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Have You Ever Had Your Bridge Baby Visit You?


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I hope you all dont mind this topic. But, I had one bridge baby come to me in a few dreams over the period of the first two years after she went to the Rainbow Bridge. It was a tremendous comfort to me, but did not lessen the grief. I have read over the years, some threads wherein people have had beautiful expereinces wtih a visitation from their Bridge Babies. If you dont mind, would you care to share your experience. It would help me in my time of memory of mine too. Thanks.


:gh_run :gh_run :gh_lay :gh_lay

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Guest zombrie

Not a grey and not a dream, but the day after Heidi passed (my mom's heart dog) my mom could hear Heidi's tags while she was outside, as if she were still walking beside her.

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Guest cruzNhounds


Poppie may have died at the vet but I feel strongly that her spirit came home with me. A few days after Poppie left this world I awaken to see a fuzzy black silhouette standing by my side looking down on me. I swear sometimes I can see her sleeping in her kennel, Frank said the same thing.



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I've been visited by 3 of my pups. When we lost DeeYoGee, I woke up in the middle of the night the night after he passed to find him standing next to the bed, just looking at me. Mike thought I might be dreaming but I was wide awake. The following night I woke up because I couldn't move my legs and the only time that happened was if DeeYoGee climbed up in bed with us in the middle of the night and lay on top of the covers making them so tight I couldn't move. I looked down and there he was laying on top of the covers in bed with us.


Emmy came to visit me one night. I had fallen asleep at the wrong end of the bed watching television. I woke up to someone bumping the bed. I looked around and all the dogs were sound asleep, Mike was sound asleep and Jilly Bean was under the covers. I lay my head back down and she bumped the bed again, as if to tell me she was okay.


Andy visited out of the blue one day when I was handing out treats to the pups in the dining room. I started handing out cookies and there he was, standing between two of the pups, waiting for his cookie.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I've been visited by 3 of my pups. When we lost DeeYoGee, I woke up in the middle of the night the night after he passed to find him standing next to the bed, just looking at me. Mike thought I might be dreaming but I was wide awake. The following night I woke up because I couldn't move my legs and the only time that happened was if DeeYoGee climbed up in bed with us in the middle of the night and lay on top of the covers making them so tight I couldn't move. I looked down and there he was laying on top of the covers in bed with us.


Emmy came to visit me one night. I had fallen asleep at the wrong end of the bed watching television. I woke up to someone bumping the bed. I looked around and all the dogs were sound asleep, Mike was sound asleep and Jilly Bean was under the covers. I lay my head back down and she bumped the bed again, as if to tell me she was okay.


Andy visited out of the blue one day when I was handing out treats to the pups in the dining room. I started handing out cookies and there he was, standing between two of the pups, waiting for his cookie.



wow, that is amazing! You actually had them come to you in broad daylight. What a miracle. I wish I had that. Your babies really came back to you.

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After our collie died I felt him in our bedroom. I was asleep and suddenly the bedroom door burst open, as he would do, and there he was in the doorway.


Len said the wind from an open window blew the door open, but, I saw our Stetson in the moonlight.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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My bridge girl Connie came to me one night. She always sleep in my room and would roach everynight. One night I only had Gracie in my room and she didn't have her collar on. I was sleeping and then I heard tags jingling and I looked over and there was Connie laying on her bed roached just looking at me. I just smiled and went back to sleep. I wish she would come back again. :cry1

waiting at the bridge Connie Van Teddy & Jojo, Cobra

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My husband's cat, Parkay, was a character. She would walk back and forth between my parents house and mine. Everyone knew the sound of her tags. For weeks after she died, my mother and I both seperately swore we would hear her. Neither one of us said anything to each other for a while, but when we finally did, we both had a great moment of smiling and laughs in her honor!


I have had several dreams about my horse, Chip. He was in my life for 25 years....his passing was not unexpected - he was 32 - but I have had repeated dreams of me looking for him. I always find him, but it takes a lot of searching in the dream.


Sadly, I have desperately been waiting for a sign from Jack. I lost him in June - he wasn't even six. He was my grey - and he died of surgical complications - he had a horrible painful end. I so want to know that he is at peace. He suffered so horribly as we tried to save him and I weep as I type this.


However, by sheer coincidence, I got onto greytalk for the first time when he passed. By chance, someone else got on who is not on often as her hound had just passed with the same unique circumstances....same age hound, same color, within days of each other and with similar, unexplainable complications. In some way, she and I have both taken comfort that our hounds have brought us together to work through our grief. Perhaps that is my sign.


Prayers for you to find peace in the memories of your baby.




Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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I have had Hiro come several times to the last house we lived in and bark to go outside at 2 in the morning. It was his voice and everyone else was asleep. He had a wind up to his bark that no one else did. Of course, he didn't start doing that until I got his ashes back. And he stopped about 6 months after he died, so I am hoping that he was hanging around to let me know he was ok and that he has now moved on.


I haven't heard from Tank, but I would like to. Just so I'd know he's ok where he is.

Missing Hiro, Tank, and Tractor

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The closest I came to a visit from my angel-Oreo was a special performance by Jacey not long after I brought her home in April 2006. I documented the events on my blog.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest fringepup

Willie adopted us about a month after we lost Gretel, our 7 1/2 year old GSD we lost very unexpectedly due to bloat on a Sunday evening. I talked to her for some time about Willie on the day he was coming home. I felt I needed to tell her about him. I was feeling guilty about having a new pup and was still very sad that she died, so I told her if she wanted to send him some of her famous traits she could. Now, I realize how this sounds but...Gretel LOVED to have her legs scratched (what dog wouldn't, right??). But on the first day, when Willie came home, he extended his front leg to me which I took as an invitation to scratch. It was great. And it made me feel as though it was okay with her that he was with us. I like to believe as though she heard me talk to her on that day and that she knows Willie is not her replacement and it was okay to love him too. She will always be our little girl and we will always love her very much. To this day, Willie will stick a leg out to me for a scratch everytime I come near him when he is laying down. Anyway...that's my story.

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Thank you for starting this thread, and to all of you sharing your stories.


My LadyBug went to the Bridge 1/24/11. Six weeks later I was meeting friends for tea and to share Bug stories, and that morning as I gathered my other hounds' bowls for breakfast on one of them was a ladybug ... walking along the rim of the bowl. Ladybugs the first week of March?? I took it as a sure sign and it was a comfort to me that my Bug was so close and true to her nature, thoughtful about taking care of her momma. I miss her terribly but I know that she is painfree and watching over me and her brother.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Slim has visited me-I have seen him. But really he is with me all the time just as much if not more than he was when he was here in his earth suit. I was so completely devastated when he crossed over. I just couldn't move forward anymore-until he taught me from the other side that he is still with me. I am a fairly religious person and honestly God spoke to me during that time and told me that Slim didn't die-that only his body did-but that Slim was OK. I have found this to be true. He has sent me special signs ever since he crossed over and anytime I feel the need for reassurance I'll ask for another and he'll send it. I record a lot of them in a journal which I find to be very comforting. For me it did pull me out of the paralyzing grief because I came to realize that he was indeed with me still and we could continue to go forward together just like we always did. Yeah he's in the spirit world and I'm still in the earth world but who cares? We can still be together. We are all spirit beings. I didn't fall in love with his body. I fell in love with him-the real him-his spirit. In fact I have learned and other dogs have told me that you have more "power" in the spirit world. Slim has shown me this too. He continues to watch over and protect me now with even more "power" than he had when he was here. I don't understand the details of all this. I think it has something to do with love being energy and therefore it can't be destroyed etc. But I don't need to know how/details. That it is true is all I need to know. I don't think our human mind is capable of understanding and explaining everything. In fact I think that the heart knows what the mind can't understand.

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My bridge girl Connie came to me one night. She always sleep in my room and would roach everynight. One night I only had Gracie in my room and she didn't have her collar on. I was sleeping and then I heard tags jingling and I looked over and there was Connie laying on her bed roached just looking at me. I just smiled and went back to sleep. I wish she would come back again. :cry1



I hope she will. That is beautiful.


My husband's cat, Parkay, was a character. She would walk back and forth between my parents house and mine. Everyone knew the sound of her tags. For weeks after she died, my mother and I both seperately swore we would hear her. Neither one of us said anything to each other for a while, but when we finally did, we both had a great moment of smiling and laughs in her honor!


I have had several dreams about my horse, Chip. He was in my life for 25 years....his passing was not unexpected - he was 32 - but I have had repeated dreams of me looking for him. I always find him, but it takes a lot of searching in the dream.


Sadly, I have desperately been waiting for a sign from Jack. I lost him in June - he wasn't even six. He was my grey - and he died of surgical complications - he had a horrible painful end. I so want to know that he is at peace. He suffered so horribly as we tried to save him and I weep as I type this.


However, by sheer coincidence, I got onto greytalk for the first time when he passed. By chance, someone else got on who is not on often as her hound had just passed with the same unique circumstances....same age hound, same color, within days of each other and with similar, unexplainable complications. In some way, she and I have both taken comfort that our hounds have brought us together to work through our grief. Perhaps that is my sign.


Prayers for you to find peace in the memories of your baby.




Loved your story. That was a planned union. I believe that. Thank you for your prayers.


I have had Hiro come several times to the last house we lived in and bark to go outside at 2 in the morning. It was his voice and everyone else was asleep. He had a wind up to his bark that no one else did. Of course, he didn't start doing that until I got his ashes back. And he stopped about 6 months after he died, so I am hoping that he was hanging around to let me know he was ok and that he has now moved on.


I haven't heard from Tank, but I would like to. Just so I'd know he's ok where he is.


I remember when you started your thread on your losing Tank. Your story stuck out in my mind. Run Free Dear Tank.

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Romi visited once, it was just recently, quite a while after his passing. I saw him lying on the couch, as he has thousands of times before, head hanging over the edge, tongue hanging out with the inevitable ETS. I really expected to see a lot more visits, but there's just been the one, and I'm lucky to have had it.


There are ghost kitties prowling the halls too. I've also seen Lou in the yard several times.


Tempo (Keep the Tempo), Nora (Road Noise) & Gabe the babe (Gable Habenero), Cooper (Uncle Bud's Coop), Topper (Red Top), & Galgos Lisette & Manolito. Missing our beloved angels Cody (Kiowa My Dodie), Lou (Cantankerous Lou), Romi (FingerRoll), Connie (Devie's Concord), Millie (Djays Overhaul), Bailey (Hallo Forty nine), Andy (Iza Handy Boy, and Rocco (Ripley Rocco), Gracie (VS Megan), Eragon the Longdog, Joey (WJS Flashfire), Roy (Folly and Glory)

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Willie adopted us about a month after we lost Gretel, our 7 1/2 year old GSD we lost very unexpectedly due to bloat on a Sunday evening. I talked to her for some time about Willie on the day he was coming home. I felt I needed to tell her about him. I was feeling guilty about having a new pup and was still very sad that she died, so I told her if she wanted to send him some of her famous traits she could. Now, I realize how this sounds but...Gretel LOVED to have her legs scratched (what dog wouldn't, right??). But on the first day, when Willie came home, he extended his front leg to me which I took as an invitation to scratch. It was great. And it made me feel as though it was okay with her that he was with us. I like to believe as though she heard me talk to her on that day and that she knows Willie is not her replacement and it was okay to love him too. She will always be our little girl and we will always love her very much. To this day, Willie will stick a leg out to me for a scratch everytime I come near him when he is laying down. Anyway...that's my story.


That is awesome. I have looked for traits of my Bridge Babies in my girls, and the only one I have found is Bella likes to hold me with her paws when I am loving on her the way Sierra use to do.

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Guest Maloy

Thanks so much for starting this.


When my angel Hamie was alive we used to walk through some forest walkway beside our complex to another area. We used to see a lot of deer (Hamie loved the deer) and one time about two weeks before he passed, we rounded a corner and there was the most beautiful doe with some yearlings in our way. We were stunned, just stood there and looked at each other. She stamped her foot and left. A couple of weeks later Hamie went to the bridge. He had a stomach tumor. A couple of days later on a bright Saturday morning, I went for a walk myself and as I walked up the sidewalk I looked up and there not two feet ahead of me was the doe (by herself). Again, we looked at one another, she nodded her head and left. I just stood there and cried.


A week later, my husband and I were sitting on the couch and eating a noodle dish for dinner. Our little cat who never eats any people food, sat and looked me. She jumped up beside me, took a couple of noodles off my plate, ate them and jumped down, never to do this again. Hamie loved noodles. My husband and I could not believe what had just happened.


I, also believe, that Hamie had something to do with bringing my foster boy to us last October because this foster who is almost 10 did not cat test well. His previous owner had him for 5 yrs before returning him. Since our foster has come to us, he has lived with our cat with no problems and our cat has shown no anxiety with him either.

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Thank you for starting this thread, and to all of you sharing your stories.


My LadyBug went to the Bridge 1/24/11. Six weeks later I was meeting friends for tea and to share Bug stories, and that morning as I gathered my other hounds' bowls for breakfast on one of them was a ladybug ... walking along the rim of the bowl. Ladybugs the first week of March?? I took it as a sure sign and it was a comfort to me that my Bug was so close and true to her nature, thoughtful about taking care of her momma. I miss her terribly but I know that she is painfree and watching over me and her brother.



What a sweet little girl! She is a trademark. I love it - "Bug stories". :)

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Slim has visited me-I have seen him. But really he is with me all the time just as much if not more than he was when he was here in his earth suit. I was so completely devastated when he crossed over. I just couldn't move forward anymore-until he taught me from the other side that he is still with me. I am a fairly religious person and honestly God spoke to me during that time and told me that Slim didn't die-that only his body did-but that Slim was OK. I have found this to be true. He has sent me special signs ever since he crossed over and anytime I feel the need for reassurance I'll ask for another and he'll send it. I record a lot of them in a journal which I find to be very comforting. For me it did pull me out of the paralyzing grief because I came to realize that he was indeed with me still and we could continue to go forward together just like we always did. Yeah he's in the spirit world and I'm still in the earth world but who cares? We can still be together. We are all spirit beings. I didn't fall in love with his body. I fell in love with him-the real him-his spirit. In fact I have learned and other dogs have told me that you have more "power" in the spirit world. Slim has shown me this too. He continues to watch over and protect me now with even more "power" than he had when he was here. I don't understand the details of all this. I think it has something to do with love being energy and therefore it can't be destroyed etc. But I don't need to know how/details. That it is true is all I need to know. I don't think our human mind is capable of understanding and explaining everything. In fact I think that the heart knows what the mind can't understand.


Oh Slim. I am glad you posted. I remember your thread on dear Slim. Your pics were wonderful. If I remember correctly, he was sitting on the stairs in a flamboyant costume with satin shorts. But the most impressive thing about Slim was the absolute joyful expression on his face in the pics that is rare. I think I even posted about the affect of his expression. Yes, you are together in spirit. It is great you have a journal of your experiences with him.

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My angel, Bailey visited me in a dream on what would have been her 10th gotcha day. I swear I could feel her fur when I hugged her. I am still hoping for a visit from my Holly...I miss her desperately :(



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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I am one of the biggest skeptics on this subject but must admit not any longer.


I was feeling the guilt most of us feel after having to make the decision to let one go, not because of the decision itself, but because I was afraid I had missed something which caused Misty discomfort.One day, that guilt was getting a bit out of hand.

That night, she came to me in a dream, I remember waking in the wee hours and siting up and a feeling of relief came over me that I have never in my life felt.

I did not miss what I thought I had missed, and never have I been so grateful.


It happens, not always when we would like it to happen, but when we need it most and are capable of handling it and not getting stuck because of it


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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angel Icarus has visited me three times. Each time was while I was alone and driving the car. His fav activity was car rides, so it only makes sense that he would visit me there. The first time which stands out the most in my memory was a very stormy day. I was driving home and feeling very nervous about the condition of the roads. I felt a nudge on the back of my right arm. I just passed it off as my mind playing tricks when I felt it again, but a bit stronger. When I looked, it was still just me in the car, but I know it was him telling me it would be ok.


angel Icarus has also sent winter rainbows our way. I have seen two of these. Each time I witness one, a flood of emotion hits me which is hard to explain, but it's a feeling that instantly makes me think of him. I do wonder if my grandmother has a hand in these signs too because thoughts of her are usually mixed in too.


I will be keeping my eyes open for a sign from Miss E, too.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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My 15&1/2 year old Beagle Chihuahua, Kasie Lynn had to be helped over the bridge in September 2010. She was my heart dog. I had rescued her 14 years before. We had had no intention to adopt another Greyhound when we went to our local Adoption Centre 2 weeks prior to help out with a Walk-a-Dog day, but for some reason we ended up buying a blue martingale with stars all over it the day before (we owned 2 female greys), and bringing it along. The dog we walked was named Starz Predator. My husband never let go of him...he came home with us that day, and is now my Sweet Willy-Bear. When he walked into the house, little Kasie, who had been hiding under the kitchen table for weeks so Tiana would not step on her, came out into the open, and never went back under. Willy protected her, and was by her side 24-7 until the day she left us. He guided her as she walked down the ramp to go outside, and stood guard until she came back inside. He slept by her side when she was inside.


The day after she left us, as I sat listening to the ghosts of her footsteps and the jingle of her dogtags, wondering what to do with her little bed because it was too small for the Greys to use, was the hardest day of my life. But along came Willy-Bear. One by one, he brought me each of her toys. Only Kasie's toys, noone else's. He flung them in the air the way she used to, dropping each at my feet before going to get another. And when I was laughing through my tears, he walked around in circles in her little bed like she used to, curled up, gave a big sigh, and went to sleep. To this day her bed remains where it is, and all of the greys sleep in it.


There is no doubt in my mind that she was there with me, telling me all would be fine.


There have been many other occasions that she has visited us through Willy. It may be crazy, but we can tell the difference in his behaviour when she is here. My son says he sees her at times, but I have not. I wish I could. But it is enough to know that I have my Willy-Bear.


Here is a picture of my beautiful Kasie, and my Willy in her bed on that special day.







edited for spelling

Edited by lotsoffreetime

Rio aka El Rio (Dec. 4/07) - Home May 16, 2010
Tiana aka CTW Tyra Time (June 7/07 to December 9, 2016) - home July 1, 2010, we miss you terribly, Sweet Girl :weep

Willy aka Starz Predator (Oct. 15/06) - home Aug. 29, 2010
and littermates Merlin aka CTW Excalibur & Mirage aka CTW Mirage (Jan. 1/08) - home Dec. 5, 2010
& June 3, 2012
missing Beagle-Chihuahua, Kasie Lynn (March 15/95-Sept. 13/10)

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I am glad you brought up this subject. I truly believe they will visit us if we are open and relaxed but it has not happened to me yet. God I wish Brandi would visit me. My gf who is an animal communicator called me a few days after Brandi had crossed to the bridge telling me she was lying on her favorite bed in the living room and then she got up to put her nose in my ear. Unfortunately I did not "feel" her presence. I always thought we had a special bond so I thought I would feel her if she was with me in spirit. Disappointed.....yes in myself. My gf said she would come when I was totally relaxed.



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I really think I was visited on a few occasions by my bridge kitty, Han. On a couple of occasions, I felt, what I thought was my cat, Chewie, jump on the bed but when I looked up, he wasn't there. On another occasion, I felt what I thought was Chewie laying in the bend of my knees; and when I reached down to pet him, he wasn't there. On another occasion, I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye. I looked and Chewie wasn't there. I'm almost positive it was Han on all the occasions.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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