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Bowl To Encorage Slower Eating - Where To Buy

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Anyone know where I can get standard-size raised feeder, stainless steel bowls that have that donut shape in the middle to help with dogs that eat too fast? I have found only bowls that sit on the ground and none that I could "cheat" with and put in a raised feeder (all too big or too small).


I have tried the gobble-stopper plastic piece that suctions to the bottom, but found that it loses suction pretty quick. I have also bought the stainless balls that go into the bowl, but haven't found them as helpful.


Finn was a ravenous beast (hah!) when we first adopted him, but over the months, and especially since our Tilly passed away in February, he has slowed down to be a somewhat normal eater. However, with the addition of his little sister this past Saturday - they are both, apparently, in competition to see who can eat the fastest. It is like watching Wild Kingdom!


I can get a few more gobble-stoppers knowing they will only suction for a month or two, but just amazed that I've been unable to find raised feeder stainless steel bowls with the raised middle. Certainly someone makes these?

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I know it's not for raised feeders, but I used this one for our ravenous houndie and it worked pretty well (she never had a problem eating out of the bowl on the floor instead of on a raised feeder). There's also this on Amazon.


Glad to hear they're already behaving like siblings! :P

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i was just at tjmaxx and there were tons of them!!! if you have a marshalls or tjmaxx(same ower) take a peek. you can also spread all of the food out on a large cookie sheet or baking tin and have him pick thru it. the bowls look like they will tip over on an elevated feeder.

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I just put a small pyrex custard cup upside down in the middle of the bowl and pour the kibble around it. It works just as well!



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I put a foot long chain with white plastic coating in the bowl with his food. Heavy enough that he had to eat around it. Visit a home depot or something and just get them to snip off a piece.

Edited by XTRAWLD

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Good ideas above. Also a bundt cake pan. Or try spreading the food out on a cookie sheet. Hell, go out in the yard and find a couple of heavy rocks or a piece of brick, wash them off and try them. That's what I did when I worked with explosive detection dogs.


I did the smaller bowl inside the feed bowl with one of our greyhounds. If I was in a good mood, I actually put food in the bowl. ;):rofl :rofl


I cannot see spending that much money on a bowl.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
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Like Wendy said, BTDT, rocks are your friend. One large one or two medium-sized will definitely slow down an enthusiastic eater. And with all that money you saved not buying a special dish, you can buy more treats :)

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Hah, some good ideas! We mix fix with warm water - so we can't use the cookie sheet idea. My brother's dog (a lab) actually cracked his tooth on a rock they were using, so I'm leery of that! Our new girl bites the bottom of of the dish, lol.


Roo -we actually bought two of those stainless ones you linked to, thinking we could put them inside the raised feeder bowl - but they didn't fit (even the small one). I really love our raised feeder - had it custom made for 3 bowls so the water is between them. It's made of a plastic material so it's easy to clean and it's a really modern, nice design - perfect height for them. It's funny that all the bowls for raised feeders are pretty standard, but none that come pre-made for slow eating?!


Maybe I have a million-dollar idea? :hehe

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i was just at tjmaxx and there were tons of them!!! if you have a marshalls or tjmaxx(same ower) take a peek. you can also spread all of the food out on a large cookie sheet or baking tin and have him pick thru it. the bowls look like they will tip over on an elevated feeder.

I will also check TJ Maxx here, we have one a few miles away - thanks for the tip!

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Honestly, I would suggest abandoning your feeder, however lovely ;) and feeding them apart. The gulping down food because another dog is nearby means you're creating a situation with some tension. I personally wouldn't want to encourage tension over resources between 2 resident dogs. Plus, if they're separated for meals you can easily implement my next suggestion, which is to feed them their meals through a treat dispensing toy like the Kong Wobbler or Bob-a-lot. It's a nice way for your dogs to expend mental and some physical energy with minimal effort from you. :)


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Bunt pan was also my first thought.


Pitou is a huge 17 pound chowhound. He eats in the spare room closed off until Bark finishes. I feel kind of bad about but 5 or so minutes is better than a dogfight and that's just the way it is. My neighbors adore the Kong wobbler I bought for Fritz the boxer. I believe some have used muffin tins to split the food up.

Edited by Hubcitypam
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Another idea -- since you're already moistening with warm water, add at least a cup. That slows things down.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Last month I purchased a bowl called Brake-fast (Brake-fast.net) you can go online to their site, they also sell on Amazon. I purchased the medium stainless steel, wish I had gotten the plastic instead, it's a pain to remove the 3 thingies & wash everyday. It does seem to help slow my Recon down, I've also moved his bowl away from my girl Carrera, as he "races" to eat. He barely chews the kibble and he's a total pig. I feed them both Kirkland chicken, rice, veggie. They do get some treats during the day and this boy is a drooler! I have always fed my dogs twice a day. I just received my order of Olewo carrots and the beets. Recon has had very soft stool since we got him in November and he licks himself like a cat.....hoping this will help. Carrera had soft stools for over a year when we first got her, I only knew about pumpkin then and it helped but it really became a main part of her diet. Now trying the Olewo on Recon, will keep you posted. It's nice to read everyone's comments, really helps with some great ideas. :beatheart

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Thanks, all! I put an upside down custard cup in and a little more water - it helped! The good thing is when one finishes, they are not encroaching on the other one at all. The new little one finishes first (she gets a little less than Finn) and she just runs right to the door to go out - she's already learned the routine!


She is adjusting really well so far - she's learned the schedule to go out, and is learning breakfast & dinner times. She is really respectful of Finn while he's eating, and he is of her, as well. He scarfs down his lunch treats, and she is a bit more dainty. He just waits patiently for her to finish. I feed them a few feet apart, of course, and I am always there supervising (sitting in a chair between them during all eating events).


I'll keep working on the slowing down! Finn was an absolute monster when we brought him home, lol. But once he learned his eating times, he relaxed quite a bit. I am sure she will, too. :)

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Some stainless steel bowls you can turn over and they are like a bundt pan on the bottom.

"Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the day comes God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man."

Persian Proverb

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Good ideas above. Also a bundt cake pan. Or try spreading the food out on a cookie sheet. Hell, go out in the yard and find a couple of heavy rocks or a piece of brick, wash them off and try them. That's what I did when I worked with explosive detection dogs.


I did the smaller bowl inside the feed bowl with one of our greyhounds. If I was in a good mood, I actually put food in the bowl. ;):rofl :rofl


I cannot see spending that much money on a bowl.

Yep. Rock, cookie sheet, bundt pan (that you already have). I wouldn't spend money on it.


If the dog isn't choking, don't bother at all. Fast eating isn't an issue, unless it's an issue, and it usually isn't.

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Guest Jordan33

I just had the thought of adding in a Kong toy to slow them down and also to not break teeth. It's a thought.

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Guest KarenD

I just put a small pyrex custard cup upside down in the middle of the bowl and pour the kibble around it. It works just as well!

That's what I do. Works fine and is free!! Also heard of placing a large chain in the bowl. Haven't tried it but makes sense.

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