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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Diane gave you lots of links to stories. Check out Hope for Hounds LINK and read Bosha's story too. He is over 30 months cancer free. Also have her, or her vet contact OSU especially regarding the drug they use to minimize post surgical bleeding during amputations. greyosu@osu.edu
  2. Where in Canada are you? You can send an email to Ohio State Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and a vet there will consult with you for free. greyosu@osu.edu
  3. Oh Susan, I am so sorry. Whatever decision you make, will be the right one for Jack. If you need anything, let me know. I wish we were closer.
  4. Welcome back. I never realized that Foxy's half brother was so big. She was 66 lb at her heaviest, and now at 13 1/2 is about 54 lbs.
  5. Ouch! Literally. Did you see Wade? If so, at least she'll be in good hands.
  6. Peanut is always warm Jenn. She lays on the tile floor in the winter! She pants a lot too, but the vet says she is just fine.
  7. Marion I am so very sorry. Hamie was an absolute sweetheart. He sure knew you guys loved him. Godspeed Hamie, run with the wind.
  8. Keep fighting Brady, we are all praying for you.
  9. You have my prayers and thoughts for a good outcome.
  10. You just scared the ........ out of me. I forgot about the corns and I thought this was something new. Phew! I'll be thinking of you sweet boy.
  11. Janet, we still have the pearls that you gave to her at Sandy Paws 2 years ago. Do you wear them? I think she'd like that Bill.
  12. Awww! That is one of my favourite pictures Bill. I think of her often.
  13. That's great news Leslie. Go Gustopher!
  14. Try putting some warm, moist heat on it, to see if the leg will relax. Poor baby, I hope it's just a muscle strain and he gets some rest.
  15. If they are bothering her, you can give Benadryl. Other than that I would wait until tomorrow.
  16. I am so sorry and sad to see this. Please give Stacia my sincere condolences. Foxy another of HB's kid sends her love and licks to Hermione, I'm sure she will feel this loss deeply. Godspeed Duchess
  17. HopeForHounds


    I am so sorry. Godspeet Jett
  18. I'm thrilled for you. Did we send him a Survivor Ring from HfH? If not, PM me your address.
  19. just an infection, just an infection............... Prayers and positive thought for Penny.
  20. I'm so sorry I was hoping she would overcome this crisis. Please know she could never hate you. Godspeed Raven
  21. Welcome! The babies are so adorable!
  22. I'm so sorry. You've been given some really good advice. Join COG for you, it helps to know that others understand what you are going through. He doesn't know how sick he is, so enjoy what time you have left. Spoil him rotten and take lots and lots of picutres.
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