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Everything posted by robinw

  1. http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/infectious-parasitic/c_dg_babesiosis http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2015/02/01/babesiosis.aspx
  2. Phoenix developed some of the same symptoms shortly after I adopted him, especially the listlessness. It was very difficult to have him tested for babesia, as the carrying brown ticks don't live here on Ontario. Finally I found a vet in Oakville who did the test, and it was positive. Although his titres were borderline, the critters were visible in his blood. The treatment has to be brought in from the US. I was told that babesia can be dormant for a long time, but can be activated due to stress, such as being adopted or mourning the loss of a good friend.
  3. We have massasauga rattlesnakes here. You don't? Poor Stretch! Glad he's feeling better.
  4. This is always a hot topic and it always goes south quickly. It depends on the dog. Is it really worth the "argument"? Chances are, the OP will do what seems best, anyway.
  5. robinw


    I'm so sorry for your losses. I'm can't imagine how painful it must be to suffer so much loss.
  6. I wish I had an answer for you. Could something have happened of which you might not be aware? In the meantime, you might want to look into this no pull, no escape harness. My Iker was too afraid to walk around. I purchased the harness and,now he,goes out without problem, and even seems relaxed. I think there's something about it that is comforting. It is from the One Stop Harness Shop, which is only on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/568743733161925/?ref=ts&fref=ts
  7. I'm so sorry. She must've been a very special girl.
  8. Your book arrived! Haven't had time to read it but I love the cover.
  9. Oh, Jan, I'm so very, very sorry. We will miss Andy.
  10. I lost all three of my greyhounds to osteo; Loca, Phoenix and Treasure.
  11. I purchased your book last week
  12. Are you on Facebook? There I a FB shop called the One Stop Harness Shop that makes wonderful harnesses for nervous walkers. I live with a dog like yours, and it was three years before I could take him for a walk. Everything changed after I bought the One Stop Harness Shop no escape no pull harness. There seems to be something about it that calms Iker and I can walk him now. Please check it out. It's only on Facebook.
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