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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Liz it was so hard to read this. I am so sorry. Nimby sure would have had a greeting at the bridge. Godspeed sweet girl.
  2. Mareyeka, I am heartbroken for you. I do know that Foxy will finally be able to show Dee how to manage the undefeatable garbage cans. Godspeed Dee you were loved so much.
  3. You have my prayers. I'm so sorry you are both going through this.
  4. You have my prayers. Come on Dempsey fight.
  5. I saw the title of this thread and decided it had to be another Emmy, then I saw your user name. I am so very sorry. Simple words I know, but I am heartbroken for you, Mike, Kevin, the pups and for me too. She was truly a special girl. Jenn called me jut after I saw the thread. We both cried for a while. Know we are here for you if you need anything. We love you. Godspeed Emmy Girl go chase those basketballs in heaven.
  6. It's nothing, it's nothing, repeat after me it's nothing!
  7. What a beautiful boy. Praying for many more months of happiness for him.
  8. I've been in this thread a lot and couldn't find the right words. I can't even opened the click me. So I was sitting here thinking about Sandy Paws '07, which was wonderful for so many reasons. Not the least of which was spending time with you and Angie, Casey and Brick Butt. She sure was a funny old girl. Remember when she fell off the bed and just lay there looking up at us like "what's all the fuss ladies?" I'm so glad I met her.
  9. Smiling her and sending good thoughts and hugs to Bonnie and you.
  10. Happy Birthday BuyCut You will be forever young in our hearts.
  11. Wooooo Hooooo! That is the best news. I am so relieved for you Eva. Give Miss Bailey a hug for me.
  12. I think the funky hairdo is great. You got to stop giving your Mom grey hairs handsome. Nancy I'm praying that isn't what he did to get out. You could put a blanket over it to give it a roof.
  13. Never too many. He is gorgeous. Mind you, he looks an awful lot like Peanut so I may be biased.
  14. I am so releaved on the no cancer diagnosis.
  15. I'm so sorry. Here is the info from the newest edition of the Greyhound Health and Wellness Quarterly Email address: greyosu@osu.edu Direct Phone number: (614) 247-6757
  16. She looks wonderful Audrey. Really nice looking incision. I'm so happy she is home where she belongs. Prayers for an uneventful healing.
  17. Nancy is right, you are doing great - both of you. Live in the now, the future is yet to be written.
  18. Suzy, sending my prayers that Leeanna continues to do well. A quick uneventful healing would be wonderful.
  19. I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine how hard this day has been for you, losing Amy so soon after Turbo. We know she is not alone, Turbo would have been there with Foxy and so many others to greet her. Godspeed Sweet Amy.
  20. Audrey, I have been thinking ofyou and Asia today. I'm glad this part is over for you, and that everything went as expected even Asia telling everyone off. You have some hard days ahead of you, but know we are here for you. Prayers for an uneventful healing Miss Asia, and behave yourself please those vets and vet tech's probably haven't experienced a little Diva like yourself. Hugs to you both.
  21. Eva, I can't believe this. Bailey is a special girl, one I wanted so much I had to get a look alike. Prayers she has an uneventful healing and nothing odd shows up in the path report. Hugs to you, Tim and the pups.
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