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Hello From Virginia

Guest agreytday

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Guest agreytday

Well, I joined the forum months and months ago but felt a bit overwhelmed with sorting out how a forum works...This is my first time to use one so hopefully, everyone will be patient with me while I learn the ropes.


I have been waiting to adopt a greyhound for years. I first met a greyhound at a pet store in 2012. There were dogs running around and then there were three big greyhounds just laying on the floor. Not moving one bit. Awake and assuming that everyone else would walk around them. I was fascinated and embarked upon my educational journey.


I started reading about greyhounds and learning as much as I could. Seemed like every online dog breed quiz I took led me to a greyhound as a top 3 pick. Then, I went to a meet and greet with a local adoption group. The dogs were wonderful. Magestic and calm and just wonderful. I started going to the meet and greets regularly to learn more and spend more time with the greys.


I have read several books that were suggested by the rescue. I thought I was ready to adopt but I wasn't settled. I had started a new job and was in the process of moving. I finally got moved to my new place, but my commute was 2-4 hours each way. I knew that I couldn't bring a dog into my life when I was away from home so much. Then, I started getting to work from home one day a week. And then two days. In February, I will be working from home three days a week.


My boyfriend has been patient with me (I have asked if it is time to adopt pretty much every week for a year now....) and helped me to understand the importance of being settled before bringing a dog into our lives. The goal is for the dog to have as little extra stress as possible. I plan to take a week off when my pup arrives so that we can start the transition slowly. I do not want him (hoping for a boy :)) to feel abandoned by going to work a few days after he arrives but want to slowly start leaving him at home a few hours a day. Again, I have read so much about how to hopefully ease his transition. Fingers crossed I can put it into action right.


In March, we are moving and once we are settled, we plan to finally adopt a greyhound. Right now, I am in the process of picking a rescue, but I honestly don't know how to pick one. I like the two I have met with and think that they are both great. I'm not sure how to make that final choice. I am a little nervous about adopting without getting to meet / pick my grey but that seems to be the norm. I was hopeful to find one that had more of a foster program but this doesn't seem that common here.


It has been years of waiting and wishing. I am excited and nervous. I feel like I am prepared but know that there is only so much "book knowledge" you can have when it comes time to actually bring the dog home. I have joined this forum and hope to find answers to all the questions I know that I will have! Over the past six months, I have been looking at the doggie pics on the Greytalk Facebook feed to keep me going.


Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and share my story. I am thankful that there is a support network like this. I look forward to getting to know everyone.

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Hello and welcome from Maryland. What an exciting time! It's great that you have been researching the breed and spending time at meet and greets to see what greyhounds are like. Aren't they wonderful? :)


When we chose an adoption group we went with one that fosters the dogs first - that way you have an idea of their personality, whether they are cat and small dog safe (important to know when going out and walking your grey) and they also get an introduction to living in a home.


Where in Virginia do you live? Best of luck to you in the next steps of your adoption journey!



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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Welcome to GT!


I had to wait ten years to adopt my first grey, due to my circumstances, but it was so worth it. It's great that you've done so much homework but you're right when you say that no amount of book knowledge can fully prepare you for having a real, live greyhound in your home with his own individual quirks. Even though I'd met loads of greyhounds before I adopted, when I actually got my first one home I remember thinking "Good grief, he's BIG, what on earth have I done" :lol . That didn't last long, though, and now greyhounds seem normal size and most other dogs seem way too small.




When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Guest agreytday

Thank you so much, everyone! I have several different answers and am not sure how to answer each person, so hopefully, everyone will see my answer. :)


(I also wanted to explain that I changed my username because my boyfriend, who is familiar with forums, suggested something that is not as personal because I am new to the group. Anyways, I didn't want people to be confused as to the name change. I am going to be a "agreytday" from here on out! My name is Megan but I do not know if you can see that when you see my profile.)


I live in Fredericksburg, Virginia. I am planning to move slightly north to the Stafford area. Wonderful to see so many folks so close! Do you know if people on the forum ever get together for doggie playdates? Or is that something done by local rescue groups? I even wondered about starting a Meetup for greyhounds if none exist. (But my boyfriend keeps telling me to not get ahead of myself and try to take things slow :) The problem is that when you wait so long for something you want so bad, you get overly excited and want to do everything!)


Potomacpupsmom - May I ask what group you chose that did do the foster program? Are you familiar with Greyt Expectations? I do see that they do a foster program. (They are one of the three groups I have narrowed it down to.) Their adoption application was much longer than other ones but I do not know that this is negative. My boyfriend has volunteered with rescues and says that this is normal.


We do have a cat so it will have to be cat tested. It is probably my biggest concern. This was also part of the reason for the delay. After moving in together last summer, my boyfriend and I wanted to make sure that his older female cat would adjust to the move and transition before adding another animal into our lives. She has done fabulously and really couldn't care where she lives as long as there are treats and lots of soft beds.


And thank you, Hawthorn, for also sharing your journey! It makes me feel so good to know that someone else has been through this waiting process. I feel that it is so similar to bringing a child into my home that I just want to make sure that everything is as positive and calm as possible for the pup. I keep telling myself that the waiting has given me more time to prepare and that is a good thing. But at this point, I begin to worry that I have overprepared and am becoming like an overthinking first time mom! :)


Finally, I have only ever had female dogs. When I was growing up, we always had dachschunds but I always dreamed of having a bigger dog. I read over the past few years that male dogs can bond a little more with the family and I just have gotten my heart set on a boy. I am sure it depends on the dog and I may end up finding myself a really aloof boy but it just seems like that's my gut instinct. If anyone has any thoughts to share, that would be much appreciated.


Thanks so much! I am sorry that I have now asked so many questions but thanks to anyone who has time to respond.

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Welcome to GreyTalk!!! What an exciting time you will have. Even if the adoption group you decide to work with wants to choose for you,

likely they will have more than 1 that will fit your lifestyle, and you'll be able to meet them & have that choice of which one you feel "connects."

I'm one of those that fell in love with a photo on an adoption website and went to a meet/greet to see "that boy." I was lucky enough to find

that he fit me perfectly and we've been together for 5 years now. They get under your skin really quickly, and your life will never be the same.

Happy hunting!


edited to add: I've had plenty of dogs over my life, and they've all been male except for one. It has just been my own personal experience

that the boys.....especially the "big" boys......are more mellow, lovey, and tend to be "mama's boys", which I love.

Edited by DesiRayMom

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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A few years for the first one, a few months for the second one. Heheheh


I am delighted to read your post. I live just north of Fre'burg in south Stafford. Leeland Station to be exact. See, you move and you get an instant close resource. I was lucky enough to adopt my current girlie from a Florida prison program, but there are several great close by groups. Greyt Expectations being one of them.

Edited by MauCarden

Missing my sweet girl Scout. My snuggler, my chow-hound, my kissy girl.
It never thunders at the Bridge, and your food bowl is ALWAYS filled.

So strange not living in Atty World. I was a love struck handmaiden to your every whim.

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Welcome! I'm north of you in Centreville, VA.


We've had 4 greyhounds - 2 came to us sight unseen from the track and the other 2 were failed fosters that had been bounced by their previous home. We've never had an issue. Greyhounds are generally easy even when not fostered first. All of our greyhounds came through GPA-NoVA.


We also have a galgo - hunting dog from Spain. She went from the shelter to an airplane and we picked her up at JFK.


There is a monthly greyhound playgroup at Frying Pan Park in Herndon, VA, but that would be a bit far for you.


Best of luck and keep us posted!

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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Welcome to GT!! I moved to TN from VA over the summer, but both of my girls were adopted while I was still living in VA. They came from James River Greyhounds out of Richmond.


You have an exciting road ahead of you, and I wish you the best as you prepare for your future hound!

Laura, mom to Luna (Boc's Duchess) and Nova (Atascocita Venus).
Forever in my heart, Phantom (Tequila Nights) and Zippy (Iruska Monte).

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Guest agreytday

Welcome to GT!! I moved to TN from VA over the summer, but both of my girls were adopted while I was still living in VA. They came from James River Greyhounds out of Richmond.


You have an exciting road ahead of you, and I wish you the best as you prepare for your future hound!


Hello schultzlc! I moved from Tennessee to Virginia! My heart will always be in Tennessee and someday, I hope to find my way back home. I am actually from Middle Tennessee! I was just so excited to see your location that I had to share :) If you need any info on places to go or any info about the area, please let me know and I would be more than happy to help in any way I can.


We actually went to a meet & greet with the James River Greyhounds last weekend and my boyfriend really liked them. They were so very nice and patient with us. Plus, I think it helped that one of the dogs was completely smitten by my boyfriend and wanted non-stop pets :) He looked at me and said, "I want that one to come home with us." I said, "Well, she can't because she is that nice lady's dog." It was very funny to see the more "practical" one of us trying to adopt someone else's dog! Hahaha.


And thank you, DesiRayMom! That is exactly what I am hoping for. I totally want that "mama's boy" experience. Plus, I want the biggest dog we can fit in the car! Haha :)


And winnie - That is a new group that I wasn't even familiar with! Looking at their website, it looks like a great group as well. I was aware of the Wheeling group but didn't realize that there was a local chapter here.


You are all wonderful to take the time to provide me with such great information and support :) I actually feel more excited about getting my grey baby, which I honestly didn't think was even possible...

Edited by agreytday
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Welcome from another middle Tennessean!


Sounds like you are well prepared! I threw myself into research too and was nervous about so many things (cat interaction, counter surfing, sleep startle or space aggression, etc.) and all my worrying was for naught. My girl turned out to be easy breezy pretty much from Day 1. We just had to get used to having something the size of a small deer in our living room. :) Best of luck in your search, and I look forward to reading about and seeing pics of your new family member in a couple of months. Greyhounds are certainly worth the wait!


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Guest agreytday

Welcome to GreyTalk!!! What an exciting time you will have. Even if the adoption group you decide to work with wants to choose for you,

likely they will have more than 1 that will fit your lifestyle, and you'll be able to meet them & have that choice of which one you feel "connects."

I'm one of those that fell in love with a photo on an adoption website and went to a meet/greet to see "that boy." I was lucky enough to find

that he fit me perfectly and we've been together for 5 years now. They get under your skin really quickly, and your life will never be the same.

Happy hunting!


edited to add: I've had plenty of dogs over my life, and they've all been male except for one. It has just been my own personal experience

that the boys.....especially the "big" boys......are more mellow, lovey, and tend to be "mama's boys", which I love.


If I am being honest with myself and you...I look at the pictures online and generally just think "Oh! that would be a great dog!" and then the next picture "Oh! That would be a great dog!" and then the next picture "OH! I love that one!" so on and so forth. I can't see anything from the pictures but doggies I want to love. It makes it harder for me to pick based upon a photo online.


If you brought five dogs to me and told me to pick one, I would just wait to see if one picked me, I guess. If it was up to me, I would just want all five. In my mind, this might be why it would be better to have a pup picked for me based upon our situation and needs.


I just want a greyhound to love. That doesn't try to kill our cat. That's about as far as my selection process goes :)

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I love the BIG boys too. My first three greyhounds were big boys and I was really lucky with them being cat-friendly. With the first one I insisted on seeing him with a cat before I agreed to adopt him, as he came straight from the racing kennel. The next two hadn't been cat-tested at all but had in one case zero interest in the cat ie didn't even look at him, and in the other case was interested but only in a friendly way and they soon became very good friends. My fourth wasn't cat tested either but showed only a friendly curiosity towards the cat and quickly learned to leave him alone. Having one that has been fostered with cats is a much less stressful way to do it and takes a lot of the worry out of it. One thing to bear in mind, though, is that if your cat hasn't lived with a dog before she may not be too happy about it, even if the greyhound is friendly towards her. My cat had lived with a small dog (poodle) before but when I brought my first grey home his eyes nearly popped out of his head and he hid in my spare room for three days! I could almost hear him thinking "What the he** is that!" but he soon came around.


I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your new family member too. :)


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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I am Debbie and I adopted Brady through James River Greyhounds about 8 yrs ago. The group is very supportive of adopters.

Good luck with what ever group you decide to use and welcome to Greytalk.


The handsome boy Brady, mid-morning nap. The sun, the sun feels so, so, so good.

I can't keep my eyes open ... ... Retirement agrees ...

... and the Diva Ms India, 2001 - 10/16/2009 ....

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Hello schultzlc! I moved from Tennessee to Virginia! My heart will always be in Tennessee and someday, I hope to find my way back home. I am actually from Middle Tennessee! I was just so excited to see your location that I had to share :) If you need any info on places to go or any info about the area, please let me know and I would be more than happy to help in any way I can.


We actually went to a meet & greet with the James River Greyhounds last weekend and my boyfriend really liked them. They were so very nice and patient with us. Plus, I think it helped that one of the dogs was completely smitten by my boyfriend and wanted non-stop pets :) He looked at me and said, "I want that one to come home with us." I said, "Well, she can't because she is that nice lady's dog." It was very funny to see the more "practical" one of us trying to adopt someone else's dog! Hahaha.





Funny that we switched places. :) I'm living in Clarksville now, but for four years before this, I taught at Longwood Uni in Farmville. I really like my new area!


It looks like you're off to a great start by heading to meet and greets. I have nothing but fantastic things to say about JRG, but I know that VA has some other really great groups as well. Like you, I was located about an hour from JRG and all of the events, but that was never a problem. Regardless of the group you choose, I wish you luck!

Laura, mom to Luna (Boc's Duchess) and Nova (Atascocita Venus).
Forever in my heart, Phantom (Tequila Nights) and Zippy (Iruska Monte).

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Welcome! You will love being owned by a Greyhound. I met my first Greyhound, actually two of them, in the mid 1990s. Friends had adopted them, and I fell in love. It wasn't a good time for the family to have a dog, but I never forgot those Greyhounds and promised myself that someday I would adopt. I waited almost 20 years for the right time and adopted my Annie Banannie Whisker Face in July 2011.


The group from which I adopted fostered all their hounds before putting them up for adoption, and it worked well for me because I knew Annie was cat safe (turns out she has zero prey drive -- just ask the bunnies in the backyard) and they were very optimistic that she would be fine as an only dog and probably would have no SA. They were right.


The groups around my area do give potential adopters a choice of recommended dogs, with the recommendation being based on the needs of the adopter, such as cat friendly, dog friendly, willing to be an only dog, etc. I had a choice of dogs from which to choose when I adopted Annie and frankly, wouldn't have wanted it any other way for my first Greyhound. Now I have no need for that because I know any Greyhound is wonderful.


Good luck!

Edited by Feisty49
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Welcome to the cult! Both male and female greys are usually very social dogs and bond with their humans. Some hounds are just more demonstrative than others. A dog who "picks you" is usually an outgoing dog who "picks" a lot of people -- and that's fine; it's wonderful to have a dog who is friendly to everybody. But it's also wonderful to have a more reticent dog who saves its kisses just for you. :) Whichever you have, how it acts after six months or a year with you may be very different than how it acts when it first arrives at your home.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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agreytday, we adopted from Greyhound Welfare, which is based in Maryland in the Washington DC suburbs. I have a friend who adopted from Greyt Expectations and she had a really good experience with them too.



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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Guest sireltonsmom

A few years for the first one, a few months for the second one. Heheheh


I am delighted to read your post. I live just north of Fre'burg in south Stafford. Leeland Station to be exact. See, you move and you get an instant close resource. I was lucky enough to adopt my current girlie from a Florida prison program, but there are several great close by groups. Greyt Expectations being one of them.


I volunteer with the Hardee Prison Dogs program. Is that where your sweetie came from? If so, what's her name? Thanks.

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Very excited for you and your boyfriend! My (then boyfriend, now husband) and I adopted our big boy from Old Dominion Greyhound Adoption (formerly NGAP's Virginia Beach affiliate) while living in Hampton, VA. The big boys are definitely the needy sweethearts :beatheart You will find that you are the one who has been adopted very quickly!


We moved up to the DC metro area about a year and a half ago, and we reached out to the groups in our new area right away for vet recommendations, meet & greets, and other activities. We now go to meet and greets with Greyhound Welfare, and we have also done a meet and greet with Greyt Expectations. We've had such awesome support from all three groups - any group will always be there for you and your new hound.

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Welcome from another VA person. I'm in SWVA so I know you won't want my local group, but I will let you know how we got Homer.


The group doesn't foster, but has a kennel, however the dogs are all cat tested and the lady who runs it is very familiar with the personalities. Basically we preferred a male dog as we have a VERY skittish female galgo and wanted a confident boy to give her balance. We also asked for a cat NOT-safe dog--my husband has terrible allergies with cats so we decided we wanted to take one who couldn't go to a cat home. Basically she picked out 4 dogs she thought would work, we took Xena to meet them and Homer was the only one she wasn't terrified of. It also helped that Homer is one of those 'loves on everyone' types so when DH went to see the dogs (we had to go separately, I can't remember why) well, Homer sold himself.


In any case, I never would have thought I'd want someone else making the choice, but it turns out that was extremely helpful. Plus, even though it was a kennel situation the dogs' personalities were well understood. I thought potty training would be an issue, but Homer just got it right away.


But, just to make things more fun for you, I did live in MD for a long time and one of my neighbors started fostering for Greyhound Welfare. Even though I never directly interacted with them I can say that I would have been very happy with the way things were done (it was the later 2000s that I lived there). We were quite the greyhound neighborhood for awhile there :).


Good luck and welcome to GT :)




Blank 500 x 150.jpg
Suzie aka  CBJ Fly Sonic (b. 07 Feb 2015) and missing:
Homer aka Atoscocita Homer (05 Oct 2010- 16 Nov 2021)
Xena the Galgo aka Xene the Bean (? 2009- 6 Sep 2018)
Jackie aka Katie aka Sun Blaze (16 April 2001- 14 April 2014)
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welcome!!! I waited 20 years to get my first greyhound :lol well worth the wait.

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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