somebody brought a saluki to playgroup and the greyhounds knocked her around like she was a toy.
  9. Greyt Heart Service Dogs http://www.greythearts.org/ Of course greyhounds make great service dogs. All they need is proper training
  10. You really should get that checked out. You'd feel terrible if he had something treatable, or if he had something that wasn't treatable and is suffering longer than necessary.
  11. Do you have babesia where you live? My first greyhound had it, and I had him tested because he seemed depressed. It can lay dormant for a long time But can have a sudden onset after a stressful situation, such as adoption. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have him tested' especially since it can be treated. It can be very serious if he has it and it's left untreated.
  12. I live with one of them (the black dog in my picture). Give him lots of time, patience, lots of space, keep your sense of humour, don't pressure him and let him come to you. Take it very slow and relax. He very well may be the perfect dog for you.
  13. Lori, I'm so very sorry. Sheena was so special.
  14. Wow, four years. Happy Birthday Neyla
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