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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. She sure does keep you hopping. Praying for a quick rebound from her over indulgence.
  2. She was a stinker wasn't she? I sure do miss the Lacers stories. I'm sure Foxy and Lacers are creating havoc at the bidge.
  3. Carolyn I could not believe what I saw. I am so sorry. Godspeed sweet Stella. Go look for Foxy and Tilt.
  4. I'm pretty sure I know someone who has a grey who had this removed. She had her leg amputated in April. She is being treated at OSU. You can have your sister contact Dr Couto's team - greyosu@osu.edu They will do a free consult with either your sister or her vet.
  5. I don't know how I missed this. Fiona is beautiful and I love her name. You are going to love having a girlie to dress up. If Fiona needs any advice, Peanut would KNOT be the one to ask. I on the other hand have many years of experience with Miz Foxy who loved collar change time and putting on the Bling.
  6. Okay Miss Bonnie time to dig deep inside yourself and fight . I know you can do it, and we are all here for you.
  7. I really feel your pain. One thing I found our was spoon feeding was easier and less messy than syringe feedingt. I just forced Foxy's mouth open and turned the spoon upside down so the very soft food was on the back of her tongue. It was easier for her to swallow it than spit it out.
  8. Heather, I'm glad you can have some peace now. It is never an easy decision to make, though I knew from reading that you had made a good decision for him. Sending you a big hug
  9. Foxy had a fear almost that bad at our previous vet. she would have to be carried in and out because she couldn't/wouldn't walk on the floor there. When we switched vets, I couldn't believe how much happier she was to go. Funny thing is the last vet never did more than the basics with her. Miki has done invasive tests, surgerys etc and it was still Foxy's favourite place to visit. It came down to the floor. Another big part of what changed is that I was allowed to be with her for most things except the surgery. The techs were very matter of fact, patient and never made her do anything that scared her.
  10. You or your vet should contact Dr Couto at OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program. They will do a free consult and give you t5heir recomendations. greyosu@osu.edu
  11. BJ I am heartbroken for you, and for everyone at FTH and B and J racing. I'm glad I got to meet her. Pansy Jane was a beautiful, vibrant girl. I am betting that Foxy will take her in hand, that girl sure loved the young ones. Godspeed pretty Pansy Jane you were loved by so many.
  12. Heather and Kevin I am so sorry. Pup you sure have some great and loving company at the bridge. Hang on to your mouse, Miz Foxy sure did love a stuffy. Godspeed Pup
  13. Tina there truly are no words to tell you accurately what I am feeling. I am incredibly sad for you, Eric and the babies. Incredibly sad for me too, I loved him. Sadly he has some very good company. Foxy, you take care of our boy Godspeed my handsome Man. :gh _run
  14. Claudia I just saw this. I hope Misty heals very quickly. for her and foir you.
  15. That is a nice crop of blackheads. Warm compress and you can gently squeeze them if you like.
  16. Have both vet's get in touch with the Greyhound Health and Wellness team at OSU. greyosu@osu.edu
  17. It did and he is very handsome. Love those black masks.
  18. Congratulations. I will now be patient about pictures.
  19. I use the Traumeel drops or pills for inflamation pain. It works well, so unless you think she is in pain, the gel should do it. The twitching could be from sore muscles.
  20. A year? Wow! I'm so glad she chose you Mary, because I probably would not have met you otherwise. Hard to comprehend. Angela you were a joy to meet, some day sweet lady, some day.
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