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Everything posted by SPDoggie

  1. so sorry for this loss prayers for you
  2. Not sure how a year has passed... it still feels so fresh. So glad you were our dog, Kingsley
  3. Oh, sweet George. I have been away for a week, and this was the first time I logged onto GT, and my eyes went wide when I saw George's name. Thank you for ALL the stories and life-commentary as told by George over the years... a character that will ALWAYS be remembered. many prayers for you
  4. We have found we have to have dog-toys that are of a rubber/plastic nature, so that they can learn to not take my daughter's stuffed-animals. So fluffy things are "ours" and squeaky rubbery things can be "theirs"
  5. "On a side note: I have tried the 'lazy training' method of saying the command as she is about to do one of these things of her own volition, and then rewarding her for it. I'm not sure whether she just doesn't connect the dots, or doesn't care enough to do it on 'command' later, but I have not had any luck with it." Darn, that's what I was gonna say... that's how we taught both dogs "down" and Ruby to "crate". Kingsley never jumped into a car... but I do think for him it was physical. We just always lifted him him in half at-a-time. so, in reality,Ii have no helpful advice... just understanding!
  6. "and I'm even a grownup now" doesn't help at all, does it? We are somehow approaching a year since our beloved Kingsley died and still make ourselves cry when we speak of him... dogs are SO important and somehow these greys really hold on tightly to our hearts.
  7. Just a quick note about your alone-training... you need to actually leave the property. our greys would howl and whine if we just stepped outside, but if we leave (walk around the block or drive away) they just lie down. Just wanted to encourage you to not just shut the door and listen, but actually leave and that might help him get used to your being gone. as others have said patience and time! Enjoy your new hound!
  8. So glad there has been improvement with the muzzling!
  9. I think you need to re-do the alone training. Spend a weekend, coming-and-going (actually leaving the property, not just standing outside the door). Leave, walk around the block, come back in... do it again.... and again. You said you thought she responded to the alone training when you first got her, so maybe with some more she will learn how to be alone. If she doesn't like he crate, don't put her in it (assuming she does not destroy stuff in the house) It's sad that she seems to be stressed even with other people around (not necessarily just when she is at home, alone). I hope some more alone-training, and hence, more time away from you each day might help her ease into this new world... hate to see them so stressed.
  10. Oh I am so sorry for the death of Arrow. You and your family give so much love but also have to experience so much loss and grief. many prayers for you all.
  11. wow, thanks for letting us know certainly remembered here
  12. there were parts of Kingsley's fears that were not overcome for years... so Greycie will be a champ... more time, more space, more quiet
  13. SPDoggie


    No--- so so sorry... he has such personality many prayers for you and the rest of your "pack"
  14. Ruby once ate a small stuffed frog of our daughters... she threw it up weeks later... "oh, there's froggy"
  15. my thoughts and prayers to you over this loss of Lucy... how great for the time you had with that sweet ole girl.
  16. SPDoggie


    oh I am so sorry for this loss and grief many prayers to you and your family
  17. I am so so sorry to hear of this loss many prayers for you through this grief
  18. oh no... I have no words, just my prayers for you during this time of grief
  19. Oh I am so sorry for this sudden loss. you did good by Cait and my prayers are with you during this time of grief and loss
  20. Oh no, another Chess Piece. So sorry for this loss and grief many prayers for you
  21. She's home and lethargic and apparently has lost more teeth than expected... including her "bubba-teeth" which gave her this cute overbite. But my husband took today off to be with her, and I am taking tomorrow to help her rest, be quiet and puree her food. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers
  22. every time they have to go under anesthesia, I get nervous. She's not old, but she's 8, and I know you all-know how we worry. So, thoughts for Ruby tomorrow (Wed) having 3 back teeth removed, at least.
  23. I am so sorry, and add my prayers for you having to tell your kids.
  24. Definitely remember the chess-pieces. so sorry for this loss and grief
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