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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. When one of my dogs died, My girl Marla seemed depressed. Like you, I chalked it up to depression/grieving. She moped, lost her appetite, seemed to stop enjoying things she once loved... Turned out she had lung cancer. The first thing they asked me after the chest xrays revealed the tumors was "has she been coughing?" She actually had not, but your mention of coughing and mopiness made me think of my poor little Marla... So I don't mean to scare you unduly, but a full vet workup would be in order. Blood tests, xrays, etc. This could be much more serious than just depression over losing her companion.
  2. Don't give up. I know it's hard to not feel overwhelmed. But try your best to enjoy each day for what it is: a gift. Just accept the small blessings each day provides with your pups. A sunny spot to nap in, a good ear or belly rub, a fresh breeze carrying the scent of summer, a car ride for no other reason than because your pups enjoy it...
  3. I'm so sorry you have been through so much this year. I know that terrible waiting game all too well. If it helps you feel a tiny bit better, it's never too late to start brushing her teeth again. It really will help.
  4. You and your sweet beautiful girlie are in my thoughts.
  5. Ouch! Poor baby! Wonder if she accidentally snorted some rice into her sinuses.
  6. Audrey, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Asia.
  7. for you, Audrey. And for sweet Asia, Queen of the Cawpet.
  8. Yeah, vets often don't bother to fill clients in on drug side effects. She's looking fabulous! Gentle smooches for her. Of course follow the vet's instructions re: exercise, but if you and she are able to slowly increase duration and frequency of walks, it should help build her back up a bit. A harness is a good idea.
  9. Prednisone wastes muscle mass. So she may not look too much thinner due to your diligent feeding, but has lost muscle weight due to the Pred, no doubt. Light exercise as she can tolerate it will hep.
  10. My Tipper would eat the entire Earth, left to his own devices. He's always been that way. I can't turn away for two seconds before he's chowing down on something in the yard. Rocks, twigs, bark, dirt, poop, mulch, grass, dead critters, walnut shells, etc... So he spends his yard roaming time with a stool-guard on, because I don't want to yell at him constantly.. He's been that way for seven years, and it has never been affected by diet changes, he's never really had digestive issues. He's eleven and pretty healthy for his age. He just likes to eat stuff.
  11. Argos is one beautiful boy. I'm so sorry he had to leave you far too soon.
  12. Has she had a complete physical exam? I don't mean to scare you, but after Chancy died, I thought my Marla was taking it particularly hard. I thought she was very depressed. Acting standoffish, not wanting to eat without serious coaxing, or do anything she formerly enjoyed. She moped for a good couple of weeks before I finally took her in to the vet. I found out too late that she was very very sick. She had cancer, and I just hadn't understood the signs correctly. She died six weeks after Chancy died. Maybe if Soldi is "just" depressed, like Diane suggested: a playdate with other dogs might cheer her up? I hope she perks up soon. Poor baby.
  13. Oh Patti, what a sweet tribute. I am so very sorry for your loss of such a wonderful ol' man.
  14. Wow, just catching up with this now. The incision looks fantastic! Glad to hear your girlie is on the mend.
  15. ZoomDoggy

    Fly Baby Dodge

    Beautiful sweet boy. I'm so sorry his road had to be filled with so many trials. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  16. Beautiful girlie. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. I thought I saw a vendor at Sandy Paws who sold them, but can't for the life of me recall who it was. Kicking myself that I didn't buy some for naughty mama Alimony, who has never had an "accident," but will purposefully mark in new-to-her places like hotels.
  18. AWESOME news! I don't know how I missed this before now. What a day-brightener!
  19. If you are concerned, see a veterinary ophthalmologist. These specialists often find things that regular vets (even very experienced ones) can miss. Oh, and welcome to Greytalk.
  20. My understanding of bloat is the same as Chad's.
  21. VERY happy to hear she's home safe with you. Please give that beautiful girlie a gentle smooch for me.
  22. ZoomDoggy

    Keena Macbride

    Feels like a punch in the gut... I am so very very sorry for your shocking loss.
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