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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Tanzi just had her 6 month post chemo checkup. Dr. Mark said she had a "boring" checkup. We LIKE boring!! Her lung x-rays were crystal clear and bloodwork perfect.
  2. I've had HP for about 5 yrs now. And sometimes their response is within days, and sometimes it takes a couple weeks. I think it depends on time of year. I think they might have more claims in summer and fall as people with their pets are more active.
  3. It's been taking about 3 weeks for me lately.
  4. A beautiful photo of a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry. I've lost three to this horrid disease. You made the right choice.
  5. I'm so sorry to hear the news. Too many of our furkids get this damn disease. My girl Tanzi has OS. We went the amp route 10 months ago. She's doing great and turns 10 in a month. I'm in NJ just in case you might want to meet her.
  6. Missing it this year. I'll be somewhere between NJ and TX.
  7. He's looking at you saying, "don't worry, I got this licked".
  8. Of the three dogs in my house right now, (one's a guest) two are tripods. They have some similarities and some differences. Both age nine. One goes down the ramp and up the stairs, the other goes down the stairs and up the ramp. Both need me to be at a jogging pace. Actually what seems to work best is to find a safe off leash area and let them do their speed. They stop rest and restart on their own terms. But you do want to exercise her. The more she uses that front leg, the stronger it gets. Both muscle and bone.
  9. I'm torn between wanting to keep cancer at bay and not wanting to give her any more drugs. She's so happy now. But periodically doesn't want to eat. Something she never did before chemo.
  10. Tanzi's last chemo was April. A week later she had a full workup of blood and x-rays. She had it again in June, her next is in September. I don't know when it'll go from 3 months to 6 months. But that's it.
  11. Another Healthy Paws here. Love them. When I didn't have insurance, I had a $15,000 vet bill covering the months from Dec 1999 to July 2000. Losing my 5 yr old saving my 6 yr old. I've had insurance since. Sometimes the insurance company made out sometimes I did. My Pearl drained the insurance company dry with her heart disease and hypertension diagnosed at age 6, she died of cancer age 12.
  12. That's me too. She scares the living daylights out of me. But she's happy. She's enjoying life to the fullest.
  13. I've lost three to that horrid disease. Including my heart and soul girl. I hope it works.
  14. Small Tanzi update. I took them for a walk at a local open space park. While it's not fenced, there's enough field shrub to seem like it. Being a tripod it's easier for Tanzi to be off leash and do her speed. So off we went on a nice stroll when she spotted a rabbit. That girl still has it in her as she took off like a bat out of you-know-where. At that moment no one would have guessed she was a tripod. Luckily the rabbit had enough warning to escape. Tanzi came back to me with a huge s-eating grin on her face. Poor leashed Emma was so jealous.
  15. Laura, I'm so sorry. You've had a bad stretch, recently.
  16. Sorry, but I think you should return him. He's not cat safe. If you have a problem confronting them, then tell a friend of the issues and have them confront them for you. Doesn't have to be nasty. Just firm. Or at least have them there to give you support.
  17. My Onyx had the left side tieback at age 11. She lived to 15.5. She had no issues. We just couldn't give her crumbly foods like milkbones because of an increase in aspirate pneumonia. That's the only thing we had to be vigilant about.
  18. I hope they do an ultrasound. Blood in the abdomen can be from hemangiosarcoma. I pray it's not.
  19. My current girls would eat the melons I was growing in my garden. I had to fence off the garden.
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