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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. You and Asia are in my prayers. Thisis going to work! Here's a couple of pictures to make you smile
  2. After a quiet night and day, Miz Foxy gently left us at 5:00 pm. Foxy ruled our home for 8 years and 10 months, so confidently and gently the poor boys never figured it out. Foxy was our first greyhound and we didn't have a clue what an impact she would have one our lives. One that is firmly entrenched in the world of greyhounds. Outside the house, Foxy was regal, serious, at attention. She had a job to do - get greyhounds adopted. At home that serious demeanor disappeared and we shared our lives with a happy, silly, shoe collector extraordinaire. Her cancer led me to start Hope for Hounds, she kept me focused. I am grateful to have had her company for the past 8 1/2 years, and for the four extra years we had in which she taught me about strength, patience and determination. I promised her that I will keep working to raise money to find better treatments, and ultmately find a cure. Godspeed my sweet angel, until we meet again.
  3. That is something I needed to read. Dempsey!
  4. She is Susan, now that we got our toiletting out of the way. Man that girl is stuborn. Foxy actually walks pretty well outside, just a wee bit too fast for my comfort. I just walk alongside with the towel sling under her just in case. She only stumbled a couple of times then almost peed on my foot. I had to carry her outside and just as we got to the kitchen her bowels let go. She tried to poop outside and seemed confused about why it didn't work. On the way in she had a huge drink, I kept trying to move her over as I didn't want her to have too much too quickly. Foxy had other ideas. I'm going to sleep downstairs and when I have to go to work Daddy will take over. I can't get a supply teacher today since it's a holiday and no-one is answering their phones. Plus I do all the unlocking and alarms, so it's easier to just go in for an hour until I can get someone. Then I'll come home and see how we are. You know I always try to post in threads hoping that the words mean something, but never knowing. I can honestly say that the words of comfort mean so very much. Thank you.
  5. Things are real quiet here and that is just fine. Miz Foxy is resting very comfortably on her love seat. She got very restless and was trying to stand up, so I got a towel and used it as a sling under her belly. Her right front leg wants to knuckle, but she corrects instantly. It also wants to be on the outside of her left side. She can stand if I position it for her, but can't walk without my help. I carried her outside grunting (her not me) and she went for a huge pee and a little pooh. I called the e-vet and talked to a vet tech and she reassured me that unless Foxy is stressed or in pain to keep her at home until our vet opens tomorrow. Foxy is running a temp and as much as I hate to say it, that is probably due to another tumor inside. I gave her some pain meds to see if that gets her fever down. She won't recover from this, but it does my heart a lot of good to know she will likely pass at home, here where we love her best. I'm so grateful to have so many people thinking of us. We love you and thank you! Miss Peanutty is very subdued and hanging out downstairs with her Daddy while I talk to y'all. Her brother Jake is my shadow today. Jet is on my bed. :
  6. Foxy is still with us the wonderful stuborn old gal. She is breathing well, and resting on a bed. We'll keep her here until our vet can come. It's a holday Monday here, and I just have to shake my head at the timing - that's my girl!
  7. This morning when I got up, she was laying on a dog bed. So not a good thing. I tried to get her up and her back end is just not working. I've known this was coming since I noticed a bump on her spine a month ago. She's been doing really well and handled it all with dignity. It's now time to give back. She's comfortable and breathing calmly, and since it's a holiday here and nothing but e-vets are open I am going to keep her here as long as we can.
  8. I face this every day with our 13 1/2 year old greyhound. Since it may be she's just feeling icky from the infection and the antibiotics, I would switch her to a bland diet. Boiled hamburger and noodles. feed in small amounts until she is eating better. You can also try something for her stomach like pepcid. Don't forget to add a probiotic like acidopholus to help promote the growth of good bacteria in her gut while she is on the antibiotic and for a couple of weeks after. There are a lot of things you could try to entice her to eat, but she'll only do that if her stomache isn't bothering her. Tuna, sardines, mackeral are just a few. My girl likes flakes of chicken the best. I would avoid force feeding by syringe, as she could aspirate and get pneumonia. If you really can't get her to eat try spoon feeding pureed food onto the middle back of her tongue. I did that the other night to Foxy, she was p'oed, but kept swallowing.
  9. HopeForHounds


    Happy Birthday Pinky wherever you are. Mark I pray that you get some news.
  10. Happy Birthday Lacers! We miss you so.
  11. Mary sending hugs to both you and Dee. George, I thank you for giving Mary the IG bug, because of you we have Zoe in our lives. Godspeed little man.
  12. I am pleased for you and for Beau. Hoping the next phase of treatment, whatever that ends up being, goes really well.
  13. Sounds good Mary. I forgot to mention to you when we were talking the other night that Traumeel might really help him. It is a holistic med that has arnica and a bunch of other stuff. I use it whenever there is a lot of bruising or trauma, like after a surgery. You can get it in drops, pill or cream I buy it at a health food store. If you google it you should get the company info and a list of what's in it. Here is the link for the company that makes it Heel Hugs to you all. Janet and the gang
  14. Over $6,000 is what a friend here was quoted. Audrey, did you ask the surgeon if they use medication to prevent post op bleeding. Here is Dr Couto's article on that. link He will give the sugeon the name of the med and dosage.
  15. Neena and Tim thank you so much for sharing Genie with us. She was a remarkable girl who, through you, has given so much to the greyhound world. I remember meeting her at Sandy Paws, and chatting with you Neena. It won't be quite the same next year. I'm happy that she chose to leave this earthly life on her own terms, on her big old bed. Her long, love filled life has given us all hope. Godspeed Sweet Lady, until we meet again.
  16. I'm so sorry Godspeed Raisin Bran
  17. Miss Foxy highly recomends Flakes of Chicken or Flakes of Turkey.
  18. If you've already contacted them there is no need for a cover letter. They don't need a referral from your vet. Just let them know they are coming.
  19. I was just thinking about him today. If you want me to call you let me know. In the meantime, lots of healing thoughts heading south west. Hugs to you as well.
  20. I just got an email from Bosha's Mom, he is one of the dog's on HfH's website. He is 33 months clear! I met him last fall at his 2 year mark, he is a remarkable boy.
  21. Okay, so this is one time I am thrilled to be saying I told you so! Time to look forward and put your energies into healing.
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