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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burpdog

    Unka Lee

    Sending my sympathy It's so hard to lose a friend
  2. The best made vitamin/mineral supplement made imo is Dog Bloom. I've used the DOG BLOOM VM 250 I want to send some to Charlotte and Tina in Spain http://dogbloom.com/canine/products.html
  3. I've had one experience and know of someone who had an experience. Mine: vet removed it and since I was not going to do chemo, etc. I forgot about it (literally). That was not what finally took him in the end and he was two years past the removal. The other person had it removed, it came back and it was removed and cleaned up with laser. Lasted gone much longer, but it did come back eventually.
  4. At 13 I'd feed him what he wants. K/D is not a good food (smells like bunny farts) If you have to change his diet, go with a good senior food.
  5. I can't fathom giving 6 months of poison by injection. Once you give it, you cannot take it back.
  6. It was pulled from the market for several years because of adverse (death) reactions. Several greyhounds died as a result of this injection. I would not use it, ever. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/AdvisoryCommittees/CommitteesMeetingMaterials/VeterinaryMedicineAdvisoryCommittee/UCM205054.pdf
  7. Isaac had 3 of them. I think the vets, once they read where the shot is administered, understand a bit more about it. I think some of them think it goes in the spine, which it does not. The first one brought him lots of relief for a few months. The second one for a few weeks and the third one, not much at all.
  8. Sounds like he is hurting. Try soaking the kibble to mush status. He needs to see the vet again.
  9. Did they test it once or twice? Did they do a PLI test? Sending prayers!
  10. If he has an absorbtion problem, why not put him on enzymes? I don't understand.
  11. Would you eat something you don't like? Find something he likes and does well on. Where do you live?
  12. Sending my sympathy She sounds like the best doggy! Probably stirring up the Bridge
  13. Most of these people don't believe.....I have stories I could tell!
  14. Chiro Vet visit won't hurt. I bet he is barking on his bed because someone is laying on it Tell Plummer to move, it's Lou's bed!
  15. They can lose weight from a low thyroid. Make sure you do a full panel, preferably at Michigan State. Has she had a tick panel done?
  16. Scout sounds like a very special guy Sending my sympathy
  17. Acupuncture & chiropractic. You are already seeing results. The only thing western meds do is treat symptoms. Doesn't fix the problem.
  18. Unless the owners push it, it will be swept under the rug
  19. Burpdog


    Can you believe, another year gone by! Please remember to read the insert. Remember to remind your vet if you do not want NSAIDs used on your dogs, every time you go in. Thinking of you Eliza Jane
  20. Online is fine and there are several sites that have good prices and on occasion free shipping. If you happen to buy IAMS, WalMart has it delivered free if you buy over $50
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