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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. I am so very sorry for your loss...
  2. Bosha is a stunningly beautiful boy. I am so very sorry to hear that he has passed away.
  3. FWIW, Ali never limped when her wrist was swollen either.
  4. I wouldn't recommend that course of treatment. But on a more serious note, if you are concerned, of course get another xray. Can't hurt. But I will say that soft tissue injuries can take a LONG time to heal, especially if the pup is not on strict leash-rest. Alimony had a swollen wrist a year ago. I had similar scary thoughts about osteo... Her xrays were clean, and I leash-rested her for two weeks. Thought it seemed to go away, so I let her run... and yup, the next day, more swollen than ever, even though she never limped. So four agonizing (for my restless nutsy mamadog) weeks of leash rest later, and Alimony was back up to speed.
  5. I'd guess a vet would maybe try a needle aspirate of the swollen lymph nodes in the neck? I don't really know, but beyond telling you to go to the vet (which you obviously already know) I don't think I can help.
  6. I routinely get annual senior panels for any pups 10 or older. More often if they have any imbalances.
  7. I'd tell you not to worry if I honestly could. I'd be having it checked.
  8. Poor baby! Hope she comes through the surgery easily and heals quickly.
  9. Glad he came through anesthesia okay. Hope the results are good.
  10. Nights always seem harder than the days, in my experience. No idea why, it just is. I hope the daylight brought some comfort...
  11. Yikes, poor pupper! Accidents happen, don't beat yourself up. Fingers crossed Fiona heals quickly. Be sure to check Zeke for even small wounds also. Raccoons can be disease carriers.
  12. I'm very sorry to hear the diagnosis. for an easy surgery and a speedy recovery.
  13. Beautiful sweetheart... I am very sorry for your loss.
  14. Gobi has been on Thyroid meds for years. I've pup-sat him many times and never noticed a gas problem.
  15. Heat exhaustion and/or heat stroke are nothing to take your chances with. I'd take her in ASAP.
  16. Ouchie! Broken/torn claws always bleed a lot. It should heal fine though. Slow, but fine. I agree that administration of ice cream treats may speed recovery time.
  17. Yup, dropped muscle, but you clearly know that now.
  18. Yup, exactly what Heather said. I've become pretty adept at delivering eyedrops. Straddling the dog (while they're standing) allows me maximum control.
  19. Oh, I am so very very sorry to hear of your loss.
  20. I've never heard of acupuncture as a treatment for LP. My Chancy had unilateral tieback surgery at age 12. My only regret was that I waited so long (out of fear).
  21. I am so sorry you are going through this. You are in my thoughts.
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