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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Doesn't really sound that you have much choice and I wish the best for you and Molly. That being said, if all things look good and you are going ahead with the surgery, I would have Molly undergo a complete cardiac evaluation with a cardiologist, including an echo, first. Obviously, my suggestion is based upon past experience and I so hope your outcome is better than mine. Sending good thoughts! Cindy
  2. Goose growls every time Fancy or Maverick get within 3 feet of him while he is lying down. However, they ignore him and plop themselves down wherever they want to be regardless. Therefore, I end up with 3 dogs on my sectional and 2-3 dogs in bed with me (and 2-3 cats) every single night. Maverick and Fancy will use each other as a pillow. They are both bomb proof when asleep anyway. Goose will touch Maverick, but heaven forbid Maverick touch Goose. For the record, Goose and Mav are littermates and Fancy is younger and just arrived 2 months ago. I was so surprised how well she slid into my pack with nary a glance that I knew she would stay.
  3. I have dealt with adjustment issues almost every time a new dog has come into the fold. Zoe cost me more money in stapling the other dogs back together then vet bills for the others combined during the entire time I had her. Dante ended up with a drain in his nose when he accidently stepped on her and she latched onto him. That being said, they worked everything out and the pack grieved terribly when I lost her. Just remember, muzzles are your friends and should be used. As PhillyPups said, muzzles are like seatbelts - you put them on just in case and hope to never need them. I would imagine that they will find their new normal over time. James Bond probably isn't sad, but you feel he should be because he just got hurt. Good luck and I hope things progress a little more smoothly for you.
  4. Welcome! I used to have two greyhounds and a whippet. I have since lost all 3 and whippets are hard to come by around here unless you go the breeder route, so I just have greyhounds. Indy used to sleep in bed, too, with his head on my pillow, tucked under my chin or down by my feet. Silly little guys! Your fur family is quite handsome!
  5. Lovely tribute for your wonderful dog. Those quiet ones really are a Force to reckoned with, aren't they? I am so very sorry for your loss. I imagine your house is more quiet than you ever thought.
  6. Thanks, Judy! I looked, but I guess I didn't look hard enough. Heaven knows the cats could use some help, too.
  7. Krissy, is that water additive safe for cats, too? Mine share a common water bowl.
  8. What a cutie! She looked like she just grabbed life by the ears and took it for a ride. I am so sorry for your loss.
  9. Lori and Michael, I am so sorry that you lost your handsome Monty. May his memories bring you peace and comfort in the coming days.
  10. I added molasses instead of the Karo Syrup and only oatmeal and they are happily consumed here. I made them smaller than that and use them as Brady's pill pockets with a smidgen for the others to taste.
  11. I don't see why it couldn't be used as needed until things are straightened out. Yours contain fortified cereals and protein. Hoping you find out and are able to easily treat her soon!
  12. I have been using it for several years. I give them 1.5 tsp once a day and mix it into their food. They don't seem to even notice it. I believe Actiflex was recommended by Dr. Radcliffe, an orthopod vet in WV. I have been happy with it and give it to all hounds, regardless of age. I purchase mine through Big Dee's Tack Shop. The shipping is what kills me, not the price of the product.
  13. Can you put carpet runners on the areas that she needs to travel? My senior is creaky and wobbly, too, and keeping his nails shorter has also helped. I have rugs on the floors that he needs to utilize and that has brought him a lot of security. I also have higher, padded bedding for him so he can get on and off his bed easier.
  14. Deb and John, I am so very sorry that Hannah the Beautiful had to leave. I am so glad that you got that time with her and Cleo. Thank you for being patient and waiting for her to make her way to you. Hugs Cindy
  15. I follow a prey model for my guys. The main staple is chicken because it is cheaper and more readily available. I do not feed any type of ground veggie mix as some recommend. They eat chicken backs, chicken quarters, ground beef, venison, duck, pork, turkey, fish (ground and canned - Goose refuses to eat a whole fish or even chunks), tripe, organ meat (usually chicken, but I also get beef and deer sometimes if my neighbor is feeling generous) and periodically, eggs (with shell). I started off reading the booklet Switching to Raw, which was recommended to me by someone and can be found on the internet, just google the title. I have adapted the diet over the years to accommodate the needs of my dogs. While it isn't 100% on target, my dogs are healthy, happy and my vet is happy with their weight and over-all good health. I do add a glucosamine mix (Acti-flex) and fish oil to their meals. But that is for other reasons and not as a dietary supplement. I have started feeding a meal of kibble once or twice a week so they are more accustomed to it in case of an emergency or we are going out of town and I feed every other meal raw to save space and mess. For example, we are going to Dewey and they will have chicken backs every morning and kibble at night. Keeps their guts more in check than switching to kibble for every meal and makes feeding time smoother since we are sharing a house with 10 other dogs and their humans. Good luck!
  16. I am so very sorry that you lost your beautiful girl.
  17. I have no opinions about everyone being able to take something from your dog, but if you are going to work on this with your children, I would have them practice trading up with him. They give him something better than what he already has. Batmom, I think, has a good tutorial for trading up.
  18. I am sorry to read this. You and Nadir are in my thoughts.
  19. I love that handsome face and their commemorative flowers are gorgeous. For me, the pain of loss never truly goes away, you just get used to it.
  20. Ducky, you may only have had him for 66 days, but it took 9 years, 5 months and 10 days for him to find his forever home. I know those 66 days were his best and he was able to leave knowing he was truly, thoroughly loved. I am so very sorry. Give PUdge a scritch for me. Cindy
  21. Have fun at camp, Sweetie! We hope your stay will be a long one, since the senior camp counselor, Seamie, (is there a hat for that? ) needed a new camper! She is a cutie! Congrats, Jan. Enjoy *fostering* May your experience be as good as mine!
  22. I remember when you posted those pictures and thought they were so very sweet. I am sorry that Nike had to leave, but I imagine he is already snuggled up against Pal, paw to paw. Please extend my condolences.
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