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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. That is simply amazing! I am very happy to see she healed so well!
  2. Oh beautiful sweetheart... Cathie, I am so very sorry for your loss.
  3. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  4. Congratulations! That last pic is especially beautiful. (the last pic in the OP, not the pic of Mr. Collins. )
  5. Well helloooo, Jennifer's Chew-Toy friend! I have already accepted this fact. What else can I do? When Johnny shows up to take her away, I won't stand in his way. (Maybe... ) Meh, he's scrawny, you can take him.
  6. Big smooches to the beautiful Ember. (and a little one for the new girlie too. )
  7. I'm very very sorry to hear this diagnosis, Nancy.
  8. Ally is beautiful, just beautiful. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  9. Oh no no no no NO! I am stunned and so very very sorry...
  10. This is just my experience, but Tipper, my big black ol' guy is very sensitive to heat/sunshine. He overheats in summertime much faster than my other dogs ever have. I've also had two black females who didn't seem as sensitive as Tipper, but still more sensitive than my brindles and fawn. By the same token, in winter, the black fur soaks up the sun and keeps them warm longer too. Tipper can go without a sweater in lower temps than my girls.
  11. Thanks for the update. Your Misty is beautiful-- reminds me a lot of my little Sissy girlie. Feel better beautiful silver girlie.
  12. Such sweethearts... "I'm sorry" just never seems to cover it....
  13. ZoomDoggy


    How horrifying... I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
  14. ZoomDoggy

    Radar Doyle

    Oh no! I am so so sorry!
  15. Thinking of the hampsome Flashy today...
  16. I wonder if he cracked it by accident on the chew-bone. I don't think loose teeth ever "tighten up."
  17. Beautiful boy... I am very sorry for your loss.
  18. I received mine last week. Apparently shipping from AK is much faster than shipping to AK. It looks great, thank you!
  19. Cool, thanks for letting us know. And thanks for providing this great playground!
  20. Oh Judy, I am so terribly sorry for your loss...
  21. I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
  22. How gradual has the energy change been? A drop in energy in my Sissy was the first overlooked sign that she was unwell near the end. She was a stoic brave little princess, so I didn't think to worry until she was clearly in pain (she had cancer). I had naively attributed her slow-down on our daily walks to age and/or stubbornness. The same thing happened to my Marla. She started lagging on walks and acting depressed after Chancy died, and I stupidly assumed she was simply mourning or sad at losing her housemate. Turned out she had lung cancer. Point being if it seems less than very gradual, I'd be getting the pup checked over by a vet.
  23. I'm very sorry for the loss of your beautiful precious boy.
  24. Currently you don't know if there is a growth or not (xrays were clear, right?) The ultrasound would help determine if there is a growth or other possible abnormality in the internal organs (enlarged spleen, etc), or (better yet) rule it out so you can then make a more informed course of action.
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