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Everything posted by ZoomDoggy

  1. I am very very sorry for your loss of your sweet girlie.
  2. I am so very sorry for your loss of such a wonderful boy.
  3. Just seeing this now. Oh my gosh how scary. I hope she pulls through okay. BTW, thank you so much for being so detailed about her symptoms. It really helps the rest of us to know what kinds of things to be aware of.
  4. I understand completely. I should also add that if it doesn't show signs of dissipating in a day or two, take him in. Th upshot: if anything other than it simply going away happens, take him in.
  5. Is there any discoloration to the skin? Does it feel especially warm to the touch? Possibly just a nasty hematoma... As long as it's movable (not attached to ribs) I'd say just keep an eye on it for a couple days. If it changes or he acts bothered (lethargic or restless), take him in. Also check his temperature. If he gets feverish at all, take him in, that means a likely infection.
  6. How large an area is affected? Dime-sized? Palm-sized? Is the swelling confined to the skin? Meaning, can you sort of move it around over his ribs? Or does it seem to be attached to the ribs and the skin moves over it? If the latter, I'd go get xrays.
  7. It could have been an LP crisis by your description. My Chancy had LP. During my self-imposed crash course on the topic, I learned that it is not uncommon for LS dogs to also develop LP (Chancy also had LS). If your Jack has had recent flare-ups of wobbliness caused by LS, it seems easily possible that he is now having LP crises. Especially if he was already a "raspy" breather as you described. For Chancy, keeping her cool and calm was key for a good long time. Thankfully, she never had a major breathing crisis episode, just gradually got harder for her to breathe. When she got to the point where her breathing was just too difficult, she had unilateral laryngeal tieback surgery. In her case, my only regret was not having done that sooner.
  8. Too bad about the NeoPolyDex. I have heard that some dogs can react poorly to it. This may or may not be the case for you, but for Tipper, we started off with a much more frequent dosage, and as the intruding tissue receded over time, we were able to wean back to the current "maintenance dose" that he'll likely have for life.
  9. That could have been my post. NeoPolyDex has been the treatment of choice for Tipper's pannus for almost five years now. Works perfectly for him, and costs about $9 per tube. The only difference is you spelled Pannus correctly and I didn't. Also you are using an ointment, I guess, and we are using drops. Hey, I typo right along with the best of 'em. Yes, I use the ointment. Tip gets one little squeeze in each eye twice a week. So one little tube of ointment lasts a good while-- maybe two months?
  10. That could have been my post. NeoPolyDex has been the treatment of choice for Tipper's pannus for almost five years now. Works perfectly for him, and costs about $9 per tube.
  11. Beautiful shiny girlie! Congrats! I know Riley will love having a housemate.
  12. She is gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS! Congratulations!
  13. Glad he's looking better. Seems he's thoroughly unfazed by the E-collar, eh?
  14. Janet, is your vet also a veterinary ophthalmologist? If not, I would definitely suggest seeing one, in addition to your regular vet. I hope your sweet boy feels better fast.
  15. Ouchie, poor guy. Hope he heals fast and well. My Dazzle is rather accident-prone too, through no fault of her own, so I understand.
  16. Awww, welcome home, most hampsome of beautiful boys. What a lovely chapter to this formerly sad story.
  17. Beautiful boy! I'm very sorry for your loss.
  18. Yikes! What a relief! When Alimony had a swollen wrist (I also panicked and had xrays done which ultimately found nothing, so I completely understand), I had to restrict her exercise to leash-only for a few weeks. She is my rrrrrrestless busy-girlie, so it was a bit of a challenge. I found that lots of interactive play sessions indoors with toys helped burn off some energy and tire her out a little anyway. Of course she wasn't a 10 month old puppy... Good luck!
  19. I am so very very sorry for your loss. ETA: I can't watch the vid right now, my connection is crapping out on me. But I will. I promise.
  20. Syringe feeding is not as horrible as you might fear. Please consider it. I posted this for someone a while ago. Maybe it can help you.
  21. I agree on the gentle massage. Cricket is such a beautiful girl. I'm sorry you're going through this.
  22. I'm sorry just never seems to cover it. Thinking of you Tami...
  23. Oh sweet sweet Festus, such a lovey boy. I'm so sorry to hear the time has come.
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