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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. When I read earlier that the aspirate was blood, I had a feeling this would be the outcome. But, I'm praying that, if it is cancer, Monty has the same cancer that Foxy had. Our vet found round cells in the aspirate, and we opted to have the tumor removed rather than sending in the fluid. Her final diagnosis was hemangiopericytoma. Treatable, rarely metastesizes, Foxy lived 4 years after her's was removed.
  2. Welcome from Ottawa. Where in the SW are you?
  3. It will be so strange visiting and not seeing Ninja and Dancer.
  4. Our beautiful girl . It comforts me to know our girls are together. Tomorrow is Foxy's birthday. This is so Lacers
  5. There is nothing I can say right now that adequately shows how I'm feeling. For now a simple I'm sorry will have to do. I love you guys and am hurting with you. Sending huge hugs and prayers.
  6. Oh Pat, I knew yet I hoped. I'm so sorry. Godspeed TigerPower Bet you're getting bossed around by your sister and your sister's sister.
  7. I would contact OSU 's Greyhound Health and Welness Program asap. The link is at the bottom of my siggie. Saying prayers.
  8. He'll never forget you either Susan. He's there in your heart and in the world around you, all you have to do is pay attention. Jack, we love you. Run with the angels, don't let Foxy boss you around too much. Some day we will meet and you will get a kiss on that beautiful white face. Godspeed.
  9. Oh Cindy, I am so sorry. I knew he was failing, but......... Please know we are thinking of you Copper and Cowboy. Lots of hugs Godspeed Thunder! You definitely were loved!
  10. I sent the question to Dr Couto as well as the one about the sedative. I forgot to tell you my daughter's dog a malamute english sheepdog cross had the same problem. They opted not to do the surger, they did restricted activity, especially running and jumping. It worked, and she is great now 6 years later. I'm interested to see what Dr Couto has to say about that. Here's a link to the thread with the links
  11. We love you! Give Miss Boogity a big gentle hug from her Auntie okay?
  12. It is rare that a really young dog will have osteo, but not impossible. There was a puppy here on GT around a year that had it. I can't remember who that was. Most limping is not osteo. It is usually soft tissue a muscle, or ligament injury. Sometimes no reason you can pin point. Jake has had two bouts of lameness with swelling and we have no idea why. Neither did Dr Couto, although he assured me it was not a tumor. Have you checked the pads of her feet thoroughly? She may have a corn or other toe ailment. Try not to worry. Let us know how tomorrow goes. Lots of prayers and good vibes coming your way.
  13. I've known this for a while, but seeing it here makes it all the more real. If there was anything I could do to make this go away I would. Suzie I truly believe that Maggie Mae was sent to you because you were the right family for her. A family that will do whatever it takes to get her well again. You and Brian are the best. Like Patti, I have a good feeling about this. You always have my prayers and love. Maggie Mae, fight your hardest, we are all here for you.
  14. Poor sweetheart. Is she living in your closet Jenn?
  15. If he needs the meds pill him. It is something I always did with Foxy since she wouldn't be fooled by yummy packaging. It only takes seconds and he'll forget you did it, until next time. Don't be so hard on yourself. You love him and you are doing what you think is best for him. The side affects will pass, just be patient and help him get through this. If he won't eat or drink you'll have to make sure he gets enough fluids. Get some pedialyte and feed him spoonfuls or syringe feed it to him. I suspect once his meds start working he'll drink on his own. He just feels crappy right now. You have our prayers
  16. Welcome from Ottawa Canada. You'll love it here.
  17. Patti is right, Desitin, or other diaper rash creams will likely help. When Foxy had a rash on her bootom, I used a diaper cream containing zinc. mixed with some Polysporin. the zinc helps heal and dry up the rash and the polysporin combats any bacteria. Penny and Susan, you have my prayers and positive thoughts.
  18. Foxy was at home when I knew it was likely she would leave us very soon. It was a holiday Monday, and although I knew this was it, I did not want her last minutes to be at an evet with people I didn't know. I was comfortable with the fact that it was likely she could die at home. I talked to the vets and they all agreed that as long as we were okay with that and she wasn't in pain she would stay home. We had two wonderful days together, just snuggling but by the end of the second day I knew i couldn't ask her to stay. We were able to take her in to her own vet who loved her too. Her passing was calm and quiet surrounded by people she loved and who loved her. I treasure those last hours at home and would do it again in a heart beat.
  19. Rhonda, I am so sorry. Your love for Bodie showed in each and every post you made. Thank you for taking him to OSU. I know their work will get us answers eventually. The work with the Comprehensive Cancer Centre will help us all down the road. Godspeed Bodie, know you were loved very much.
  20. Sending you many, many of these wish there was more I could do. Having been there so recently myself, I know how hard this is. I love you lady.
  21. HopeForHounds


    I'm so sorry. Gumby was a favourite of mine and I will miss her. Godspeed pretty girl
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