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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I have always enjoyed your posts about your dogs and Graham had a special place in my heart. I am so sorry that it was his time to go. Such a Handsome Debbil.
  2. I am so very sorry. I still acutely feel their absence at times and mine have been gone for a year. The loss is still there and always will be. It has just become part of who I am now, and while the sharp pain has eased, the ache remains. To me, it is a reminder of our bond and I actually hope to never lose that ache. It brings them back to me. While most of us have never met you or Zero, we are with you in spirit as you enter this next chapter of your life. Wishing you peace and comfort.
  3. Kari, I feed chicken backs and turkey necks (among other things). Why are they to be avoided? Chicken necks, I can see since they are small and probably will just be inhaled. Weight bearing bones of large animals I also understand. I also feed pork necks. Those keep them busy and aren't as hard as leg bones. I tend to avoid lamb. I found that it is higher in fat (at least my source) and caused pancreatitis in my whippet. How did the chicken quarter go?
  4. Keep us posted! I usually feed raw, but my senior has developed a sensitivity to chicken which is a staple in their diet. I tried a kazillion foods and didn't fare much better. He is finally doing just ok on TOTW (beef and boar blend). He snarfs it down but his output isn't as firm as I would like. The others are now wanting kibble too, go figure, so they are getting some with their raw. If I have to supplement 4 dogs with kibble and Costco in on the way home from work, it's a no-brainer. Which, I have been accused of being on more than one occasion, lol.
  5. Congrats, he is handsome! The ears back are in their resting position. As for the tail, one of mine was never a tail wagger. However, as he gets used to his new situation, he will be easier to read. Welcome!
  6. My whippet had separation anxiety and clomicalm did not work. I switched him to generic Prozac. (I think that is the human version of Reconcile.) Different medications work for different dogs. He wouldn't take any treats, either, while I was gone. He destroyed a crate, dug holes in my carpet and cleared the baby gates. His case was short-lived, thankfully. He got full reign of the house and the meds and he was able to settle down. And, we worked on training. Oh, I already had two greyhounds when he arrived on my doorstep. I do feel for you, it is so hard to know that they are stressed. Have you contacted your group? I live in Maryland, on the other side of the river from Leesburg. If I can do something to help you out, please let me know.
  7. Brady is my 3rd corn dog. Lucky me. Not. Anyway, I do dremel his to keep them flat and that seems to help. I will also hull them, which I don't like to do and he doesn't like, either. He will wear a therapaw on his back foot, but not the front. Good luck and I would like to see a picture of the rest of your handsome guy!
  8. All four of them here went crazy, barking and then a full-out roo session! If I had known they would do that, I would have videotaped it myself! Thankfully, my windows are closed since it would have disturbed the little kids next door! Thanks for sharing that!
  9. For pills that help, Brady gets Gabapentin and Robaxin for his hind end and they help. Please let us know how she is, please!
  10. I am so very sorry. I am glad that his passing was peaceful.
  11. Pam, I am so sorry. You have packed a lot of love in that 1.5 years. He knows he is loved, as are you. You are in my thoughts.
  12. You tribute made me cry. I am so very sorry. Sam was one in a million.
  13. Please send my condolences to those who knew and loved pretty Katie Scarlett. She is gone way too soon.
  14. I am so sorry. I think the ammonia smell has something to do with kidney failure, but others with way more knowledge will chime in soon. I went through something similar and it is so very hard. His body gave out before his spirit. My thoughts are with you.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss of your handsome boy. Wishing you peace and comfort.
  16. I am so very sorry. Your tribute for her was as beautiful as she was. I, too, had a female that took no prisoners and I lost her quickly and without warning. The void is palpable. I am still waiting to see who she picks for me next. She did teach my others how to bark, bless her heart. Hugs to you as you enter the next phase.
  17. I will tell the dogs to go potty and they go outside and do whatever. However, if I tell them Cookie Potty, they know there is a treat involved after they go and that they had better keep their knees together for a good long while because I am either going to work or going to bed. Over time, they learned that Cookie Potty meant last outs and they are really good about running outside and doing their business. On a lighter note, I was outside one evening and Goose was being a PITA. I finally told him to "Go potty NOW." I heard a voice over the fence reply, "can I go inside first?" I busted out laughing - gotta love my neighbors!
  18. I bet I know you! Just give her time. Put her front feet up and then hoist her rear. She will eventually do it on her own. If Kramer could be taught to jump in the car, Cookie should do just fine. Cindy
  19. I am sorry for your loss. Freddie sounds like a wonderful guy.
  20. Marc, thinking of you and Pinky.
  21. Zoe HATED having her butt sniffed, but would take those liberties with all other dogs. I finally got her a scarf that read "No tailgating" She improved over time, but it was a right of passage at playgroup to get snarked at by Zoe. If you didn't, then you just weren't worth the effort and that's no good! She kept those boys in line though, let me tell you! It is frustrating though. I feel your pain.
  22. If the sound of your keys is a trigger, why not pick them up several times a day and just put them back down a few minutes or so later so he no longer associates that noise with your leaving?
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