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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Amber I know how hard it is to see, what looked like an okay to you (well other than the bloody poop) dog come home looking worse for wear. It's just the necessary evil of getting him well again. When Foxy had her breathing crisis last year she was perfect (except for the almost not breathing part) when she went in. She came home with bruising from the IV sites, a tube in her nose and it was glued to her head that bled when it was removed. She looked awful, but she healed and was so much better in the long run. The hardest part is that he can't tell you how he really feels or what really happened so we imagine the worst. The worst didn't happen, and he is home with you. Trust them when they aren't worried, trust them more when they are. They will get to the bottom of this and it will become a bad memory. Sending huge, but gentle hugs to you and to our SoulMan. :grouphug Janet, Peanut, Jake and Jet
  2. It gets to the clinic first, but don't worry he will see it. Just have it addressed to him in the To: line.
  3. Just click on the link at the bottom of my Siggie it takes you to the contact page on my site for OSU.
  4. A bit of good news. Praying the ultrasound is clear. Sending more hugs and prayers.
  5. Welcome from our nations Capital. Where in the great white north are you? Mayhem is gorgeous, and obviously very happy.
  6. Welcome back Judi. I can't believe I didn't figure out who you were on Saturday. Next time you are in town, let me know and we'll get together. As for siggies, GIJenn51 will do one for you if you make a donation to Hope for Hounds. You can email me for details if you like. Brandi has my email addy.
  7. Amber I am praying for our boy. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. If you need someone to talk to I have unlimited long distance and a good ear. Just PM me your number if you want to chat.
  8. Soul and Amber are in our prayers. I'm hoping it is just a burst hemmeroid.
  9. Hoping you get an answer soon. I'm glad you got in touch with Dr Couto. Sending more prayers and healing thoughts. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.
  10. Sounds like you are handling it and him well Lene. You should be fine bathing it with salt water. Just use a fresh piece of paper towel or cotton each time you dip it in the water. Warm salt water, or epsom salt and water are the best thing for soaking when there is an infection. I would soak it by using a wet compress for a few minutes a couple of times a day befor using the Neosporin.
  11. Welcome and congratulations!
  12. Having gone through this recently with Foxy, I feel your pain. Take the time to remember the good things, I'm sure you have so many memories. Snuggle lots and take some pictures. This time is precieous.
  13. Once one of my kids had an eye infection and the doctor asked if anyone else int he house had symptoms? I almost said no, then realized that the dog had an icky eye that morning. The doctor said let me save you some money, go and buy polysporin ointment for eyes and use it on both of them. I did, and the dog healed slightly quicker then the kid. I've used it one other time for a foster that had a greenish discharge and it worked great then too. Just make sure that there is no other irritation or injury, if there is I would go to the vet. If not, try the polysporin. Edited to add, keep an eye on your own eyes too (pun initended) If you touched your face before you washed your hands, you may have infected yourself.
  14. You gotta hand it to a Senior, they nver cease to amaze.
  15. Denise, my heart is hurting for you right now. I wish..............well, I wish the vet had listened to you. Sending hugs to you my friend. Godspeed Brooke I've asked Foxy to find you I think you will like each other.
  16. Sorry Tom. I forgot to tell you about this when we chatted. I use Traumeel for any serious bruising, either from an injury or surgery. It is a homeopathic med that contains arnica, plus a lot of other good herbs. Queens univeristy uses it on hemophiliac dogs when they bleed into joints and it has actually prevented the need for the use of blood products. I also use arnica gel, it is a staple in our first aid kit for the pups and us humans. You can read about Traumeel here. Traumeel
  17. She is looking great! Keep healing Ember, you have a whole world of greyhound people praying for you and loving you.
  18. Welcome back. Since you aren't really new WHERE ARE THE PICTURES?
  19. Welcome! Oh and you may have noticed that there is a rule about pictures around here.
  20. Denise, I am so sorry it has come to this. But know that she loves you and trusts you to help her get well. I'm praying the weekend is not too hard for you all and sending more prayers for her and her medical team on Monday. She will be fine! Here's an important thing to know. Please talk to your vet about the drugs OSU uses prior to, during and after amputation surgery. It has proven to be a lifesaver for many hounds that may have have post surgical bleeds. Jenn may know, but I'm going to send an email and get the right spelling of the name and the dosage for you. If you need to talk, send me a PM or an email and I'll call.
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