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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Miami hid them somewhere to drive you nuts
  2. Whew! By any chance did you put them back into your suitcase?
  3. I hope you read the side effects of rimadyl so you know what to look for since the majority of side effect occur in seniors. I would go with the pads. I would never diaper a dog.
  4. Have you used it? I know several people on it and it has allowed them to function. It also works for animals. Per my vet I use it when needed for pain and several days before and after vaccinations
  5. I get mine from my alternative vets. I'll look at the ingredients when I go home.
  6. I've been using them since 1993 or 1994 and they do make a difference -- a big difference. I have recommended them to many different people with different breeds and they always worked.
  7. Do a urine culture if nothing shows up in the regular test at the vets before you do anything else!
  8. I have not read all the replies. Who goes first depends on who I want to go first (if I even care)
  9. i guess I shouldn't post pics of Fat Boy & Miss Fluffy.....
  10. From what I've read, Vibrantel doesn't get whip. If you can get a prescription, Allivet cost is $17.99 for 136mg pill which is a bit lower than the $60+ I paid at the vet's last month for 1 pill
  11. Sorry to hear the news Dr. Couto is doing consults with vets for a fee of $120. I think it's worth the money to make sure which way to go. http://coutovetconsultants@gmail.com
  12. Do a urine culture not just a test in the vet's office.
  13. Don't skimp on the meds. You want to be ahead of the pain, not behind it Sending prayers
  14. Eat lots of ice cream with him today. He's fought hard and so have you.
  15. I so know how much it hurts I've said it many times: they don't stay as long as we want them to, they stay as long as they need to. He got his forever family Sending my sympathy
  16. I would make sure the vet knows this was a life and death situation and that your dog could have easily died. This is not a screw up to be taken lightly.
  17. Huston is not perfect anymore I am mad at him: could not get his mouth open to shove down pills. I was using not so nice language He is mad at me: how dare I try & open his mouth and he screamed in protest I guess I'm not perfect to him anymore
  18. 20mg per day for a neck problem for a month is huge. I hope you go to the acupuncture vet
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