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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. You have my prayers for my Casey girl. You know, she might have a sore neck. Foxy had neck "issues" a couple of times. She would cry out getting up or down then be fine for while. Or, she could be getting a muscle cramp. Whatever it is I'm sure Doc will fix her up fine. Hugs to you both.
  2. Your Canadian fans are rooting for you too Bonnie. You go girl!
  3. I've been thinking of hime. Keep an eye on it for necrosis. I hate spiders! They don't give me the creeps, I'm really sensistive to their bites, even the little harmless ones here.
  4. Awww poor Valentino. Sending hugs and kisses from his Aunty Janet. I'm betting the antibiotics will do the trick. Reminds me of Jake's back leg, it's scary how quickly it swellls up.
  5. Paula, we are so sorry. I know how you have struggled with this. I'm around if you need me. I'm betting some special hounds met him today at the bridge. : Godspeed Abbey, your friends will miss you.
  6. HopeForHounds

    My Jack

    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Jack
  7. Run with the wind Bones. I'm hoping Miz Foxy was there to meet you. Nancy I'm sorry.
  8. I had a border collie and a son who had pink eye at the same time. I used poly sporin for eyes and ears and it cleared up in both of them.
  9. Gee, it's hard to say which one is causing the problem given the possible side effects. I'd try the pepcid for a day or so to see if that resolves things. If not, take my boy to the torturnarium. Hugs to you both.
  10. In the end, that's all that matters, he knew he was loved. Godspeed Ranch To all of you who worked so hard to save him. Bob will take good care of him, and so many of our angels are there to play with him.
  11. Did your vet look at the blood under a microscope? I'd be tempted to have it removed so it doesn't keep bleeding. I'd also have them send it out for pathology just to be sure.
  12. Paula, I was so hoping for better news. Reality bites sometimes. There is nothing irresponsible or selfish about your decision. You've made it knowing that if you did the surgery, Abbey would likely have severe complications or die. Doing chemo without the amputation would maybe buy you a bit more time. Time that you will likely be away for. Know that your decision is the right one for both of you. Live in the here and now when you are with him, enjoy his company, make memories, take lots of pictures and most of all, love each other. Let me know if you need anything. Maybe you two can come for a visit during the holidays.
  13. Greyhounds are often diagnosed with a murmer. Usually they are benign, just a greyhound thing. OSU GHWP Click on the link and then click on # 2 Make sure your vet is aware of this.
  14. Paula, you know that I'm here if you need me. Anytime you need to, call me. I'm an eternal optimist, so I'm holding on to hope that OSU gives you better news. I'm also practical enough to know that the odds are slim, Enjoy that gooffy boy of yours. If you want to visit, let me know you can come and hang out here for while. Diane has a good idea, I believe that Laura has one of the assist harnesses, ask her if you can borrow it. Hugs to Abbey, Andrew send you his best.
  15. Foxy I'ma Foxy Dawg Dec 6, 1994 - Aug 5, 2008
  16. Yes, Peanut is Abbey's pinch hitter for the clinic.
  17. for Jake? His right front foot and ankle are swollen. No idea (as usual) what happened. It is hot and he is definitly feeling crappy. I gave him a tramadol and am keeping him quiet. As per my vet's instructions we are keeping an eye on it and treating the pain. If it's an infection she wants to be able to have something to aspirate to send to the lab. If it isn't better by Monday, then off he goes to see Miki and there goes my Christmas bonus. Sunday Taday he is putting his full weight on his foot. It looks a little bit bigger and he is being a total suck. So, maybe he twisted it playing in the snow with Peanut on Friday night. I'm beginning to think he is a fragile 82 lb boy. I stayed home with him while Daddy is at PetsMart doing a M & G and Peanut is at her Auntie Laura's for a blood donor clinic. It feels really odd being home with only one.
  18. I'd call you, but I don't have your number. I had hoped for a better result than this. Still, we can hope for the best. Sending you hugs
  19. Patrick and Chrissy I am so sorry for you and for all of us that loved Speck. There are some greyhounds that just grab you and hold onto you for reasons we don't know. Speck was one of those hounds for me and I suspect many of the others here. We never met, but I feel that I knew him. I was really looking forward to March when I would get to do just that. Chrissy honey I know how you feel, like your heart has been ripped right out. I'm here if you need someone.
  20. Which bronchodilator is he on? I have some here I can send if it is the right one.
  21. Paula, you describe something similar to what Jake had twice this year. Here is my thread http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=212807&hl= Hoping it is a minor injury. I'll be at work without computer access, but call me I'm at Centrepointe Child Care Services on Hemmingwood Way, we're in the book. Try not to panic, one thing at a time.
  22. Sending prayers and hope that you have lots of time left together. Dr Couto and his team's contact info is under my siggie, just click on it. He and his team are dedicated to helping greyhounds and will consult with you or your vet. You'll find a lot of support here as well as some excellent info.
  23. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am sorry you lost Foxy but I am glad she got 4 more years with your family. Also I forgot to mention she will do chest x rays before surgery to see if his lungs are clear. She did not recommend an abdominal ultrasound at this point which I think would also look for metastases. They do not do ultrasound at their office and it seems not necessary at present. We did get 4 more wonderful years. Plus she didn't die of cancer.
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