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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. It actually states a loss of appetite. And she doesn't have any symptom except cancer. She's not tired, no loss of weight or muscle mass. I think it's just because she's getting a ton of really delicious food and I give it to her anytime she wants. She's always been a foodie. So when that's gone I know it's time.
  2. Today's update. Tanzi woke up ready to take on the world. But when I took her for a bitty walk, her left leg stopped working. Probably too cold, it was about 25. I rubbed her back end and we were able to get back to the car. She had trouble getting comfortable in the car but seems to be ok now and she's sleeping quietly. Her appetite has hit the roof though. I think I've created a monster. I've been giving her anything and everything. Now she thinks anytime I go into the kitchen she is getting something good. I've run out of roast beef, meatloaf, liverwurst, salami. Luckily she loves "failed eggnog". Eggnog that curdled while being cooked. It's like sweet scrambled eggs. And since I had 2 failed batches in a row, 18 eggs, I have a lot of that. But at the rate she's eating it, it'll be gone in no time. Just taking it one day at a time. I hope she feels good by the end of the week, it's supposed to reach 50. A temp I think she can handle.
  3. So far we have another good day. I got pix of her playing with a toy. We went to Tractor Supply today. Her favorite place. But she came outside when I was giving the chickens fresh water and was two legged when I brought her in the house. But she seems ok now. It's egg day, so she got up for them. She was laying on her bad side and she usually cries getting up from that side. I wish she would stop laying on that side. But she doesn't listen to me.
  4. I'm so sorry to hear the news. I'm in the same boat as you now. My Tanzi has mets in her spine and pelvis. We're down to good days and bad days. I hope you have a lot of good days.
  5. Tanzi has always been hot. But really...7 degrees?! Anyway she's doing well today.
  6. My above info was only for gabapentin. Tramadol is 100/3 times a day. She slept very well last night, getting up twice. Once to change position and once to go out. She woke up with piss and vinegar. Feeling very good. Even attacking a toy. So we went to the bank, one of her favorite places. I told them it was probably her last visit. On the way home she was very whiney and couldn't sit still. I finally pulled over and took her coat off.(it's 7 degrees here) That was it. That stinker. Here I'm all worried she's in pain, or the meds are making her anxious. The visit was too much. And she just didn't want her coat on. So yesterday I was wondering if she was going to make it a week. Today I'm almost sure she will.
  7. I was doing 200/200/100/200/200 which is less than what you had down in 4 times a day. I'll talk to my vets about some of the options you mentioned.
  8. It took 2 days, cerenia, metronidazole and Prilosec before she started eating again after a week of Rimadyl. I don't know what nsaids would work, and the vets didn't offer another alternative to Rimadyl. But I've already broke all the doctors advise. The Tramadol is staying the same, but I'm giving 200 mg 5 times a day. It is 100 more than the vets said. But I'm stretching it out. Thanks for the article.
  9. Wow, I just heard from Dr Couto. He said 100 mg Tramadol 3 times a day and 200 mg gabapentin 3 times a day is maxed for her. This amount was what she was on before I spoke to her vets after the CT. Her vets upped the amount to 1800 per day. I'm surprised.
  10. I agree with more smaller doses. I tried to get the vets to go that route. So I'm going to wait for Dr Couto.
  11. They put her on 400/gabapentin twice a day. Another 100 at the 6 hr mark if she needs it. If it's not enough the next step is 400 gabapentin every 8 hrs. But I have to watch for her being wobbly. If she falls she could break her pelvis which has one of the lesions. And if she is wobbly, then they want to switch to the patch. She's on 100/Tramadol 3 times a day with the gabapentin. I have an email to Dr Couto asking his opinion.
  12. The vaccine has come too late for Tanzi. She has multiple lesions on her spine and pelvis. I only have days left. What's the highest gabapentin can she be on?
  13. Yes, but just over the border to VSEC in Levittown. Of course now the snow accumulation went up. Wasn't supposed to be much here. Now it's up to 4 inches and heavy winds.
  14. Tanzi has not improved. We went back today and they've scheduled a CT for tomorrow. Top of the list is cancer.
  15. I'm sorry for the tragic news. I have a current OS survivor. She was diagnosed a year ago November. She had a front leg amp Nov 14. And hasn't looked back since. Good luck with whatever decision you make. And remember whatever decision you make, it's not wrong because it's made with love.
  16. Probably go back to the Eisenhower. It's accepting dogs again. New owner. so
  17. Won't hurt to try it. If sales are poor then we don't do it again.
  18. Update. We had a muscle ultrasound done today. They are fine. So that crosses off soft tissue injury. So the final diagnosis is lumbar sacral problem. If she doesn't start showing improvement within a couple of weeks then they suggest an MRI. Thank God for insurance!
  19. Question. Does gabapentin cause excessive drooling? Tanzi's bed was soaked last night. So much so, I had to cover it with a towel.
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