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Everything posted by HopeForHounds

  1. She looks good Tom. Just keep an eye on her bruising and if there is any seepage call them. Although I suspect you already know all that. She will have some ups and downs, but will continue to heal. Keeping her and you in my prayers for an uneventful and speedy healing. Remember I am available to talk if you need to.
  2. Gillian, you and Catwalk have my prayers. I am relieved that you have the best vets in your corner. Hang in there.
  3. Wednesday Jake is doing well, swelling down and walking normally. No clear answer, but we will continue the antibiotics for an extra 2 weeks. Miki says if it flares up again she will do a fine needle aspirate right away before treating him. There is always the chance that this was a coincidence, but...................
  4. You can also use this page The click on email lets us send through their internal system, it is monitored so a response is usually pretty quick. Dr Couto is away until Oct 27th at Scooby in Spain. So, I would use the general contact #s
  5. Well....................that just sucks. Shelby I know that you and Deuce will get through this together. He will let you know, and we'll be here to help if only a little bit. for you and gentle ones to Mr Handsome. I am praying the meds make him feel better and give you more time. If you need anything, just let me know.
  6. I'd be interested in learning more about that Robin.
  7. Foxy did not have an x-ray before the surgery. Many things suggest it is a similar type of tumor, and they have a very low rate of metastisizing. We did blood tests prior but nothing else.
  8. Dr Couto does fine needle bone aspirate instead of the bone biopsy. It's less damaging to the already comprimised bone. Whatever you decide will be right. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
  9. OSU's GHWP team will contact any vet or owner in regards to a racing greyhound. Although, I do know Dr Couto has consulted on other sitehounds too. The program is there for us. That is why I keep saying that we need to be there for them and support the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program financially. The program does not get financial support from the university as it is breed specific, it is funded privately through programs like Hope for Hounds. We do ongoing work for GHWP, not just the Miss Nellie Auction. If you need info about Hope for Hounds, the link is above my siggie.
  10. Here we go again. Jake woke up with a limp and firm lower back right leg. This is what I wrote last time in late April "He is limping on his back right leg. It is swollen on the ankle? bone and seems to have a bruise on the side, it's hot too." I'm not seeing the bruise (yet), as that turned out to be an old scar, which was redder because of the inflamation and swelling. Like last time, there is no indications of an entry point for infection. Since he started to heal, we didn't get a fine needle done, I really wish I had now. We aren't seeing our regular vet today since I'm not waiting, but if it swells worse I'll get the fine needle done. Today it will be Clavamox I suspect, unless they find an actual injury. Update The vet we saw today is stumped. No sign of entry for bacteria, but seems to be just like last time. We have antibiotics, and tramadol. He'll go back on Wednesday to see Miki when Peanut goes for her check up. At that time we'll look at doing a fine needle to see what this really is. I've send Dr Couto an email and if he has any further suggestions I'll pass those one. Poor guy threw up this afternoon when we were out. He is really feeling crappy. Sunday Update Jake is feeling better today. His leg is still slightly swollen, but firm and not so hot. Tramadol is his friend and he is moving comfortably. We caught this a couple of days earlier, so the antibiotics should work quicker. Dr Couto sent me an email today and said this was PUZZLING. He said it sounds like a reccurring infection and if it swells at all to get a fine needle for cytology and a culture. He cautioned to do it now may make it worse and to do it only if it sweeled as that meant it didn't respond to the aintibiotics. He also is confident that it is not cancer. I am going to discuss with Miki that maybe he should have a longer course of antibiotics. Monday Update My vet, Miki just called. As I told her Jake is no better, no worse. His leg is swollen slightly just above the hock. He isn't limping, but his is on tramadol. She will see him tomorrow night and will likely do a fine needle to give us a sample for cytology and for a culture. She is also recommending a full 4 weeks on the anitibiotics. She's hopeful we will get an answer. Keep your fingers crossed. Wednesday Jake is doing well, swelling down and walking normally. No clear answer, but we will continue the antibiotics for an extra 2 weeks. Miki says if it flares up again she will do a fine needle aspirate right away before treating him. There is always the chance that this was a coincidence, but...................
  11. If I remember correctly Jamaica's cancer is not osteo and can have a really good outcome with an amp. Dr Couto says greyhounds are born with 3 legs and a spare. I really don't think you will love her any less, and I won't be surprised if it strengthens your bond. Once she is healed and you move on, Packmom is right, you will lose a lot of the memory of 3 legs plus one diseased one. If it gives her and by that you good quality of life, I say go for it.
  12. All of the vets in our practice recommended sending the mass for a complete picture. I know I told you this already, but it sounds an awful lot like the mass Foxy had removed. Even the bloody fluid. Her lump that returned this spring was clear fluid, which is why we opted to leave things alone at that time. Again, if you want me to call, just PM me.
  13. I would opt to remove and send the lump to pathology. I was told that the lab would want a bigger sample anyway. You could contact Dr Couto and ask him about round cells in older dogs.
  14. Tom I'm sorry Ember isn't better. As usual I will add my "consult with OSU" suggestion. Praying this gets resolved for her.
  15. Dr Couto's numbers are 1 in 4 greyhounds will get cancer - but remember, their stats are low on other diseases thaat other breeds die from. 80% of the greyhounds with cancer have osteosarcoma. Foxy was diagnosed with hemarngiopericytoma in Aug 2004. She died this August, but we don't know for sure if the cancer came back. Even if it did, it is unlikely that she died from it.
  16. That is exactly what I was going to say. Dr Couto does not like the old way of taking a piece of bone, it can lead to instability. He recommends a fine needle aspirate for the above reason. If your vet has not done one get him to contact OSU's Greyhound Health and Wellness Program. They can send the films for a free consult. Let me know ifyou need anything. Sending lots of hugs and prayers.
  17. Denise that is good news. I was getting concerned after your email. I am hoping that she gets to go home tomorrow, clearly that is what she wants and needs. Keep me posted, I feel like she is family now you know. Hugs to you and Steve and the rest of the pack.
  18. If it helps, Foxy had a very quick recovery. She never limped or bothered her incision. She did have a drain and stitiches, but left it all alone. She did lick the shaved spot from the IV site. The chemo Dr Couto uses is done by injection into the site the tumor was. Another thing, when Foxy had her's removed, she had no clear margins, we were told re growth was likely in 3 months, she was still clear 4 years later.
  19. Sounds like a good choice Susan. I can see your concern with the number of surgeries already. Not to worry you, but Foxy's aspirate had round cells which worried the vet. We opted to remove the lump, but that was her first surgery since we had her. If it does turn out to be what Foxy had it is the best of the cancers if that makes sense. Plus Dr Couto has a treatment he uses after tumor removal. What colour was the fluid they removed? Again if you want to talk, PM me your number.
  20. Susan, that sounds exactly like the lump Foxy had removed just before her 10th birthday. She had hemangiopericytoma, a malignant, but rarely metastisizing cancer. Have your vet do a fine needle aspirate to see what is there. If you want I can call you I have unlimitted long distance. Just PM me.
  21. We've had candles eaten here before. Just watch and wait it will likely pass without a problem. Depending on the type and size it may cause loose stools. The only thing that would concern me is the wick if it was a taper candle or the metal disk if it was anchored with one. Watch for signs of distress, pacing, panting, straining to pass stools. Chances are thought hat the wax around the wick will help it pass through without incident, it did here.
  22. Sending lots of prayers and positive vibes for Brooke. A HUGE for you.
  23. Diana, I am so sorry. Please have your vet, or you yourself contact Dr Couto at OSU. greys@osu.com
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