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At What Age Do You Consider Your Grey A Senior?

Guest BrianRke

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Guest BrianRke

Diamond will be 7 in August and Im thinking about starting her on the GNC Hip/Joint tablets that I give Daytona(10). At what age do you start to treat your greys as seniors?

Edited by BrianRke
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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

For purposes of lure coursing and dog showing, veterans are seven and over. But I think Greyhounds age faster than Whippets. I didn't really consider my Whippet a senior (he didn't look or act any older) until he was well into his 13th year, and now at 14.5 he's definitely an older dog, but still not your typical cloudy eyed senile old dog that sleeps all day. I would say that I consider a ten and over Greyhound to be a senior, though my new broodie (whom I haven't met yet) might disagree ;) She's ten. I don't consider my eight year old Borzoi a senior. He's still very active and healthy.

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Guest BlackandTan

I was reading an article the other day that larger breed dogs are considered seniors at age 5.... Kind of crazy if you ask me

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Makes no difference here. I don't use supplements -- haven't found them to be useful for anything except emptying my pocketbook.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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So this is the way I look at it......I compare my dogs to humans.....already my thinking is flawed! People age so differently....no one ever believes that I'm in my seventies (actually I don't believe it either). Two of my dogs are hitting five and they still act like puppies and my greyhound, Mica is four and he's still bouncing around like he did at two. I'm going to give my pups supplements if I see subtle changes.....doing the same with my own body and except for breast cancer so far it's working! I know This post hasn't really answered your question except to maybe say that I think it's an individual thing not necessarily always based on the numbers.

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between 11 and 13 :) !! just like with people - it is all in the attitude and my 11.5 yr old girl has plenty of that. After 2 shelties that lived till 13 and 16, it is hard to think of my greyhounds as old until at least 11 !!!!! or at least that is what I tell myself !



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I've always heard 7, but Summit is turning 7 in May and there's no way he looks or acts like a senior. He's getting a little older for sure and I do give him joint supplements etc, but I'll be giving those to the youngster we adopt in the summer too. Large, active dogs should all have preventitives for healthy joints in my opinion. I think 9 or 10 is what I really consider a "senior". To me, calling a dog a senior at 7 is like calling a human a senior at 50.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Diamond will be 7 in August and Im thinking about starting her on the GNC Hip/Joint tablets that I give Daytona(10). At what age do you start to treat your greys as seniors?


It never hurts to put them on joint supplements, even at a young age. ;)


Mom to Melly and Dani

Greyhound Bridge Angels - Jessie, Brittne, Buddy,

Red, Chica, Ford and Dodge.

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I don't know; have heard at 7 years of age. I would so not be insulted if Annie Bella at that age is considered a senior. So what? It refers to what's happening on the inside and to me is not a reflection of the way they play, sleep or live life. Of course, like people not every pup is going to age on the inside at a set time so I'll be looking to my vet for advice about additives to Annie Bella's diet when she nears 7.

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Greyhounds are longer lived than most other large breeds. Personally, I consider them as seniors once they've hit the double digits.



I think this hits the nail on the head - it's not uncommon to hear of greyhounds going well into double digits but not as common for breeds such as shepherds, dobermans, great danes, and so on. The other larger breeds are usually showing their aging between 7 to 10. Two of my greyhounds that went over 10 didn't seem to start to showing their age until after they turned 10 but, then I have a limited number for comparison.

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Ben will be 10 in May, I don't think of him as a senor yet. I'm not even sure why I would because he eats the same food as Brooke, goes on long wallks (he can walk 5-6 miles) and gets the same amount of exercise as Brooke (who is 5). He has been to the vet once for stitches, other than annual check ups. What's the criteria for a "senior" lable.


In fact a neighbour remarked that our dogs are the "most walked" dogs in the neighbourhood.

Jan with precious pups Emmy (Stormin J Flag) and Simon (Nitro Si) and Abbey Field.  Missing my angels: Bailey Buffetbobleclair 11/11/98-17/12/09; Ben Task Rapid Wave 5/5/02-2/11/15; Brooke Glo's Destroyer 7/09/06-21/06/16 and Katie Crazykatiebug 12/11/06 -21/08/21. My blog about grief The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Makes no difference here. I don't use supplements -- haven't found them to be useful for anything except emptying my pocketbook.



Glad I'm not the only one!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I consider my hounds seniors at 10, but it is pretty arbitrary! Fletcher has been getting supplements for a few years, because he started showing symptoms of arthritis when he was only 6. He just turned 10, and his arthritis is pretty bad, but in his mind, he is still only about 2 :rolleyes: Molly will be 10 in May, and doesn't seem like a "senior" at all! I've been giving the girls Joint Health and Fresh Factors for a couple of years, figured it couldn't hurt, and might help put off the old age creaks for a bit.

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Guest Gemma

Greyhounds are longer lived than most other large breeds. Personally, I consider them as seniors once they've hit the double digits.


Agreed. :) Peyton will be 10 in September and he's getting spoiled rotten for officially becoming a senior!


Peyton does get a supplement because of his bad leg. We use Actiflex and have seen a difference. I am not sure if that would apply for dogs without an existing condition, though.

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While I don't have nearly the experience as many on GT ... of the four greyhounds I adopted, honestly, none have acted really "old."


My first hound Indy lived to 12 yrs 2 mos.


My second hound Holly lived to 12 yrs and 9 mos.


My third hound and former resident pet bank blood donor Lure (adopted at age 9 yrs) lived to two weeks shy of his 11th b'day (just euthanized on 3/11/12).


My sole surviving hound Chauncy (adopted at age 11-1/2) is 13 yrs 3 mos+. I think he has the longevity gene!


Luck of the draw perhaps?? but none of my hounds have ever been sleepyheads. None have EVER missed a meal and all have been VERY enthusiastic chow hounds!. :chow All liked to tour the yard and/or go for a walk. All have received regular and excellent vet care. And a healthy diet. None were tubby.


So based on my limited experience ... and while many adoption groups list greyhounds as "seniors" at age 7 (which I honestly believe does a disservice to the hounds as it may dissuade a perspective adopter due to the "perception" of the dog being "old"), my hounds have all been bright and alert in their "senior" years even though they may have slowed down to some extent and were no longer interested in playing with toys.


Based on my experience, I would consider a hound "senior" at perhaps 11+??


Again, I have a 75 lb very handsome 13+ yr old male who STILL likes to body slam me out in the yard! He will "gallop" at bit and then fling himself at me until he makes contact!!! :lol

Edited by IndyandHollyluv
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Two of mine are 9 and I refer to them as seniors. One acts like a senior and prefers short walks and lays around all the time. The other wants to go for any walk I'll take her on and is always ready for any adventure. I have to admit though I've noticed she does get tired on the long walks which she never used to do. :(

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Makes no difference here. I don't use supplements -- haven't found them to be useful for anything except emptying my pocketbook.

Glad I'm not the only one!



Me four!


I heard 7 too, but I think it's silly. Merlin has health issues, but he doesn't act like a senior. There again I've seen seniors who don't act like seniors :P


I think I will call him a senior when he's 10.


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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