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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Has your vet done a culture to see what kind of bacteria you are dealing with. I'd also get in touch with OSU's Greyhound Wellness Team for their imput. You can email them at greyosu@osu.edu
  2. You or your vet should get in touch with the Greyhound Health and Wellness team at OSU. They likely can help sort this out. greyosu@osu.edu
  3. She looks good. We're having food issues here too. I suspect that to some extent it's just that time of year.
  4. Sending Suds hugs and good thoughts for an uneventful healing.
  5. Kind of a DUH moment. We may have found out why Foxy has dropped weight, and I should have thought of this. When they lived here, our daughter in law was always feeding her treats. Maybe way more than we realized. Andreah and Andrew got married at the beginning of April, and they moved out just before. Plus Andreah was hardly here for about a month before that. I guess Foxy has been on a diet. Hopefully all the extras we are adding to her diet will help her regain her weight.
  6. I'm keeping a close watch on this thread. Jake is recovering from an unexplained swelling in his leg and had a fever. Jake's leg He is on Clavamox until Thursday morning. Since we can't find an entry for an infection, I have been suspecting insect bite. I'll be watching him very closely once the antibiotics are finished. I hope Chinghis starts to heal quickly now.
  7. Mereidith, thank you for updating us. I am so glad that you had time with Adrian, Judy and Mike and Trish's other friends it must have been a great comfort. I will be praying for safe travels for Adrian.
  8. Thanks everyone for you prayers and well wishes. Today's news. Friday update - Lots of improvement. Still standing on all 4's and limping slightly. The swelling has decreased and he is back to his normal behaviour. That includes whining a lot at the front door to go for a walk. Sorry Jake, not happening bud!
  9. I thought I would add this - 3 of my 4 are not eating very well. Seems to happen every spring here, although I worry about it and try to get them to eat anyway.
  10. Patti, I'm thinking good thoughts for Maggie. Other than her teeth, I'd ask if any of this could be a side affect of the meds she's on. Let us know what happens.
  11. You have my prayers and positive thoughts. That must have been scarey for you Jenn. Hoping he heals quickly.
  12. Thursday update - He is standing on all 4 feet. He still hobbles outside on 3, but comes in on 4. Swelling is still there, but he is walking on it. Dr Couto suggested a fine needle aspirate and no x-ray at this point. He is suggesting as originally thought it is an infection. He asked if his popliteal node is enlarged. Off to google that and find out exactly where it is.
  13. This is a copy of the original post after the vet visit in case you didn't see it: Jake has a very bad infection in his leg. We still don't know how, but he does have some abrasions on the leg. Our vet is mystified, but the leg is swollen, red, hot and scraped plus he has a fever. We have antibiotics, and I will do epson salt soaks on most of his leg since we don't know the actual injury site. If it isn't significantly improved and the fever down by Wednesday he has to go back. Miki will do an x-ray then, although she does not think it is broken. Bottom line is he is a very sick boy. There is no wound to culture. The red mark on the bone is actually a scar that is usually a light shiney brown. I don't know if the redness is a bruise, or inflamation. His leg is still hot, although he has only had 2 doses of Clavamox. I'm giving him the 3rd after dinner. I'm also doing epsom salt soaks (hot wet towel then putting a bag over it) I can't find a single scratch on his leg. The only thing I can think of is insect bite, but again can't find one. Here is his leg. I took the picture Monday night, but it doesn't look much different. Wednesday's update - I used a magnifying glass and can't see a blessed thing. After 3 doses of Clavamox. his fever is down and the leg less hot. The swelling has spread, but the lumpy part is no bigger.He is weight bearing for balance now, and also to walk from time to time. Our vet would like him to be using it a bit more, so I made an appointment for an x-ray and a fine needle aspirate on Friday. If he is weight bearing tomorrow and the swelling down, then I will cancel and continue with the antibiotics. Thursday update - He is standing on all 4 feet. He still hobbles outside on 3, but comes in on 4. Swelling is still there, but he is walking on it. Dr Couto suggested a fine needle aspirate and no x-ray at this point. He is suggesting as originally thought it is an infection. He asked if his popliteal node is enlarged. Off to google that and find out exactly where it is. Friday update - Lots of improvement. Still standing on all 4's and limping slightly. The swelling has decreased and he is back to his normal behaviour. That includes whining a lot at the front door to go for a walk. Sorry Jake, not happening bud!
  14. I was thinking an insect bite myself. I had just said that to DH, who says there isn't anything out yet. I look down and I'm bleeding, clean it up and yep a bug bite! Likely spider and I'm allergic to the darn things. Foxy loves eggs. Daddy is going to make two of whatever he has for lunch and she will have her own serving. I doubt she will ever eat normally again.
  15. You have my prayers and positive thoughts. Stay strong Chinghis
  16. He is limping on his back right leg. It is swollen on the ankle? bone and seems to have a bruise on the side, it's hot too. He was playing with Peanut yesterday and was fussy, but not limping at dinner. Later just a little bit of a limp, but no sign of a problem. I'm hoping that it's just a bump and nothing worse. I've iced and used arnica, plus put a tensor bandage on. I've been treating it like a sprain. We have an appointment at 3:00 with our own vet, and I am taking the very skinny Miz Foxy in too. I'm really worried about both of them. Update Jake has a very bad infection. We still don't know how, but he does have some abrasions on the leg. Our vet is mystified, but the leg is swollen, red, hot and scraped plus he has a fever. We have antibiotics, and I will do epson salt soaks on most of his leg since we don't know the actual injury site. If it isn't significantly improved and the fever down by Wednesday he has to go back. Miki will do an x-ray then, although she does not think it is broken. Bottom line is he is a very sick boy. Foxy is down another 2 1/2 lbs. She is only 53 lbs. We are giving her 3 meals a day and she is to have all the treats and people snacks we want. I know she will be really happy about that.
  17. PM Cathie, wmlcml6 she raises greyhound puppies too. She might have some suggestions.
  18. As others have said greyhounds can do very well on three legs. Dr Couto has a saying that greyhounds are born with 3 legs and a spare. I don't know where you are, but if you aren't close enough to go to OSU, I would definitely have your vet contact them for advise. Greyhounds have a greater rist of bleeding complications with certain surgeries, amputation is one of them. Dr Couto and the OSU team routinely use a drug to combat that. If you need any further info email me using the link on my website. www.casualbling.com
  19. I would get an x-ray as soon as possible. Many things, if caught early enough, are treatable. If your vet wants to do a biopsy, ask for a fine needle biopsy. Dr Couto is doing that routinely for bone biopsies rather than cone biopsies. Fine needle gives them a big enough sample for diagnosis, and doesn't weeken the bone.
  20. Here are the norms in bold for what Merlin should have. He looks good, creatnine is up.
  21. It sounds likely it is teeth, however it could be her neck. Foxy hurt her neck quite a few years ago and had the same signs you mentioned. Wouldn't take treats, off her food and yelped off and on. We took her to the vet and he diagnosed a sore neck. I questioned the eating problems and he suggested raising her food even higher than we normally had it to reduce the strain. It worked! He said that getting a cookie back to her molars to crunch hurt her neck muscles, so she was avoiding anything she associated with the pain. After a course of steroids, she was back to normal and eating treats.
  22. Three of my 4 are blood donors and our clinic uses the method you are talking about. I think the people who contacted you might be the same ones who do our clinics. If so they are awesome We do our clinics in a home which is more relaxed for both the dogs and their people. I stay with my dogs, and they enjoy the extra attention. We require the dogs stay for a period after to monitor them and then they are free to go. All of mine recover very quickly, a nap and they are raring to go. Here's Jake during one of his sessions. He has been a donor for 2 years now and give in less than 15 minures.
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