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Watching And Waiting On A Racing Doggie

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He is a handsome brindle boy. Race name DC Man of Steal. Kennel called him Steeler. He is actually a little darker than this picture, this one is a few months old and he still had his farm coat.



Edited by boopieface



Aljo Atomic Kogo and DC Man of Steal

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That seems to be everyone's reaction to him!! Right now he is "vacationing" at the GPA MA kennel because next weekend we are having a HUGE Celebration of Life barbeque for my late wife and I am running around like a madwoman. I'll be picking him up and bringing him home right after that. I can't wait!! We decided to call him Clark Kent!!



Aljo Atomic Kogo and DC Man of Steal

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Wow, it really is a small greyhound world and an awesome greyhound community. Thanks to the folks at PRH for hosting Clark Kent, a.k.a. Steeler, a.k.a. DC Man of Steal, a.k.a. Matthew on his journey to his new home. It sounds like he is making new friends and winning hearts wherever he goes.


He was an adorable pup, and we are so happy to know he is going to be spoiled rotten in his retirement.

Wanda, with the DC Racing Kids,

Eric ( DNT Finbarclancy )  6/29/14    Maggie ( DNT Oh Maggie ) 6/29/14

Lorraine ( DC Don't Rainonme ) 3/15/08 - 4/9/20 ---  Suzie ( DC Lazy Susan ) 3/12/06 - 9/4/18 --- Stormy ( DC Major Storm ) 11/29/99 - 1/21/12 ---- Andy ( Andy's Alibi ) 1/23/99 - 12/30/11

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When are you geting him Halise? :)

I just found out today that Jack's sister was up for adoption :yay

Then that she was adopted :weep

I guess the trainer, owner and adoption rep. forgot we wanted her :P Oh well, Jack will get a UK brother instead of his sister :P

Cynthia, with Charlie (Britishlionheart) & Zorro el Galgo
Captain Jack (Check my Spots), my first love

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  • 2 months later...

At Greyt Escape this weekend, we were one of the few vendors at the track on Sunday. When I got too hot, I went inside to cool off and watch a race. I was ogling this gorgeous, long, tall black boy named "Now You See Me" as they lead him out with his competitors. He's number 6 in this video: http://www.trackinfo.com/video-box.jsp?raceid=gWD%2420160807A03 As you can see, he won handily! (Wish I'd bet on him!)


I see in his records that this was a maiden race for him. I have this whimsical idea of greystalking hims beautimus self and see if I can adopt him when he retires. I don't have a still photo of him, but you have to trust me, he looked like a panther and moved like poetry.


This thread is rather long so I apologize if this has already been answered. But should I contact the track/kennel to inquire about him, or his owner (Michael E Stout)? I'm not in a hurry to adopt, but would like to let them know I'm interested whenever he's ready.


I have another question... after losing Ajax to osteo, is it irrational to avoid dogs out of the Dodgem or HB Commander lines? I remember hearing that they've traced a correlation of high osteo risk with those pedigrees. This hansum young man has both in his background. Should I not worry about that?

Edited by jetcitywoman

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Ack, thank you for posting the correct link. I don't know how I messed that up.


Dave reminded me of another question... He has to be cat safe. I know they're not going to worry about that while he's racing so I not even ask about it. But it seems like it would be awkward and disappointing if I threw my hat in the ring for him and waited and watched only to discover he's a cat eater once they retire him. Has anybody else struggled with this question?

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Guest zombrie

Haven't been on here for a long time. Just thought I'd check in and say hello. I went from not knowing the first thing about racing to pre-adopting a racer to a race owner to farm help to trainer. I have been working at Palm Beach since Christmas. I've learned so much and I thought of you guys today, I don't know if I'd be where I am if it wasn't for this thread. So, thank you for teaching me and answering all my questions about racing.

Our He's My Man champ Xtenshun from January - what an introduction to the racing life :)


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after losing Ajax to osteo, is it irrational to avoid dogs out of the Dodgem or HB Commander lines? I remember hearing that they've traced a correlation of high osteo risk with those pedigrees. This hansum young man has both in his background. Should I not worry about that?

Now You See Me didn't even breathe hard in that race. What a tall boy! The only one of your questions I can comment on, since I deal with research statistics a little, is the osteo thing. "They've traced" is anecdotal. If you're going to go by statistics, you need a complete set of statistics, and you're never going to get that on cause of death for racing greyhounds. Also, bad news tends to be self-reported more often than good news. More people will post that their DbD/HBC dog got cancer than will the people whose DbD/HBC dog did not. But if going with another line would make you feel more easy in your mind for the many years you will have the dog, that's an important thing to consider.


Zombrie -- what a change for you!


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Now You See Me didn't even breathe hard in that race. What a tall boy! The only one of your questions I can comment on, since I deal with research statistics a little, is the osteo thing. "They've traced" is anecdotal. If you're going to go by statistics, you need a complete set of statistics, and you're never going to get that on cause of death for racing greyhounds. Also, bad news tends to be self-reported more often than good news. More people will post that their DbD/HBC dog got cancer than will the people whose DbD/HBC dog did not. But if going with another line would make you feel more easy in your mind for the many years you will have the dog, that's an important thing to consider.


Zombrie -- what a change for you!


Okay, thanks. I kind of have the feeling that a correlation on few statistics isn't a basis for a decision, so I accept your answer on that. I think the cat-safe issue is the only one I really need to be concerned with, and for that I have to wait and see.


He only ran this past Saturday and was mid-track and "never in it". Poor baby having a off-day, I suppose, but it's still too early to tell if he's a good racer. This past saturday was his first non-maiden race at the C grade. I'm having fun watching his results.

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Nice to see you back posting.



I have another question... after losing Ajax to osteo, is it irrational to avoid dogs out of the Dodgem or HB Commander lines? I remember hearing that they've traced a correlation of high osteo risk with those pedigrees. This hansum young man has both in his background. Should I not worry about that?


Remember those sires have more osteo numbers because of the sheer number of pups they sired and are the grandsire to. You would have to look at percentages and not sheer numbers.


On top of that the dog that it is thought to have started osteo is so far back in the pedigree that he is in most pedigrees. So even if this is the dog there is more to it than just having him in the pedigree, otherwise all dogs with him in the pedigree would get osteo.


I never repeat the name because all it would do is cause a panic and the research wasn't 100 percent that it was him, but research pointed to him.


I know some people think, don't breed to this dog or that dog and it will be a cure, but if it were that easy wouldn't you think a person as smart as Dr. Couto would have figured that out by now?


So I would say get the dog you want and enjoy him.

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Oh, absolutely, Dick. I used the word correlation, and smart people (hopefully everybody here) knows that correlation is not equal to causation. And personally, I never thought that if they stopped breeding the sire identified in the correlation that the cancer would disappear. That's magical (and wishful) thinking. :colgate


Knowing just a tiny bit about genetics, I do think that the risk factor climbs if the sire in question is on both sides of the family tree. But yeah, I don't know if they've published any actual mathematical risk statistics to go along with the reported correlation, so... we still probably just don't know what the risk chances are.


I think it was my sore heart speaking when I posted that, earlier. My gorgeous, sweet as candy boy should not have died the way he did, nor so young. But ... well, sometimes life is just a pile of suckitude and I'm gradually coping better with his loss.

Sharon, Loki, Freyja, Capri (bridge angel and most beloved heart dog), Ajax (bridge angel) and Sweetie Pie (cat)

Visit Hound-Safe.com by Something Special Pet Supplies for muzzles and other dog safety products


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Guest Sportingfields

Hi Dick! Long time..... Had to chime in when I saw Flying Coal Citys name. My bratty toddler boy was a Flying Coal City /Vanessa Rousso pup that I met at Mike Gerrards and asked if I could preadopt. Its so much fun to watch them grow, like I did with Zee (FTH Thunder - last FTH dog to race). Needless to say, my boy was simply not going to race and flunked racing college. When I drove to JAX to pick him up, I had a 68 lb puppy. People don't realize sometimes the hound they get from the adoption group/kennel is so very well mannered BECAUSE of their time in the racing kennel.

Now you know why I asked if I could preadopt... After playing with this little bundle, who could resist.



To say the least, he was a challenge as he came back to the racing kennel from college in OK having been expelled. Then came right home with me. I put him on a "racing kennel" schedule and did things just the way Mike and Toni would do and he settled in nicely. He did however, behave like a toddler in a house as opposed to a kennel....




House Rules and Manners for Toddler Hounds (or hounds who flunked racing college and did not get post graduate degree in rules and manners in the racing kennel) - Updated


“Down” does not mean you can keep your feet UP on the kitchen counter, the bathroom counter, the gate between the family room and the rest of the house, my chest or the chest of others, the pass through to the kitchen or in my coffee cup on the patio table. Standing up with your feet in the front window in the middle of the blinds will NOT get you permission to go play with the mail man no matter how much he smiles at you.


Chewing out a hole very neatly in the corner of the front window blinds has solved your problem with seeing out when they are closed. (See above rule ). We are NOT amused. However, to prevent further damage, I will not fix or replace. I will let you keep your peep hole.


Your food bowl is YOUR bowl. My food bowl, Skye’s food bowl and Zee’s food bowl are NOT. Just because Zee does not bite your head off when you try to help him eat is NOT permission to share his food. Be grateful that he only growls and is patient with you……for now!


Food on the kitchen counter and in the kitchen trash can is NOT yours. Food in your bowl or given to you specifically, IS yours, to be eaten by you.


The couches and recliner in the family room are yours to lounge about on. Couch safety dictates that when you depart the couch, you leave by getting down from the FRONT of the couch, NOT by jumping over the back of the couch which is dangerous to your health, safety and physical wellbeing.


Couch safety also dictates that you gently jump up on the couch when you want to relax. Pushing the couch half way across the room by using it like a full speed entry slip n slide will frequently result in the couch moving faster than you and your back half will slide along with the couch across the tile.


Outdoor speed is NOT to be used indoors. EVER! As a toddler, you do not have enough money or kibble to replace all the things that you smash into and break. This is evidenced by Newton’s first law of motion “Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it”. These external forces include walls, cabinets, the fridge, me, doors or any other movable or immovable objects which may be in your path of destruction.


Small pieces of coral rock are NOT for teething. You have all of your teeth already and it will not help you keep them healthy and intact.


Just because it is there does not mean it is edible nor should everything be tasted. Especially MONEY! The bank, stores and the Vet do NOT accept money that has been personally and physically recycled by you, and in its recycled form, is messy and can NOT go in my wallet.


I do the laundry. You do NOT have to help me. Taking the dirty laundry out of the basket and distributing it throughout the house, into your toy boxes and under your bed does NOT constitute HELP.


Speaking of toy boxes, do NOT whine, yelp or bark at me because they are empty. The toys are scattered all over the house where you can easily get them from right where you left them. I am only going to pick them up ONCE per day just before bedtime. If you want them back in the toy boxes so you can drag them out again, then YOU put them back.


You do NOT ALWAYS have to be first to the dinner bowls, out the back door, in the back door, into the kitchen, out of the kitchen, to the front door when the doorbell rings or to get a cookie. Let another hound be first occasionally!


I am NOT deaf. I hear the phone ringing. If I am not fast enough, I do not need you to bark to make me answer it quicker. If I am NOT fast enough for you, answer it yourself, although it’s probably not for you.


The laptop computer is not your pillow. When it is on my lap, please refrain from slobbering on, drooling on, putting paws on, putting head on, or licking the keyboard.


Trimming your toenails is NOT a death sentence. You do not have to turn inside out in forty seven directions screaming like a cat on a hot plate when we try to trim nails. More so, you should NOT have to be sedated by the vet just to get it done without us having to fight WWIII. I am patient and we will work on this together.


Barking, whining and yelping will not get you into, or me out of the bathroom any quicker.


I will NOT dry an area of grass with the hair dryer when you have to pee just because you don't want to get your feet wet when it has rained!


Visitors are NOT food! Nomming them, even as just in a simple taste in inappropriate.


Sharing is caring. Nuff said on that!


Lastly, you are my toddler hound and no matter how much mischief you get into “because you just ain’t right”, I promise I will love you, keep you safe and hold you in my heart as a cherished member of our family always and forever.



Lurking thru old postings on this thread and found this, love the sense of humor, typical puppy antics, fantastic writing that had me :rofl Can you give us an update on your college drop out? :)

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I can certainly understand anyone getting gun-shy about having a certain dog in the pedigree since those popular sires have so many dogs that die of osteo. Hopefully, some day soon, there will be a cure and that cure will probably help humans with osteo. One of my friends died a couple of years from osteo.

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  • 1 month later...

Pizza Joint is pregnant again! This time by Gable Sour Cream. She's due in about two weeks (give or take).


I'm curious about her first litter - they were born April 1. When are puppies typically named and registered?



I would say Pizza Joint is due on the 20th or 21 of this month.


Her first litter was to Flying Coal City and there was 1M and 3F born April 1st. You can name them any time after they are tattooed at 3 months, but many people wait till they are between 12 and 15 or 16 months because that way they know if they will make the track or not and it costs money to name them. They all have kennel names from almost when they are born.

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I must remember to text her breeder around then... I'm trying to text sparingly so I don't bother him!


I've asked about names but he said they don't have official names yet - I think he's holding off till he's sure they'll go to tracks and not straight to adoption.


I'm thinking about going to the nga spring meet next year. I think it would be interesting! Plus he said if I'm ever in Kansas I can come by and visit her, so now I'm trying to come up with an excuse to go to Kansas :lol

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

Wrote a book about shelter dogs!

I sell things on Etsy!

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Glad to see this old thread still going. Thanks for keeping it going Dick. It may still have a place in the world.

:wave Nancy! Pitou (Poodle2) says hi.

I'm thinking about going to the nga spring meet next year. I think it would be interesting! Plus he said if I'm ever in Kansas I can come by and visit her, so now I'm trying to come up with an excuse to go to Kansas :lol

You need to visit the GHOF...you need to visit the Eisenhower Museum...You need a tour of the NGA...lots of reasons to go to Kansas.

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