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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Iker had a dead tooth when I adopted him. The vet pulled it.
  2. So glad Charlie is home with you. Both of you continue to be in my thoughts.
  3. I have a lot of friends and who use it. The only reason I don't is because I don't have the patience for Costco.
  4. robinw

    Reko Hughes

    I'm so sorry, Diane. I remember when you adopted Hughes, and thinking how lucky you were to have each other, and how jealous I was because you adopted a Reko.
  5. Irene and Len, I'm so very very sorry. I'll miss him.
  6. robinw


    From the album: My Dogs

  7. robinw

    Xavi and Iker

    From the album: My Dogs

  8. Xavi's off switch is broken, too. Keep your sense of humour and enjoy it.
  9. Lunging and pulling...sounds so familiar Patience patience patience. I use the spook harness on Iker because I'm afraid that he will back out of a regular harness. Have you seen the special leashes offered by Anne Green? They attach to a collar and the harness. I tried using that with Iker at first but had better control just using the spook harness with q sturdy leash and carambient for extra security. I've also realized that I will probably never be able to walk Iker anyplace where there are people, etc. because he is simply too nervous and freaked out. Another thing that helps is if you can find a group of friends with dogs and take all have a big group walk. That will help your dog relax. With my guys, their reactions to squirrels and bunnies has faded a bit over time, but Xavi is still very keen. He's great on a leash until he sees a squirrel or a bunny. I wrap his leash around my hand several times and try to be retroactive by trying to spot animals before he does. I try to distract him best I can, but I have to depend on muscle more than anything. Be patient and keep remindIing yourself that these are hunting dogs and possibly street dogs who look at the world differently than you and your greyhounds do. Patience and humour .
  10. I remember. They did have beautiful coats
  11. We have the same weather and temps as the other Canadians who posted in this thread. My guys are refusing to go outside. I have to give their wee bums a little push to get them out the door. They run to a good spot, do what they have to do, then run rull speed back to the door.
  12. So hard to believe that it was 11 years ago. I still miss that crazy girl like mad. Thank you rascalsmom, Jester, CanadaGirl, and several others that are no longer on this board for getting her to me from Georgia. Thank you Batmom for being her voice and thanks to KelseysLackey for this wonderful photo. This is how I'll over remember her. Oh yeah, and dancing on the table.
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