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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Tanzi update. After a bad scare, see thread "prayers please", Tanzi's chest x-rays are once again boring! One year post amp!
  2. This is the best Christmas present ever! I'm going to have to keep her really quiet for about a month. No walks except for potty. No jumping on the couch (that's going to be the hardest to do). She's staying on Rimadyl, tramadol and we're adding gabapentin. She so wanted to get out of the back room away from the vets, that they brought her back to me still a little drunk. Good thing the nurse was there and had just put down a thick comforter. Tanzi did a face plant. But the nurse partially caught her and she had a soft landing. Drunk and tripod just don't mix. Her chest x-rays were still clear, still no sign of cancer. When the doctor came out and told me, I just broke down and cried. I couldn't imagine anything else that would be so painful and not respond to pain meds. Merry Christmas to me!!
  3. IT'S NOT CANCER!!!! Probable muscle strain.
  4. Tanzi has a lot of pain in her hind left leg. Rimadyl and Tramadol aren't relieving it. We see her oncologist tomorrow. My other OS tripod lost her life when OS hit her back leg. I'm really scared.
  5. I had VPI for years. I actually had the chance to compare apples to apples. Two dogs. Both 1 night stay at hospital for gastritis. Same size bill. One dog had VPI and the other Healthy Paws. HP paid 90% (my option) of the multi-thousand dollar bill, minus the office visit. VPI paid about 40%. When I asked them why so low, they said that's what the schedule stated. And when I complained how archaic the schedule was they replied that their insurance was only supposed to assist with the bills, not cover them. That did it for me. I had been with them for a decade. I had 6 dogs with them. When I left VPI for HP I never looked back.
  6. Oh Jan, that's so heart breaking. Two since I visited you.
  7. That looks stitchable. But even if you don't stitch after the vetwrap just get any good medical tape and have only 1/2 inch on the fur, the rest on the wrap. That should keep it up. Boxer shorts should keep her from chewing it.
  8. When I felt I needed a canine dentist as opposed to the regular vet, it cost me approximately $3000. When I went to my local vet it was never more than $400 including an extraction or two. And I'm in NJ. Notorious for high costs.
  9. I'm so so sorry. It sucks to lose a family member just before the holidays. I'm also single and live alone with just my houndies. If you need a little help with the empty house, maybe fostering can take the edge off the pain.
  10. MP_the4pack


    Petra, I'm so sorry you lost Cara. She was beautiful.
  11. Rachel, he was a good boy. A very, very special boy. I will miss him dearly. Hugs.
  12. Today is Tanzi's 1 year ampuversary! I wish I could post a pix, but I use photobucket. They aren't Greytalk friendly anymore. Her last vet check was "boring" according to the vet. That's a good thing. A very good thing. She celebrated her 10th birthday a month ago. She's still running around chasing her sister much to my anxiety. The only difference is she can't go on as long of walks as she used to.
  13. How is the rest of him physically? Can he be a tripod? I went the amp route with my 12 year old girl. She did great for 6 months chasing deer into OS hit another leg.
  14. ((((((((((Judy)))))))) It's so hard to lose just one, my heart is just aching that you lost another one so soon.
  15. Jan, I wish I could have met him. He looks to have a wonderful personality.
  16. Nadine, Colin will always have the most special piece of your heart with him. And he left his most special piece with you. What a handsome boy.
  17. I am so so sorry. Words cannot express my shock and sorrow. But it's obvious he was very well loved.
  18. I did it all the time with Pearl. You need an infant cuff. At the base of the tail. They use something to magnify the sound because it's not easy to hear the sound of the blood going through the artery. However I found the needle starts to bounce at that moment. While not that accurate it was close enough to know when Pearl's BP was up.
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