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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. I would personally opt for removal and talk with Dr Couto about localized chemo treatments. He would know better if this is possible for this kind of tumor. There are many that are spindle cell tumors, Foxy's was one. Her final result is Hemangiopericytoma. We have just experienced re growth after being clear for 4 years. At this point I am leaving it alone as her type is less invasive and has been pain free. How disabling is the tumor? At his age it is so hard to make a decision. You just don't know what will come next. Ritchie has my prayers.
  2. It should heal up fine. Keep a close eye on it for swelling or smell to indicate infection. I use a combo of antibiotic ointment and something like zincofax. The zinc promotes granulation of tissue. Foxy had a tear like that on her ear, it healed great and she has a nice covering of hair now. I was surprised as I really did not expect the hair to grow back. The only gross part was when the skin flap dried and fell off. She has a tiny bump where part of it took and the rest dried up.
  3. I'm going to PM you, but I amposting this here so others can have the information. Contact OSU and have Dr Couto and his team look at the results. OSU no longer does bone biopsies. Dr C recommends doing a fine needle bone aspirate. The results are just as accurate, and way less painful and less invasive. It also does not rist damaging an already unstable bone.
  4. A wonderful tribute to a wonderful girl.
  5. Without a picture, it sounds like there may not be anough to stitch. Plus after that many hours many vet's won't stitch anyway. From experience usually those types of injuries heal without incident. Keep it clean and keep licking to a minimum. You'd be surprised about what fur will grow back. Foxy ripped a half her ear skin off and it has a lovely covering of fur. Keep an eye out for infection, and then off to the vet you go.
  6. I have an adapter for a fish tank that I put on the tap. Then I attach the garden hose to that.
  7. The little stinker. Glad she is home, Allie is in my prayers.
  8. Foxy had over 134 races and retired at 4 !/2. She is 13 1/2 now, has never had joint supplements and was still running a few months ago. She is wobble and unstable now due to other health issues. My own feeling is genetics play a big part in this as it does other diseases.
  9. Marilyn I am so sorry. Wish I could be there to hug you in person. Honey with her pretty face and soft, soft fur was a beauty. Honey, March 11, 2008
  10. Okay, so now you know and treating fast. Angel, stay strong sweet girl and you can kick this thing. Xan, you have the best chants.
  11. I would contact OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program. You can send the info here greyosu@osu.edu Someone will get back to you, so don't hesitate.
  12. Suzie you have my prayers. I'm so glad you have Dr Mari and Dr Couto.
  13. Give her a cookie for me. Hope all the antibiotics heal her up in no time.
  14. Then as long as you wash your hands before and after touching her eye, you should be okay.
  15. She might, but you don't want to start her on the wrong one. The usual treatment for a sty is antibiotic ointment. Have you ben using a warm compress. Oh, and don't let her share your makeup.
  16. I would wait to at least talk to the vet, Neobacimyx is an tripple antibiotic.
  17. Okay, that one just turned my stomache. Sorry things aren't better. I am glad you will at least get a clean house to move into. I sure hope things start to improve quickly.
  18. I can't believe it's been a year. Lilah you are missed.
  19. I would bet you will hear back from him before Monday. I know he has been away, but if so you will get a message with another email address to send to. Someone always checks for urgent info requests.
  20. Brian, I am so sorry that you are facing this. I know that OS is very painful and Dr Couto told me that pain control is the most important thing. If you have any doubts about how much and if it is too late to start radiation, talk to him again. I trust his advice implicitly on this subject. Meant to ask, what pain meds is she on? It usually takes a combo of drugs to keep them comfortable.
  21. She is doing fine. DH said she ate her breakfast after a nap to get over the trauma. Her behaviour is much the same as always. Tonight she ate 1/2 cups of kibble and a can of tuna. I'm moving anything that might be a trip hazzard, because I'm pretty sure that is what happened. She likely turned around and caught her foot on the leg of Peanut's good stand. We were very lucky she wasn't hurt or stressed any worse. She is an amazing, tough old gal.
  22. I came downstairs at 6:15 this morning to the smell of poop. No biggie, if Foxy has to go and we haven't heard her she will just go on the comforter I leave at the back door for that purpose. I look and no comforter (Daddy took it to wash and forgot to replace it) I look at the dog beds, because that is her second choice. Not there either. I looked for Foxy and no Foxy WTH!!!! She was laying near the dog beds almost behind the TV. I don't know if after she went she stepped in it and slipped on the hardwood, or if she caught a foot on Peanut's feeding stand or a dog bed??? Foxy was just laying there with her tongue hanging out panting. Seeing her like that just about broke my heart. I helped her up and she got her balance on the dog bed. I have to laugh now at the stink eye I got at that point. I am betting she thinks it is all my fault. She waddled over to the water bowl and had a long drink. At that point I got DH up and he helped me get her and the floor cleaned up and the dog beds in the wash. I was able to let work know I would likely be late and spent some time making sure she was okay. Her breathing was a bit rough so I gave her some pred for her LP just in case. She got herself up on the couch (still looking P O'd with me ) and was quite calm when I left for work. I have no idea how long she was laying like that. I'm praying she slipped and not that her back end gave out. I'm moving a few things around just in case and you can be sure that the comforter will be at the door from now on.
  23. This is the kind of cancer that Foxy had removed 4 years ago. Her regrowth only happened this past month. There is another treatment that can be done after the tumor has been removed. A small amount of chemo drug is mixed with sesame oil and injected into the site while the dog is sedated. Ohio State has had good results with that. Here is a site that describes it fairly well. http://www.marvistavet.com/html/hemangiopericytoma.html We are opting not ot do anything this time around. Foxy is 13 1/2 and has LP with makes her a very risky surgical candidate. The tumor is near her elbow, but far enough below that it should not interfere with her mobility. Since it is painless and has a low risk of metastisis, we think the risks far outweigh any benefit to her. If you need any other info, just PM me.
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