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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. Poor baby. I hope she recovers quickly.
  2. Poor sweetheart. for a quick and painless recovery.
  3. I am so sorry. You have had a rough go of it.
  4. Mama Alimony is going to wonder why I've suddenly gone all gropey on her.
  5. What an amazing story. I hope it's not too good to be true. Rocket is a ridiculously cute pup. Can't wait to see pics of him running and playing as he should be.
  6. Awww, he's gorgeous! Welcome home, Sid!
  7. What a horrible shock. I am so sorry for your loss.
  8. Such a sweet face. I have always loved his name too. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  9. I'm sorry Echo is not feeling up to snuff. I will put in another good word for acupuncture. It helped my Chancy for her LS when six months of chiro failed to produce any noticeable results. Also, joint support supplements are never a bad idea. First and foremost though, I would do xrays and bloodwork to check her out thoroughly, if it hasn't been done recently. Smooches for Echo. I adore her from afar.
  10. Are there any universities with vet schools near you? I would think they would have a veterinary oncologist on staff...? I would be extremely leery of my pet undergoing treatment from a vet who freely admits never having done it before and also seems to be having trouble acquiring the proper protocols. He may be a wonderful vet otherwise, but... I hope you can get it resolved quickly. Nothing more frustrating when helping your ailing pet than to be forced to deal with these kinds of details.
  11. Poor teensy little baby.
  12. ZoomDoggy

    Rip Ears

    Poor sweet little baby...
  13. I agree... unbelievable. SO unfair! But you will do the best you can, we all know that. Sweet Elsie couldn't ask for a more doting mama.
  14. What you're imagining is exactly what they're talking about. They'll cut the nails back, intentionally cutting back the quick, and maybe cauterize it so it doesn't bleed too much. The feet will be sore for a few days, but will be worth it in the long run if the nails had become terribly FAR overgrown. The only other way to shorten the quick is with frequent gradual nail trimming or filing. This takes a LOT of time, and again, if the nails have been neglected for far too long, it might be better to just have them quicked.
  15. Does he have a hoarse-sounding bark, or very little voice at all? Does he sound wheezy during normal panting? Does he pant FAR more often than you would normally expect, or get unduly winded after even very light exercise?
  16. Karen will be thrilled too. She's had a mad crush on that boy for a good while now.
  17. Outstanding! I hope Jenn sees this so maybe she'll share some of the cheesy-grinning Steak photos she has taken in the past. He's such a sweet goofball. for an easy "tutoring" today.
  18. I respectfully disagree. But OP, of course confirm any treatment plan with your vet before starting.
  19. Your vet should give you guidance, but yes, I would fast her 24 hours. But allow as much water as she wants. So skip tonight's meal, and go ahead and start the Flagyl/Metronidazole tonight. Rice/chix breakfast tomorrow, and stay on that for a couple of days. Then SLOWLY ease back into the kibble diet, gradually replacing just a few tbsps of rice/chix with kibble per meal over the course of a week, until you're back to all-kibble. This is all assuming her fecal tests were negative, of course.
  20. Probably Flagyl, aka Metronidazole. Hope it helps. Don't be afraid to fast her for 24 hours, give her poor gut a rest before starting the rice diet. And make sure she has plenty of water.
  21. Been through it. Going through it again. Will keep on going through it as long as I have this weakness for seniors... I understand completely.
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