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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. Depends on where you go. Ours was $4.89 the other day, up to $4.99 today.
  2. That's what I was thinking. My granddaughter had two like that when she was a baby, and one of my kids at the Day Care has a huge one.
  3. Foxy gets 2 25mg pills every 6 - 8 hours when she needs it. Doesn't seem to bother her and she's only 55 lbs. I'd at least give him one, but reactions can make you feel crappy. I'm sensitive to black flies, fleas and spiders. So, I feel for him.
  4. Congratulations! I love the Froggy Princess pose between two beds. She is adorable.
  5. Nothing wrong with that. When Jake's ankle blew up, I made the decision to treat him like I would the kids. RICE Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate. Compression did nothing, but the others helped, along with Trameel until I was sure it needed a trip to the vet.
  6. Foxy takes 50 mg when she needs it, so she'll be fine. I use arnica tablets or gel on my guys, again can't hurt. If she's a licker, or it's irritated use the tablets. I keep Traumeel on hand for times like these. It is a holistic antiinflamitory with arnica and a bunch of other good stuff. You could soak in salt water, not as good as Epsom salt, but it's a good second best.
  7. Judy, her eyes may explain a lot of the "sad" behavious you are seeing. Foxy has a bluish tint, and has difficulty seeing at night and depth perception problems. That doesn't seem to be Emmy's problem. I have a friend who has a greyhound who suddenly went blind. I'll look to see if the thread is still on H & M. Quick check shows she is no longer a member. I have sent her an email. I saw Freddy a few weeks ago, and he is doing really well. I'll call tomorrow night to get an up date seeing as I'm stuck at work all day.
  8. I think I do Janet but you might e-mail it to me just in case. Done!
  9. You have me love and prayers. You do have Dr Couto's contact info right?
  10. We miss you angel girl. I think of you often and know you are looking out for your family at the bridge. Bet you and Lacers are inserparable. I think you both must have whispered in Miss Pave's ear, boy did she keep your Momma busy. I read a bit of both of you in her email about Pave's antics. Next time keep it down to a minor cyclone will you?
  11. Oh just look at Hope's face. Well Cathie as soon as we have enough pictures I can work on that video.
  12. Congratulations Mama Snickers and Papa Mudd. Everytime I see thsoe wee bodies I am in awe that they turn out to be such powerful athletes. I remember holding Mudd and his siblings with Tina and Laura when he was just 3 months old, and look at him now - amazing!
  13. What a beautiful girl. good luck failing, er I mean fostering.
  14. Joplin, my Momma says yipee! I want to know if you are interested in a little internet dating now that you are feeling better? Lub Miz Foxy.
  15. I'm glad you went ahead and did it. Aren't Joan and Sandie great? Our guys just love seeing them.
  16. Gracie has my prayers and love. Just stoopid old corns, just stoopid old corns, just stoopid old corns......................
  17. 581 Have a safe an uneventful trip.
  18. Forget the references to candy bars etc. Some of us have already suggested it, but Daddy Bill vetoed the idea. Names have to include the prefix FTH This is Snickers' first litter. I, for one, can't wait until the puppies show their beautiful selves.
  19. Lynn, I am so sorry. : Godspeed Walter
  20. Getting old stinks Joplin. Our Momma's take a bit of time to figure us out now, because we don't work quite the way we did when we were younger. I feel for you, I get overheated very easily and needed the a/c way before Momma thought we should have it on. But, like yours, my Momma figured things out. I'm not much into eating now and it drives Momma crazy. You should see what she buys me to get me to eat. I hope your vet says you are doing okay. Love from afar, Miz Foxy of the north.
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