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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Unlike humans, they do not have digestive enzymes in their mouth. There is no need to chew kibble
  2. I am p.m.ing you my phone number. Wish I'd of known. Also have good vet and reasonable specialty vet and alternative vets
  3. A tick panel at Protatek for greys costs around $65. I'd spend the money there first. The test would cover all the TBDs
  4. Thank goodness he found you! I know it's hard, but he needed you -- he needed his forever home.
  5. Your description sounds very similar to my dobe girl Chrissy's sudden death -- it was a heart attack. Like many have said, it's not common but it happens. I can't remember who, but someone on this board was just taking their normal walk and the same thing happened. It's hard to lose them under any circumstances and especially when they are so young, and it's so sudden. At least you were with him and he died happy -- something many greys don't get.
  6. This company compounds in oil so the dog licks it up: http://www.lynnslavegapharmacy.com/compounding-services/veterinary.php You can also check Canada -- not cheap but much less expensive
  7. Did he swab anything he could do a sensitivity test with? Perhaps not the right antibiotic.
  8. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy
  9. If he was fine before you added the rimadyl, stop the rimadyl. Also, if you start pred make sure the washout period has been long enough. Why a problem with pred if it helps and he tolerates it?
  10. Just feed him canned for a week. Canines coming out are horrific Especially two at once. It is going to take a long time to heal.
  11. Make sure your vet is familar with kidney values in greyhounds. It is common to have a slighter higher BUN and creatine and be normal. What numbers made your vet diagnose kidney disease?
  12. I've done cold turkey changes with food and if it's right, they may go a shade soft but straightens up in a day or two. If the food is right, their poop should be fine. Stop the liver treats and go easy on the milk bones If you are seeing worms, they are tape or round and panacur will not take care of tape. If you are unsure of what you are seeing, take another sample to the vet with the white things in it! Try boiled meat/chicken & potatoes for a day or so and see if he straightens up.
  13. Burpdog


    I wish I could say something profound. All I can say is that I send my sympathy.
  14. Donna's (bowwow bonnets) Snoopy is having his tumor(s) removed yet again today. I hope they can get them all, and be able to somehow close the incision. Snoopy acts like there is nothing wrong, so Donna wanted to give him a chance.
  15. Sometimes it just happens. I wonder, though, how many of the dogs that arrested had a NSAID shot. Would be an interesting study. Sending hugs to all who have lost -- I don't care what their age (4 or 14) I am a nut case when they go under.
  16. Sending many prayers. If you must walk her PLEASE take something with you like a stun baton. My Dobe Chrissy had cardio and she lasted longer than 6 months. Take one day at a time....
  17. Sent you an email -- and off to send another because I forgot something.
  18. Give her 20mg of pepcid and see if it helps. Can you call your vet and get a prescription for carafate? How was her blood work? BUN & creatine?
  19. My sympathy to all who love her
  20. Sending my sympathy What a beautiful angel. I love that picture of her with 4 off the ground!
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