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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Even naughty animals would usually stop munching when their mouths start to burn.
  2. It's a Spathiphyllum, aka Peace Lily. Mildly toxic. Unlikely that your pets would mess with it. I've had one for ten years, and my cats and dogs have never touched it.
  3. Dazzle licks her shoulder after getting her peanut-butter wrapped fish oil pill. Tip and Ali don't, but Dazzle does it almost every time. It's like she's pleasantly surprised that suddenly her shoulder has been transformed into tasty peanut butter. :
  4. He's been on NPD for about six years. The bump came along about two or three years ago, but has never changed since I first noticed it. May or may not be the same as what Beau has, but just thought I'd mention it.
  5. I should add that Tipper gets NeoPolyDex ointment twice weekly for his pannus. Doesn't affect the bump on his eyelid.
  6. Tip has had a small growth on the corner of his lower lid for a couple of years now. We see a vet ophthalmologist regularly for his pannus, and they are not concerned about the growth, as long as it doesn't change. Unless it seems to bother him or change significantly, I'd watch and wait for now...
  7. Ouchie! Poor lil guy. I'm glad he's feeling better.
  8. "Accident prone" is the best diagnosis I've ever heard for a limp! Now bubblewrap that sweet boy!
  9. I gave up trying to trick my pups, because they're all too smart. So now I just use the "down-the-hatch" method. Open jaws, poke pill as far back into the throat as possible, close jaws. And hope you get it right the first time.
  10. ZoomDoggy


    What a character! I am very sorry for your loss.
  11. I am very very sorry for your losses. It's of course never easy, but losing two so close together is particularly painful...
  12. ZoomDoggy


    Such a beautiful sweetheart... I am very sorry for your loss.
  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. Misty is one of the most beautiful girlies I have ever seen.
  14. I am so very sorry to hear this is happening. She is just so beautiful...
  15. Tip and Dazzle both quickly learned they were not getting satisfaction from licking the inside of the taped muzzle, and stopped trying immediately. Didn't do them any harm, except the tragic why-me eyes.
  16. Wash the wound out thoroughly with saline, then put antibiotic ointment on it, and then muzzle the licker, with a bit of tape over the end of the muzzle to prevent him licking through the front holes. Wash and repeat once or twice daily until the wound has a good solid scab on it. You will likely have to keep him muzzled 24/7 until the wound is mostly healed to prevent him licking it open and making you start from scratch. At least that's how it goes in my experience.
  17. ZoomDoggy

    Yopon Alan Wag

    Never was a dog MORE loved...
  18. That sounds frightening. I can only say if it were me, I'd take her to the E-vet. Maybe try calling them first and describe in detail what you're seeing.
  19. If his stools are looking good, then he was prolly just really hungry! Maybe time to increase volume and/or *very* gradually start introducing his regular diet back in the mix. Start SLOWLY, literally just a small handful of kibbles thrown in with the ID meal tonight. See how that goes for a day or three, then very gradually over the next week or two, increase the kibble-to ID ratio... If he shows any signs of backsliding, back up and start over.
  20. If he's been doing well on the ID diet, I wouldn't throw anything new at him just yet. I would offer the ID diet in the same quantity you have for the last few days, and wait to see "what comes out" later today. If he is backsliding into diarrhea again, then start from scratch with the fasting 24 hours and then bland diet (rice & boiled chicken or beef), same as before...
  21. Oh Gil... I am so very sorry for your loss.
  22. Wonderful news! I hope he is feeling 100% quickly! Poor guy looks a little uncertain as to the cat's intentions.
  23. I just went through a bout of bloody diarrhea with Alimony last month. Thankfully she didn't have any vomiting. My E-vet said that vomiting in addition to the bloody diarrhea would be more worrisome than "just" bloody diarrhea. Point being, you may want to get an abdominal xray and some bloodwork done. Ultimately for Ali (who again, had no vomiting) what worked was fasting for 24 hours (no food or treats at all, only water) to give her gut a rest, then three full days of bland rice/boiled chicken diet. Then slowly working the rice/chix diet back toward kibble over the course of three more days. She also had a seven-day course of Metronidazole (Flagyl) and famotidine (Pepcid). I hope Fenway feels better fast!
  24. My Chancy was on Gabapentin for a while to help her back pain. I don't recall the dose, but there were no significant side effects. It did seem to help her pain a bit, but was not a miracle drug by any means.
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