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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. I adopted a returned senior girlie years ago who had horrible weeping sores between the toes on both her back feet (similar to your pic, but even worse). Twice-daily warm epsom salt soaks and oral antibiotics did the trick, but it took time and patience. Once it finally healed, it never came back. I never found out why exactly it happened in the first place.
  2. I am so sorry this had to happen so soon.
  3. I couldn't have said it better than this. You are in my thoughts.
  4. Wow, you're so popular! Lookit how many folks wanna stare at you!

    Love the new siggie pic, btw. :)

  5. Yes, vividly. Y'all were so proud of the Duluth-Pack beds you'd invested in. Sissy came over, slapped one dainty paw on top as if to test the waters, and immediately turned away in disgust to seek somewhere more inviting to lay her precious self: perhaps a bed of nails, or the hardwood floor, I think. Glad my little silver princess can still make you smile.
  6. Just wanted to add a warm thought-- of how many other beloved pets' lives your precious and lovely Cora has saved by being a blood donor for several years. I hope that memory (along with many many others) is at least a tiny consolation in this time of grief.
  7. My heart is broken as well. I loved "my" sweet goofy Blinky Cora-birdie as if she were my own. Mark and Jen, I am so so sorry this day had to come so soon.
  8. For an ongoing limping problem with no satisfactory answers, I'd be asking for an xray this time 'round. What your vet is calling a callous is probably a corn (assuming it's on the toe pad), but if there's sensitivity when testing range of motion in the whole leg, I'd want an xray. I've had less than grey-savvy vets misdiagnose corns before.
  9. So the bump is not on the pad itself? Does the bump seem soft and mobile with the a skin, or does it seem bony? Has the foot been xrayed? If there's also a corn on the pad, you usually would be able to see it, either as a slightly raised hard area, or a flattened hard shiny area, or even as a sort of pinhole surrounded by hardened tissue.
  10. Is the "funky bump" on the top of his foot, or on one of the toepads?
  11. If you click on the tiny icon to the right of the username, you'll see a little popup window which has those options.
  12. Happy is a stunningly beautiful girl. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  13. He will likely be fine (milk chocolate isn't as bad as dark chocolate), just let him drink as much water as he wants, and give him a good half-day at least before trying to feed him again. Give his poor tum a chance to settle.
  14. My Alimony had over two hundred races, then went on to be a broodie. She's now eight years old, and is the picture of health and vitality. And she is a nut. She runs circles around my five year old girlie who had a career half as long, and no puppies. I would say any of your three options sound fine to me. Any dog can have health issues regardless of age. Yes, the odds of something happening generally increase with age, but honestly, I'd probably choose the older pup.
  15. My Chancy was on enalapril near the end. My vet told me that he felt it was so safe and beneficial, that it should be put in the public water supply. Slight exaggeration, of course, but the point was that by drug standards, it's a very safe one.
  16. I agree with the above. Vet time. My Chancy had lumbosacral stenosis, and when she'd have painful flare-ups, she was unable to lay down or stand up without yelping. Thankfully, with pain meds and acupuncture, the flare-ups didn't last more than a few days. But again as Heather said, your pup's pain could be could be any of a number of things. Hope it's minor.
  17. My Dazzle had a similar sounding rash on the insides of her "belly-webs" recently. On the thin webs of flesh that join her back legs to her torso. She kept lick-lick-licking them until they were nasty looking sores. I put Benadryl cream on the rashes and taped the front of her muzzle to stop her licking. Took about two weeks for it to really heal up and go away. I never found out why she got rashy there to begin with (no food changes, no bugs, etc), but the Benadryl and muzzle worked for us.
  18. I read it all. I sadly don't have any sage advice. Been there . SOOOO been there with eating/not eating woes with a sick pup. I wish you the best.
  19. Thanks again for doing what you do. I still love it here.
  20. And because no GT thread is complete without photos, here is Perfect Susie! And one of Perfect Susie with her big tiger-boy brother, Gobi in summer repose:
  21. Did not, did not! Now who's smack-talkin'? Besides, we have to lay the peer-pressure on about Sandy Paws well before Dewey rolls around again.
  22. "Peppuh-Jack gawn CUT somebody!"
  23. Damn, I guess this means I have to stop smack-talking you online, eh?
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